Attached: IMG_20180422_140217.jpg (4608x3456, 3.4M)
Alright, which one of you did this?
Thomas Bailey
Kayden Mitchell
are you dumb? his name is NiggerHitler it says it right there...
Lucas Garcia
or this?
Luke Bennett
The Jainist niggers
Josiah Parker
i kekd
Nathaniel Thompson
>Nigger Hitler...
Henry Perez
it says hitler youth, faggot
Benjamin Howard
>which one of you did this?
Brandon Peterson
obviously you did it, paint still looks wet
Jaxon Kelly
no its been under the bridge downtown for about a year
David Fisher
Probably an edgey 16 year old. One that knew a faggot like you would get butthurt and post about it trying to find the person who did it, on an anonymous message board, on the internet. Good plan there, now go drink your onions you fucking retard.
Logan Watson
I've done my share of artwork
Asher Lee
>Hey Rabbi!
>Whatcha doin?
Matthew Green
Alexander Murphy
Leftists smearing cities again
Nicholas Fisher
Parker Mitchell
>go drink your onions
Nolan Collins
The Nazi symbol is the wrong way so I'm guessing it was Rabbi Shekelstein.
Isaiah Parker
who is nigger hitler?
Ryan Powell
Dumb nigger-hitler-youth did the swastika backwards
Cameron Nguyen
>person who would spout "nigger" in public
>person who knows how to write in ghetto-font with spray paint
pick one
also this
Ayden Phillips
Ayden Sanders
Robert Rogers
Shlomo Sheckelstein
Oliver Morales
new jersey?
Wyatt Gonzalez
Luke Taylor
You caught me, you caught the tator.
Nolan Scott
oswego, illinois
Christopher Butler
why is xir head shaped like that?
Kevin Kelly
Carson Cook
>Hitler Yoof
Justin White
So is this like, Nitler? Higger? Blitler? Will he steal all the Jew's bicycles?
Wyatt Ramirez
u an uglyass nigga
Kevin Reyes
This. And when they get caught, the (((MSM))) never reports it. Makes my blood boil.
Anthony Thomas
digits confirm
Aiden Rodriguez
Logan Long
I have to namefag for this one thread. I couldn’t resist.
Sebastian Peterson
tay is our real queen
Connor Robinson
Josiah Torres
Jace Powell
>Heil yo bitch
>Builds kz
>Gets jailed
Cooper Anderson
I have a parade of anarchists who try to dox me to the cops
Ironically this is the least of my rapsheet.
Mostly because I know who their local leaders are
Tyler Turner
You really should tell me who that is. I won’t tell anyone else. Promise
Landon Howard
I have a release plan in place don't worry.
I'll say this - I also have photos of Antifa leadership with seiu leadership
Elijah Jones
I did.
Levi Cox
I think that was niggerhitler user, it says it right there
Henry Morris
Why are people seemingly incapable of drawing the swastika correctly?
Jonathan Cooper
>swazi going the wrong way
>swazi not on 45 degree angle
Absolutely disgusting. But still better than a Jew false flag.
Lucas Lopez
OP's picture is literally a jewish false flag though.