California school district says parents can’t pull kids from new LGBT sex ed

California school district says parents can’t pull kids from new LGBT sex ed

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Perversion is a plague.

>take kids out anyway
>school district does nothing

private school/home school it is

2070 - state mandated homosexuality.

Hope all the whites who have any sense leave California.

The sooner it collapses the sooner Democrats will lose control of it.

Just told my GF this as I was reading about it. We both agree, private school it is. Even if I have to work a second job to pay for it, I won't put my fucking daughter into state sponsored liberal brainwashing about how she should question her biological identity.

>allow sodomites and pedophiles to run public schools
>send your children to public school
>so weak your only counter-measure is to pull kids out of that specific class
>pretending like they won't be sitting in the class with the same sodomite and pedophile teachers the other 180+ days of the year
honestly, at this point, we deserve whatever we get. normally I like Lifesite but they need to get their heads out of their asses.

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I'm waiting for day of the rope. Wolverines!!

Natural selection.
Shitlib parents who let kids get brainwashed by this don't have grandkids.
Cucked conservatives who would rather "keep up with the Joneses" or perhaps staying home with the kids is too domesticated for wifey and therefore they both work will also not have grandkids.
Only people who actually have the balls to pull their kids from the schools and deal with the financial cutback of having one income earner (but the city is sooooo expensive!! THEN MOVE OUT OF THE FUCKING CITY YOU FUCKING RETARD!) will be the ones whose genes carry on.
Win win. Let all the kids of cucks and shitlibs go full trans and commit reproductive suicide.

some people need to have their heads on pikes ... any faggot tries to force my child to endure this shit is going to need surgery.

This is all part of their greater technocratic-hellhole plan for the future.Create an easily controlled brown blob of dukb downed people with no connection to anything. No limits on perversion because they are SICK FUCKS.
The next wave will be pedophilia "acceptance". They already have our youth psychologically- when they habe them physically its all over.

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>school bureaucrats decide what's best for your kids, not you.

You're a fucking degenerate

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Really bad place to advertise this. Unless you want a bunch of ppl coming to call you faggots, pedos, and a sleuth of other curses.

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went to private(catholic) pk-8 and public hs, can tell you for sure private was better, esp bc no libs, also there's a feeling of close-knittedness. Ppl don't lnow the names of some kids in their own grade, but I knew the name and personality of every kid in pk3. That's probably because I "babysat" them during mass every Wednesday.

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Is the guy with Gino's hair wearing swastika?

>Be slightly tanned
Tell teacher I am Muslim and must be required to give a guest lecture about our beliefs or I'll sue. Proceed to tell kids that sodomites need to be thrown from atop a roof

Maybe get a job where you can afford to raise a kid properly before having one?
Or move to a rich conservative area. Went to a school like that, one of the best in the country. Received an excellent education where most teachers were apolitical with few open about their views. We had a decent amount of conservative teachers somehow. Average house price is 650k which isn't even bad for the education you're getting.
Unfortunately the kike principal is completely ruining everything good about the school, according to my brother. They're super SJW now.

Gay here. Completely disagree with this. Fuck cultural Marxism.
>inb4 faggot sodomite
Don't give a shit.

Oh shit


It's already collapsing and the dirty Californians spill out to pollute surrounding states, ruining them too. Thankfully the strong wind in my state blows away the weaklings

No trannies? That's an accomplishment at least.

>Maybe get a job where you can afford to raise a kid properly before having one?
aka get outbred by niggers

No human being needs to even know what a faggot is (unless they are one) until they are 16.

>Early 2000s gays just want to get married and live their lives like you do. The Christians saying that it will lead to pushing homosexuality on children are all insane!
>The state of current year

Seeing this unfold over the last 15 years was probably the most important part of my redpilling process. It shed light on the nature of leftists, Jews, fags, and that Christianity is true.

Jews rule the west even though they're a minority, because they pass high IQ genes and raise their kids well. Indians are starting to do this too, Chinese to a lesser extent.

How old are these children when taking the classes?

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You sure take it tho

When I was a kid my parents had to sign a permission slip for the school teach sex ed. My how times have changed


We maybe designated for now but at least evolving.

You are devolving.

It's California, though. They're already devolved so far that their brains are primordial soup

>everything's fine as long as someone's doing worse than me

After you all going in loos what do you think jews will make you do next? LGBT.

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>soon sex Ed classes will be mostly teaching us how to maintain and clean our sex bots.

Its only a matter of time brothers.

>" never forget kids, all heterosexual sex is rape."
>"The urges you feel are unnatural, unless it's an attraction to the same sex."
>"No no no Timmy, you're not a boy. It's ok, you don't have to live a lie anymore! I SAID YOU'RE A GIRL, NOW SIT DOWN."
>"I don't care if your mom's coming to pick you up. You're going to finish class. Now get in the clockwork orange chair."

no. in seventh and eigth grade, the PKers would go to mass. Problem is, just 2 ppl(a teacher and an aide) cannot keep them all cooperative without being overly loud or disruptive. So we stepped in. Nice to get to know the sweet little kids. Also reminds me that 4 year olds arent as dumb as you think.

Kill it with fire.

This is why I won't even vacation to that shithole.

I got sex ed in 5th grade when I lived in SV. It only taught the biology part and then the actual sex ed was supposed to be in 6th grade but I moved to India after.

Exact inverse thinking of your previous generation is why you were great.

Did you forget to take your meds?

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Went to elementary school in Cali, parents had to sign to opt out.

Just declare your home a sanctuary from whatever the libs are promoting and do what you want. The libs did it for national borders, so if they don't like it, tough.

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Jews don't have much influence in India yet. And they illegalized homosexuality recently so there is hope.

>Jews rule the west even though they're a minority, because they pass high IQ genes
>Le high IQ Jew meme
Jews only rule because of fierce nepotism and tribe mentality; something they've striven to extinguish in whites.

Guessing adopted? Most poo parents I know would do a murder suicide if they found out their kid was a fag.

Until at least next 40 years LGBT wont happen openly in Indian.

so until that 40 years the sides effect of LGBT will be visible in world. So we are saved. We can learned.

We kicked green peace out of country so we dont have jew problem.

we really need to kill the fags, to be honest

yikes california
and double yikes to jewish owned schools

Game over. They've one.

It'll be normalized within 2 decades

Somebody made a short like that a while ago

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Whites never had that in the first place, they only became tribal when faced with threats. Jews are helped by nepotism as I mentioned but their documented IQ plays a big role. Just like how the documented IQ of niggers plays a big role in why niggers can't function in western society.

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You keep forgetting that after jews are done with europe they will focus on you. The only choice is to make an ethnostate.

Why aren't all of these folks in jail, is nudism a respected lifestyle now or what?

Kek spot on


California will be dead in your lifetime. The productive class is moving out. The business are moving out because of taxes. The only people that will be left are beaners and rich people. It will be hilarious to watch the ship sink. California may be the first area where a huge chunk of the brown population switches to republican.

anybody raising a family in california and sending their kids to public school deserves suicidally confused teenagers and to have all their income seized by the state

End it now. Reset the simulation. I'm done.

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Find out who is saying you can't take your kids out, learn their habits and schedule, invest in gloves, ski mask and a solid blunt object like a hammer. Once you learn their habits and schedule look for vulnerabilities in their area of operations, pay attention to surveillance such as cameras, even traffic cams user!

Build a map of their common routes, a relationship map of people important to them even down to friend of friend, once you have built the operational picture as complete as possible you fucking wreck their shit.

All the above is a work of fiction and no one should do it, you should just sit here on this board and kvetch like the Jews you all are.

Hahaha look at the comments. What retards

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No man, we're at war now. I have to create as many conservative white kids as I can. I can support a family, and like most I was depending upon our state education system to do its job, not undermine parental roles by trying to instill confusion about a child's born gender.

I'd move my kids to a private school in a heart beat.

for fuck's sake

Is anyone else repulsed by the process of breeding?
Disgusting, nasty rats shitting out more ugly, shitting, puking babies. It's nasty.

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Thanks for advice friend.

For now at least the nationalism is alive in India.

Ethostate is not possible though. 172 million are muslims and only refusal to integrate with society is problem. Others are integrated.

we do have libtards however but even part of them is nationalist.

We hope to control it before it gets bigger.

>call the slippery slope argument an invalid fallacy
>slippery slope happens

remember this whenever someone accuses you of "muh slippery slope"

The eternal boomer strikes again

Kek, the slipper slope is real and it is happening.

>teaching materials approved for use under this law are a study guide for the transgender children’s book I Am Jazz, as well as a “sexual health toolkit.”

This “toolkit,” funded in part by the George Soros-connected Tides Center, offers kids tips on using sex toys and anal lubricant.

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>Still persisting with muh high Jew IQ meme
The amount of Ashkenazi Jews (the only Jews with above average white IQs) are an EXTREME minority in the US. The absolute number of whites in the US with IQs above 120 (five points higher than the average Ashkenazi) absolutely overshadows the amount of high IQ Jews. So why are Jews so overrepresented? Their IQ doesn't mean shit. Kikes are ONLY where they are because of nepotism.

WW2 was a mistake.

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If only these retarded boomers could get it through their heads that they're describing communist Russia and China, not nazi Germany.

It's already collapsing.

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>Everything I dont like is literally hitler.
Fuck these people. Nuke the state and wall them off.

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>run away from one all-encompassing oppressive ideology
>into another

Also, Los Angeles and San Francisco are dirty than the dirtiest slums in India. Think about that for a moment...... My bro is LAFD and works skid row from time to time. Says it is absolutely fucking filthy disgusting.

>create conflict between the two genders
>turn as many people gay as possible
>slam so much dept on young people, they cant even consider having a child
why are (((they))) doing this? who benefits from a population decrease ?

>"n-no, it's not the nazis, it's the COMMIES. THEY'RE THE ONES THAT ARE BAD"
Oh boy.

>who benefits from a population decrease ?
The people who are already here?
The planet?

Why does the bear have a pole going through him

been in the depths of skid row in LA. Didn't even feel like america. I still don't know what to make of it

go on it's show and tell.

>the planet
the planet is a rock
inb4 'everyone benefits from a population decrease'
except the people that are never born because of it, and the future of the people that could have had another working person in the families while they were in retirement homes

nah I'm staying here and race mixing, I actually unironically love it here.

Faggots have on concept of a genetic line.

The idea is genocide to make a more docile population that is willing to submit to the state with out violence. Then those with the informational and economic power can reign though their genetic line with no threat of usurpation.
its a plan or no-fudealism/neo-communism.

Sounds like a lawsuit in the making.

>My bro is LAFD and works skid row from time to time. Says it is absolutely fucking filthy disgusting.
If you really want to be depressed after taking in some of the human carnage at the start, skip to 13:45 where the guy talks to a random black lady about public housing in LA.

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>they're describing communist Russia

They're describing capitalist Russia, mate. Communist Russia was conservative and nuclear as fuck and faggots were sent to jail for being faggots.
Also, Nazi Germany was actually promoting single motherhood in the form of "every german girl must spread their legs and let the Aryan guy in between without such petty things like marriage and shit". Funny, how you guys bitch about single mothers being "da joo" subversion.