Serious Alt-Right psyops discussion

1488er here, and I think it's time to ask the alt-right losers around here some probing questions. Maybe make you retards look in the mirror for once, and think critically.
>To begin:
How did the alt-right convince a bunch of gullible young goyim to be 1488, then convince them that the secret to "winning" as 1488 was to be anti-fascist (ie, to "lose the 88")? What exactly is this crypto-1488 endgame supposed to look like? You've seen Brexit and most of Trump's policy be fucked with or overturned. What makes you think you'll get "secret Nazi" candidates into office, who will make permanent pro-white laws without making the culture pro-white first? What if you're the victim of a de-radicalization psyop to make you antifascist; how would you know the difference?
>Bonus question:
What makes you think you can change social norms without confronting normies, marching, getting arrested, fighting with antifa, etc -- isn't that how our enemies took over the culture this last 70 years (cultural marxism)?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hail victory!

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Bumping to see if Jow Forums is capable of having this discussion, but also because I am Natsoc and support Natsoc 1488 for whole world.

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Stop noticing things.

Hail victory!
Go out and preach brother. We need good men so find them.

If you haven't read Mein Kampf. Stalag or Ford translations are the only legit unkiked.
You're welcome

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1488 will never acomplish anything

Hitler killed himself

Have a nice day xoxo

>1488 will never acomplish anything
>Hitler killed himself
So what?

Because neonazi white trash goons look like shit xoxo

>Because neonazi white trash goons look like shit
No they don't.


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Nothing connecting them to 1488ers. While TWP and NSM goons sporting swastikas look you know how

Some altright organizations have good aesthetics, however their optics are always ruined as a gathering of such individuals always includes fat boomers waving swastikas and chanting "white pride".

>Nothing connecting them to 1488ers
R.A.M. is 1488ers.

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also show you flag pls

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Grasping at straws very hard mate. One tatoo doesnt mean shit. Very desperate to ditch the black goon march and coopt guys that never talk neonazi shit? Weak ;)

same koreabro

Then stop using a proxy

US marshall here. Warrants Div.

Bumping dont let this thread die ;)


>lose the 88
I don't believe this at all. In fact, to have a winning political candidate in the future, they have to be against the Jews, but no one else. Like Hitler, an American vying for high office must be willing to stick his neck out there to go against the most powerful force in this material world. Unlike Germany, we don't live in a mostly homogenous society. Hitler said in Mein Kampf that a great blunder of a propagandist would be to make a people see multiple enemies. Minorities in this country may be our "enemies" now, but they can only be so much as they are mobilized by the Jew. A winning strategy for a "Nationalist" candidate would be to attack the Jew with the Truth that he can not handle, expose this Truth to his countrymen (both white and not), and be able to discourage the minority vote (as opposed to the cuckservative "DR3"). Trump has done a good job of doing all three without explicitly naming the Jew. Now that the Overton Window has shifted, it should be possible to elect a person who is explicitly questioning the Jew's position of power. Such a person would have to be shrewd in his language, however. If such a candidate were to lose, he would still have shifted Jewish power further into the mainstream discussion, thereby opening up a future candidate to secure his place.

All this being said, the idea that I've seen TRS put out there that we should have "explicit White Nationalist candidates" will not work. It's not that we are afraid of losing the minority vote, but the White vote! "White Nationalism" turns off the normiecon and will completely shift the normie independent to the left. This would crush chances of winning a political victory, even for those who do not push explicit White Nationalism but name the Jew because the explicit WN will be inexplicably tied to anti-semitism by the media, setting the "movement" back 5 years or more politically.

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>Grasping at straws very hard
All of RAM have swastika and 1488 racial tatto. You are lying strongly.

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Show flag.

>everything outside mommy's basement is a honeypot

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JIDF Get the fuck out.

The same guy, different shot lol. Also the guy in the middle has the polish eagle. I doubt hes a neonazi goon.

Also an embodiment of 1488 IRL. Straight out of the untermensch poster xD

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No ;P

no you're right user. Why don't you post some sick social media pages for groups everyone should join!


That is what we need for a Natsoc revolution.

>How did the alt-right convince a bunch of gullible young goyim to be 1488, then convince them that the secret to "winning" as 1488 was to be anti-fascist (ie, to "lose the 88")?

Because I like winning. What have you accomplished?

what are you talking about? This is all about bringing truth to light, that's all humanity needs to get liberation, that's all white race need to regain it's heritage.

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>All this being said, the idea that I've seen TRS put out there that we should have "explicit White Nationalist candidates" will not work.
I think the biggest mistake the alt-right makes (this is probably why 1488ers and alt-right diverge, fundamentally) is that 1488ers rarely see "electing the right candidate" as a solution. We see the problem as one of culture war, and that the alt-right coopts this meme but then makes it all about elections instead. They don't want anyone out in meatspace, fighting in any way shape or form. Unless the optics are perfect every time (they never are by alt-right standards), then you're only doing damage by attenting rallies, or doing anything controversial and provicative. Alt-right forums like TRS are now taking more and more of an explicitly "online only" approach, which means that Unite the Right -- whether they meant this before hand or not -- really was a controlled op action to end the pro-white movement. If Pro-whites exists "online only" because their leaders fear lawsuits or a disruptions of their online businesses, then they're not part of the pro-white movement anymore.

>Hurr durr controlled op
Funny how goons from 8gag keep screeching about trs/ar being shit but have no alternative than the gay hiking club called "atomwaffles"

>I doubt hes a neonazi goon.
Watch video then stop lying: 1:25 time

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>goons from 8gag
So your strategy is to see if you call me "goons from 8gag" maybe people will attack me instead of have a discussion?

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Not being a Nazi larper does not make me anti-fascist. Picture a right wing party in Germany dressing up like Confederate soldiers and flying the stars and bars. This is how ridiculous brown shirts brandishing the swastika look in the US. I am not saying that there aren't many parts of the national socialist platform that are solid and applicable to the US, I am saying that the dress up and make believe Wehrmacht cosplay has to end. You can also respect Hitler without building shrines to him like you are in a cult.

If you want success in the US stop trying to graft a foreign ideology using symbols that are not organic to the US. We have plenty to work with in our own history to develop a movement that accomplishes similar goals while also rooted in our own unique past.

Still the same one, cherrypicked guy. Yawn.

Im not "Alt goy" nor nazi, but im going to respond cos im bored as fuck.

to respond on the first thing:
You had enough people (critical mass) sick of the left propaganda and bullshit. Most of them are not red wing at all, just people on the center disgusted by the left. That group of people is easy to lead at least for a moment to the opposite of what they dont like.
After you reach that critical mass, you need to shift angle. They started to "turn down the volume" on the nazi stuff to make all those centrist (mayority of the alt goy) to keep them in the movement. One thing is larp a few days as a nazi and another thing is to commit with that shit.

When the center people got chill thats when they start to lead them to the "neocon" reality. Some of them didint gave a fuck about helping israel cos other aspects of the neocon stuff where pleasing to them and still they got the liberal tears.

Bonus cuestion:

Openly confronting is no longer working. In this era subverting is more effective. Slowly poisoning the well. At least that is how the true changes are going on now. In my opinion in the last year they speeded up the process a lot (may be they where running out of time) so now is really easy to spot that kind of shit.

I hope my answers helped you on your data mining my dear user. Anything else you need, you know where to find me.

Whatever dude. Those gayass damage control infopics doesnt chane the fact that 8gag and 1488ers are an utter failure.

The current "alt-right" (TRS, TWP, DS to a degree) has it backwards. There needs to be less discussion of race and more discussion of the Jew. A people needs a common enemy. While we are not one people in the racial sense in America, we are one people in the sense that we abide under the same political system. Therefore, we have to deal with the current racial situation, like it or not, and we won't be able to do that by RAHOWA (sadly). Hitler said that one of the main causes of the defeat in WW1 was that Bolshevik propaganda made the soldiers focus on different enemies (such as the Bavarian regiments within the German Imperial Forces). If they had been all focused on the same enemy, like the Brits and Americans were, they would have been a more effective fighting force. It is no different in the political realm. The Democrats' only rallying cry is "Stop Trump" yet it is still effective, and they have won a Senate seat that they shouldn't have, and a District seat that was a toss up. They have no agenda, yet they are still an effective political force. Through their complete control of the media, they are able to totally focus the collective left's mind onto Trump, much like they did Bush. Meanwhile the Republicans, though they have a clear agenda, do not manage to create an effective political force. Why? Because some people are focused on internal Party issues, some are focused on beating the Dems (this branches into different things like getting the minority vote and cucking on degeneracy), some are in open mutiny against Trump, etc. My point in saying all this is that a candidate should not antagonize anyone (even the Jew, it should only be asked "why do Jews have so much power"), and the goal should be essentially MAGA. "But MAGA is cucking tho!" No it's not, it's a proven agenda that works. It worked against the entire media machine, it can work in congressional and local elections. Most importantly, it's good for WHITES.

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today i was pumping gas and got up to a perfect 14.88 and was so giddy i pumped it again and ruined it...

The left took over due to subversion.

so far i showed you three guys from RAM with "nazi tatto". Your excuse "is cherry picked" but it makes no sense. If the RAM is anti-natsocs why they let in natsocs and natsoc tatto to be leader? They shows these men in the video for their whole reputation. You're crazy if you think this is mistaken or in accident. These natsocs are their leader.

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Unironically READ SIEGE

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Coward. ;)

>Three guys
You mean one guy from three different shots. Epic. I thiught you zipperheads were supposed to be clever.

>Good for whites
How? Aside from tax cuts Trump hasn't done anything

Hitler was a complete idiot who ruined his own country and people

>MAGA just works guys
Sure, schmuley

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Political power has to be gained in some way. It won't happen through civil war, because not enough of the population sees that as even possible (though it is). The only way currently, then, is electorally. I don't see that as the end-all-be-all. There may be a time in the future where civil war is possible and we slaughter our enemies in a glorious rain of steel and fire, but we can't just act on "what may be", we have to act based on the Present. I mostly agree on your point about TRS. They are still "pro white" in a sense, but they aren't as pro-white as someone sticking their neck out in the political realm running for office on pro-white things (without being explicitly pro-white, mind you). On optics, perfection is not necessary, but a positive outcome is. You don't see that with these TWP/NSM style rallies. Those are just seen as an oddity of the country, not as an effective political movement, mainly because of the people in these organizations and the organizations themselves. Good optics would be like what DS is putting together right now. It's still quite lacking, but it is in it's infancy.

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I meant the agenda of MAGA, not Trump himself.

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>Not being a Nazi larper does not make me anti-fascist.
You're anti-fascist, since you call every Natsoc a "larper". You hate 1488ers and spend your energy attacking them. This is what the alt-right trained you to do. At least antifa believes they fight for the opposite of fascist ideology; you think you fight for NS/fascism by attacking anyone who is VISIBLY ns/fascist. You're what Lenin called a "useful idiot", you aren't going to get the reward you were promised by your masters. But why haven't you ever questioned either elections, or crypto-fascism as legitimate approaches? Because the alt-right told you "there is no alternative, WN 1.0 tried it and failed, we're the only alternative" -- but what if the opposite was true? What if the original WN 1.0 was a reaction to the original "alt-right" (Rockwell's "syrup conservatives") after WW2?

How come the alt-right never talks about WHY the first WNs emerged...?

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But Trump won on it. Against all odds. Are we in the same timeline?

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>Serious Alt-Right

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Did you even read past the first sentence in my post?

>thinks these are all one guy, who splits into phantoms and trains with himself in video
Lurker can see you try to lie and fail shill

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Trump is a Chabad Lubavitcher (just like Putin) whose daughter converted to Judaism.

yeah, he did. If its trump dickriding your interested in, be my guest. I thought you guys wanted your 1488! lol

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It's just civic nationalism though. Even if Trump held up all his promises and built a 200 foot wall on the border, it would not be enough to stop demographic decline.

Did you read past my quote of your first blatant self-contradiction from that post?

theres only one guy with the skull tatoo. The rest of them don't have any nazi symbols. fuck, you neonazis are retarded, lel. Also these guys hang out with TRS affiliated groups

shut up goyim and read his zany tweets, don't worry about results or youra shill ;/!

>One guy with skulls tattoo.
>Guy next to him have red swastikas, kolvorat, celtic cross all over his body.
>Guy next to him have thors hammer and viking symbol tatt.
Lurkers sees you lying fail shill ;^)

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Did you read what I said? MAGA is the agenda. It can mean what you want it to mean. It could mean sending niggers to the moon if that's what the People wanted. MAGA could also mean deporting Jews. It could also mean putting journalists in FEMA camps. It depends on what can win and what the People want. As long as the Overton Window shifts right, you can make MAGA mean anything.

circle those symbols so we can all see ;) also thorrs hammer isnt a nazi symbol, lel, try harded

The problem is that 99% of NatSocs in my experience are absolute degenerates. The finest test of character is to look at a man and as yourself, "Would I want this man as my neighbor? Would I feel good raising a family living near this man?" The majority of NatSocs on Jow Forums don't fit that qualification. They're angry, anti-social children who just hate everything and use NatSoc as an excuse to justify their antisocial desires. I don't care if he believes what I believe, I'm not raising a family around a violent retard. I want my children growing up around productive, pleasant, emotionally well-rounded people. The vast majority of NatSocs do not fit any of those qualities and instead just ramble on and on about their fantasies of mass murder. The only reason I humor or tolerate them at all is because I'm somewhat sympathetic to NatSoc as an ideology: imagine how normies react to that sort of violent psychosis!

>MAGA could also mean deporting Jews

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>Also these guys hang out with TRS affiliated groups
That is interesting isn't it, that TRS is fine being seen with "stormfags" as long as it makes them look less fat and alcoholic. Then they turn around and go back to shitting on "muh stormfags". Really makes me think.

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I don't get people who worry about the alt-right label so much. It is just a synonym for white nationalist at this point. The way I see it, our battle is too great at this time to push the 88 in addition to all our other challenges. Right now is the time for the 14, we need to get our borders and birth rate handled. Start families. Sew the seeds in the CULTURE, because that is where we will win. Democracy is over they already outnumber us. We must win through culture first.

1. Hitler is so demonized in society association with him makes it more difficult for people to consider what we say seriously

2. I believe that the absolution of Hitler is an event that must and will take place in order to cleanse the collective guilt of the white race.

3.That time is not now

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Yeah, I'm not going dress in vintage German WWII military uniforms or fly the Hakenkreuz while trying to convince Americans to adopt a political ideology. Crazy.

You're kind of missing the boat, TRS cut all ties with most of these groups leading up to and in the wake of TWP's implosion.


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maybe they stopped associating with them since stormfag proved to be useless weight? TRS purged TWP cucks 2 days before the box broke and neonazi goons disbanded in total humiliation. the "optic cucks" were right, the 1488 crowd is a bunch of loser degenerates LOL

10/10 post

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>Yeah, I'm not going dress in vintage German WWII military uniforms
No one else is, but here you are in every thread, ready to make sure that misininformation is the only impression anyone has of 1488ers. You're controlled op, plain and simple. It's funny that you faggots worship NRM, but don't seem to realize that they're Natsoc. Since you do more than JIDF to make sure only the worst image of 1488ers is the one everyone thinks is representative, why should anyone consider you pro-white? You work harder than JIDF to do the same work, whose ally are you in the end?

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The 14 is and has always been more important to me than the 88, change my mind. I have never been completely attached to any tactic or governmental stripe considering you have to be goal-focused instead of ideologically-driven. Why am I wrong?

Hitler was a pragmatist and a opportunist. The modern 1488 crowd is the cream of the trailer park. Fat ugly uneducated people waving a symbol of losers - the antithesis of hitlers approach.

Also GLR was the worst kind of clown, he went against hitlers pragmatism and made a virtue of it. NeoNazis are the real Clown world.

>The 14 is and has always been more important to me than the 8
They're the same thing: you can't ever disavow pro-whites that came before you, because they have the same beliefs as you, and they fight for the same goal. How does it ever make sense to adopt such double think as "14 but not 88"?

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>marching, getting arrested, fighting with antifa, etc -- isn't that how our enemies took over the culture this last 70 years (cultural marxism)?
No, you are a fucking moron if you think that is how they got power.

>I want my children growing up around productive, pleasant, emotionally well-rounded people.
Good luck with that... gonna be a rough ride for you white kids in sub 56% land

funny, while you guys jerk off to NRM you look like this. Dont you get slightly uncomfortable comparing these two images? hahahahahaha

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>Hitler was a pragmatist and a opportunist
You forgot to finish that shill line in it's complete form:
>"Hitler said once a movement fails, you have to invent something completely NEW goy!"
Anglin would be disappoint in you.

We both agree that's a bad look, but your mission is to make sure it's the only one anyone sees. Why is that?

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why do you guys insist on worshipping a guy who killed himself?

>why do you guys insist on worshipping a guy who killed himself?
Why do you hate Hitler but then quote him as "a pragmatist" -- sounds like youre just manipulating the goyim.

I'm not disavowing, I'm just saying that fascism is a means to an end. Almost any system of government employed by whites can and has worked in the past. You're the one disavowing whites under ither government. Just because i think Hitler did nothing wrong doesn't mean his methodology is the only correct route to our ends. Why is that impossible?


>if something fails, try it again and again, blame it on the moderates, then choke out your father in law

>why is that?
because you need to be punished for your inability to change, you people need to look presentable, everytime someone criticises your fat guts you throw hissy fits, stay mad, bitch boy

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Fascism is necessary to prevent a pro-white society from sliding back into liberalism. A democracy will just end up being subverted all over again.

Yeah, except national socialists never look like that in the US. Notice the clear lack of red and black, swastikas, and double sig tunes. They are dressed appropriately for their time and place, not trying to recapture the Hugo Boss 1939 collection or whatever ridiculous shit they are trying to accomplish in pic related.

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>Why do you hate Hitler
citation needed

But it didn't even work for Hitler. Look at Germany now. Like, am I insane? He failed to succeed at what you're claiming it prevents

>sig tunes.
*sig runes

>You're the one disavowing whites under ither government.
>Just because i think Hitler did nothing wrong doesn't mean his methodology is the only correct route to our ends. Why is that impossible?
I'm just not hearing rational reasons to completely throw away the lessons of Hilter's struggle, except that "normies get scared of Hitler, don't say his name". Normies are scared of everything to the right of Rachel Maddow, why should I be concerned with that?

What Ive seen the alt-right do is rubbish Hitler and his wisdom, then rubbish Rockwell, and Yockey, and everyone else who was EXPLICITLY for anything to do with their race. Now we're supposed to be implicit and crypto in everything, but it makes no sense how that shifts or changes anything. How can you pass laws without support in place? How can you hide being far-right, then "come out of the closet" and not expect to get shot or impeached? You can't rip off nomire voters and expect nothing to happen, and them to just cave to whatever you do? Is that really the alt-right endgame -- how is that not the bigger Larp?

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That's because the US currently doesn't have a good NatSoc group
>haha, these people look weird, guess your ideology is false then

>Yeah, except national socialists never look like that in the US.
Thread is full of examples, maybe you've just been a victim of a psyop.

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Hitler was a pragmatist, he coopted language (the word "socialism") and symbolism (red colour on the flag) to steal the popularity of commies. What do modern 1488ers do? they waste their time waving around hated foreign symbols, dressed like shit, looking unlikable. They are like the polar opposite of hitler.

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Honestly I understand why 1488 people are blackpilled about elections as I doubt things can be peacefully reverted but what about local ones?
People tend to ignore those and it never hurts to build up infrastructure on that level.

It did work though, he just lost a war because the entire world was against him

RAM arent natsoc, stop LARPing, they hang out with TRS guys LOL. They have no nazi goonery, no seigheiling, no swastikas, also american flags. The skull masks need to go, but thats a good start.

when you're so far up your ass you can't into memes

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>he just lost a war because the entire world was against him