Based Room-Clean man tells libshits to "Respect Trump Supporters"

I don't like Peterson much but he went on the Bill Mahr show and told a giant panel of deranged foaming libshits that they need to respect Trump supporters.

I thought this took some balls. Every single person in the audience was against him and they had to resort to calling Trump a literal "dictator" to explain their unhinged hatred.

See it at 1:52

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true, the mentally deficient still deserve our respect

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leave leftypol

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Theres only one person at that table that doesnt salivate over black cock.

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bill "fuck my wife" mahar compares trump supporters to ISIS

leftists are a mistake

bill "dump your coal sludge in my wife's stream" mahar

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Why did he grow a beard? Lately beards are notoriously associated with... (here comes the new filter) hipster basedboys.

> Accuse Trump of being a "cult of personality clown"
> Hurd ur HE CAN'T STOP US

They accuse him of being a cult of personality and act as some kind of retarded sand nigger aristocracy.

I can't stand this low iq people.

Wow this highly controversial, right wing professor from the University of Toronto sure ended up with a big (((platform))).

They've actually become a cult of personality in hating Trump

They've made him into the ultimate evil, like this super-villain who must be stopped at all costs.

The fact that the Jews even put him on the Mahr show is all you need to know...

It makes him look the people in those weird Russian posters hanging all around his house.

That's why they need to get gassed.
People that stupid enough to be easily mislead into a crusade against a single person should not be allowed to walk around in public.

bahhh he's not that bad

I've summed his platform up as "Men need to get their shit together and women need to stop being cunts". That's it. He also makes the argument for classical liberalism and tries to explain that it is more meaningful than how Marx portrays it.

He's not going to name the jew but he's doing major damage to the left so good enough for me

He also brought the editor from brietbart and milo on. Milo has sort of named the jew...i guess.

Keeping a list of people who have named the jew and haven't named the jew is just stupid though. Fellow travelers will always be an asset

How do you even watch this shit? When I hear their smug bullshit I feel a strong urge to hit their faces.

He's had tranny hordes busting out windows at his speeches, some americlaps aren't special.

That fucking lawyer is slimy as shit.

They act like they're winning yet all they have is Stormy Daniels. Nobody gives a fuck about Stormy Daniels... shit is so manufactured it's pathetic.

and Trump supporters get beaten in the streets

what's your point

They've lost the narrative. They have nothing to say.
>M-military parade
>he's a...dictator!

funny they won't even touch jobs

>Respect Trump Supporters
The "respect" they deserve --

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"imagine he's impeached"
"impeached or convicted"
"sure, one of those"
"well it matters, one he has to leave"

filibustering his own fucking panel, what the fuck?

Why is there so much controversy about some vapid self-help speaker?

The funny thing is Trump is nowhere near as evil as they say, and even pales in comparison to what Bush did in terms of sleazy, backroom deals. Remember fucking Halliburton?

These people are pulling shit out of their ass and can’t stand that a populist Republican is pulling people from both sides. Peterson is trying to gently tell them that their insufferable attitudes and holier-than-thou nonsense is gonna get them strung from poles if they impeach Trump. And, in true liberal fashion, they laugh off anything remotely being a criticism and continue to their path of destruction.

maher is an assclown
muh dictator ship
it was her turn

The DNC is trying to sue both the US and Russian governments as a last ditch effort to impeach Trump, and these stupid cunts still have the audacity to strut on their closed TV sets and act like they're on the right side of history here; that no one else in the country is laughing at them and their shameful behavior. That no one else in absolutely hates their guts and wishes deaths on them and their families for their cavalier attitude towards normal middle-class folk.

They don't deserve any mercy.


>>Trump's so bad, Stormy Daniels!

They act like consensual sex with a groupie pornstar a decade ago is going to be the end of the President of the United States of America. The left is a fucking cult, they are the zombies when people speak of a zombie apocalypse.

Bill is such an ass

A mind like his comes around only once every few decades.

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Because he said there are two genders!! FUCKING BASED! Just like the jews Peterson always defends!

>giving that kike maher views
learn to hooktube or fuck off

The left is fucking brain dead. They have no clue what kind of fire they’re playing with.

I don't know how anyone can keep repeating the IT WAS HER TURN and THIS IS NOT NORMAL talking points of 2016 today and not be embarrassed with themselves.
Libshits have no shame, and that is why they're dangerous.

>this is the first time they have been given this message.
They have to be given every chance they can to repent until its too late.

>I don't like Jordan Peterson because a lot of people on Jow Forums are pretty vocal about hating him.
>Have I seen his videos? Only like one or two but still.

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A fair point fellow user, they have manifested into a cult that regards Trump as the ultimate adversary. More so, and this occurred long ago, anyone that does not align with their "progressive culture" is an enemy deemed incompetent and uneducated. This board, for instance, is a composition of many individuals, with some that do not support Trump whatsoever. And yet, if a person does not solely renounce Trump, then he or she is also categorized the same as a Trump supporter.

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>The funny thing is Trump is nowhere near as evil as they say, and even pales in comparison to what Bush did in terms of sleazy, backroom deals. Remember fucking Halliburton?

Trump is actually far more dangerous to them than Bush

Trump is shifting the overton window and making right-wing populism cool. Bush was just a dumb retarded cunt who fucked the country, he was actually a major asset to them

because he's an old man and can do whatever the fuck he pleases you faggot ass middleschooler.
Who gives a shit if he doesn't conform to your backwater ill-informed fashion norms

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He's a lawyer

remember the patriot act? And the subsequent renewal of it? If Trump instead did that, there would literally be bloody murder through the fucking streets like you never see. Instead, we got maybe a couple months coverage of legalization of the Government to spy on us and then it just fucking faded into nothingness.

What has Trump really done? Said mean things about illegal immigrants, blunt on his opinions, made fun of the media, and cheated on his wife before his campaign to run in politics. He has literally just been a rough and tumble guy that says mean things to certain people.

Compare that to a guy who dragged us into a decades long war that did absolute jack shit, racked up the national debt, bailed out the banks who fucked everyone with everyone's money, and signed into law government spying on it's own citizens for "safety" reasons. Like holy fucking shit, the MSM were negative on Bush, but not to the scale and toxicity of their coverage of Trump.

God, that broad was stupid.

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some of us are past caring. there's no talking to these people, just wait until the day of the rope, gear up and hope for the best.

>But you're like, saying, that the left is obsessed with political correctness and, like, being nice. But you're also saying that they, like, attack people. Isn't that contradictory?
Yes, bint, it's contradictory.

So they never gave an answer? Wha will happen with those millions who elected Trump.

I've actually watched a TON of his videos, I'm probably going to read his book too.

I really do not like his interpretation of religion and some of his ideas about marriage/raising children. Also his politics seem fairly cucked.

His ideas about "indvidualism" are also kind of... like artificial? He acts like the west is based on this 1960's-tier perception of individualism when North America was not really that individualistic until the 1920's due to Mass media marketing by Edward Bernays.

He confuses individualism with small government. Those are not the same things.

Also fuck your stupid brainlet image you dumbshit

Do you guys think he will ever realize that they hate him? That individualism can only work in a racially homogeneous society. That he is preaching to young white men to stay away from tribalism while every other group exploits the wests progressiveness and naivety.

I honestly think he is beholden to the kikes or some other nefarious group with his mission to keep young white males passive in the slowly warming water. The false song of individualism designed to keep us jumping out of the pot.

This. I remeber the Bush years and was much against him, but the coverage now on Trump is 10x what it was on Bush.

They’re afraid Trump is gonna change things and make them lose power. It’s why they’re thrashing so hard against him.

They are militantly nice to certain special groups and unbelievably hostile to normal people and if your rhetoric does not fit in this paradigm you will be crushed by SJWs

I wish he could have explained this to that insane harpie

>They’re afraid Trump is gonna change things and make them lose power.

They're afraid of losing the culture war. This is the first time they have actually started losing ground on the culture war, and they are shocked.

They didn't know how it felt. I only know this because a 70 year old feminist college professor who marched in the civil rights movement told me this. She said it felt like her entire world was coming down on her.

She thought I would give her sympathy but I just laughed

Bill Mahr is a fucking joke. The only reason that untalented piece of shit has a show is because he's a radical leftist.

>Do you guys think he will ever realize that they hate him?

He actually seemed kind of surprised while on the show. I feel like he may have become a little more redpilled on the current political situation in North America.

He looked very uncomfortable while on the show, not that I blame him

>Jordan starts talking about what will happen to the 40% that voted for Trump after he's impeached
>Blumpf is a clown lmao
>*applause intensifies*
>Governor starts shilling his """achievements"""

Incredible show.

Not a Peterson fan either but i watched the whole episode and the governor of Washington gives me a case of the howling fantods
What a fucking joke of a human
But i guess that's most politicians

Why wouldn’t he be. Maher always stacks his “panel” in his favor. Oh look, a somewhat provocative and well spoken conservative mind. Better put 4 people on the panel to counter him with empty rhetoric that gets the audience to clap.

They are losing it. My wife, a self defined feminist, registered Republican. I know many Democrats that have jumped. It’s mind boggling how much ground they’re losing in terms of culture, and how little they see it.

I actually thought this was one of the better videos exposing leftist insanity that I've seen in a while. Jordan just tried to open a conversation about the fact that like 40% of the voting population is on board with Trump, but the demoshits are off the rails talking about how like 130 million people are retarded uneducated incestuous rural retards who voted for orange cheeto hitler, and he must be removed at all costs.

Shows that they basically want to control the USA and crush anybody who opposes them. They don't care about the 40%, they will either dominate them or kill them

He's basic bitch retard go read Kevin McDonald and Jared Taylor then kill yourself kekistani retard

He's not right wing. More like a classical liberal / libertarian that was backed into a corner by the SJWs and fought back hard, unlike most people. Deserves a lot of credit for that even if you don't agree with him.

Kevin Mcdonald and Jared taylor don't really talk about self-improvement though. They're more redpill dispensers on history and stuff like that.

Peterson is good for lost young men who maybe had bad parenting and stuff like that

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?

They’re mad because of the scoops. He’s gone too far.

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What I like about Peterson is that he is in the academic sphere, and he is attacking it HARD.

Harder than I've seen anyone attack academia. He's actually building an online university for the humanities that is more "classical" philosophically. This is fucking huge.

He's also setting a goal to make kids deprive any neo-marxist universities of funds. This guy is at war with academia. I'm not that big of a fan of a lot of his shit, but you gotta back him on this stuff. He's actually taking action.

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However much Peterson insists to the contrary, he knows that he's appealing mostly to natural conservatives and a big part of his audience supports Trump. I wouldn't be surprised if JBP is starting to warm up to Trump himself given how much shit he gets from the progressives.

>perro maga

I feel like Peterson did absolutely nothing here. And he owned these people completely.


He just asked them a really basic conversation to show their intentions and then watched them freakishly spiral and ramble off weird garbage about Trump being a dictator who is burning the forests so it's okay!

Literally /daddy/

it means hbo by proxy of bill maher lurks /po/


He warns them about something that should be obvious.

If they plan to remove a leader that half the population voted for, the half that owns all the guns and have been pretty fucking bitter how things were going over the past decade, then they damn well better convince them that it was the right thing to do.

In their minds they finally got an outsider into office and if he gets disposed it will be the straw that broke the heavily armed camel's back.

This bill mahar is a clown, And so his panellists

This based leaf gets it.

When you do things right people won't be sure you did anything at all.

True dat

Peterson skooled them at their own game

it is scary how out of touch with reality these liberal assholes are

It's not like most Republicans weren't biting their tongues the whole 8 years king nigger was in office either. It's beyond a double standard.

> bill Maher a radical leftist
Hard to call him a radical leftist in the 90s, let alone now , relative to the rest of US politics he’s just a regular liberal

This, and I kind of hope it happens

He was invited at big (((platform))), and this means that respecting Trump voters and cleaning your room in general is a jewish plot.

Case solved.

He openly admitted that he would vote for Trump if he would be American.

I dont like how he views Christianity in this post modernist scope (ironic huh?). He is misleading people and doesn't teach them the miracles of Christ being true and not some weird archetypical hero story. He either believes it or he doesn't, what's so hard to understand?

Liberals love dictatorships as long as they're doing the dictating

You posted this ironically right?

Nice Facebook meme Boomercuck.

It means that he’s been pandering to the right, and then the more famous he gets, the more it becomes apparent he’s not at all right wing. If you had asked someone a year ago if Peterson likes Trump they would’ve referenced his Rubin report interview where he seems lukewarm about him, but overall respectful. On Maher he was very clearly anti-Trump like everyone else.
He started as a darling of the altright, has ended as a clear liberal.

I don't understand why Americans get their panties in a bunch about some dude in office. Trump is the president. As American citizens, you should all hope he does a good job for the country and you should try to support all the good plans he presents. Even if you dislike him, the fact is that he does it for your country. So you should respect or at least let the man work-- FOR THE COUNTRY. All I've been seeing since the elections is traitorous behavior from leftists and Hollywood jews, which has spread a lot since election day. What the fuck? Get your shit together.

The politicians here are all garbage and straight up crooks. Other than dragging them out and publicly execute them all, we have no choice but to pick a different breed of crook and faggot every single time. But everyone picks the least shit crook according to what's best for this place, or at least try. It's the love for your country and the person that's president has nothing to do with it.

I remember Americans being proud of their country, but now it's just a fucking bunch of pansy traitors preaching communism.

These are supposed intellectual elites are bunch of morons. Ok, they were caught off guard in 2016, but what the fuck. They openly discuss blackmailing and impeaching POTUS over some irrelevant shit and refuse to see a problem.

My memory was most of the MSM was pretty positive about Bush until Iraq 2.0 was plainly a fiasco (sometime around 2006 maybe), and even then it was hard to get people to admit it. Keith Obermann and The Daily Show were the first people to go aggressively against the Bush administration and the Iraq war. Even in the 2008 Dem primaries between Obama and Clinton, Obama being clearly against the Iraq war invasion was considered a little bit "controversial" still. Plus, both of them were against gay marriage. Truly a different time.

Fantastic shit is that Peterson is consideres conservetive or right wing. That just point how far thing have escalated. Classic left leaning liberal is considered far right.

Decent beards are different.

To be fair, so are we. I'm not going to sit here and say "we have to come together maaan", but I was going through Twitter and saw all of these retard MAGA people and it made me fucking sick. I hate normalfags more than /leftypol/ because at least these commies understand the situation that we're in and the real battle that needs to be had. I was embarrassed looking at all of these "I'm a Hispanic Trump supporter" and shit tier meme arguments that resemble lefty talking points. We need to do something, but I'm not sure what or how.

>So you should respect or at least let the man work-- FOR THE COUNTRY.

You are talking like a really old dude remembering Reagan jokes.

So Peterson is being accused of hypocrisy here for asking the left to be more welcoming of those who sympathize with Trump/MAGA, while
accusing the left of being too easily triggered?

A mind like his becomes famous once every few decades.

>Bill Mahr is a fucking joke.

To be fair, he is consistent

Peterson's political stance is as soft as baby shit and lefties will paint him like he's Hitler at Nuremburg talking about killing jew reporters. There is no winning with these people, no reasoning with these people, and Peterson needs to realize this and finally become /ourguy/.

I don't get it. The left has gone a full 180 since the Bill Clinton 90s when they were defending him left and right, and that's from a guy who was later accused of full on rape. was literally created to get the media and republicans to "move on" from Clinton sex scandals.

I find it hilarious that people think this guy is a quickwitted genius.
The obvious answer to that brainlet hoe’s gotcha question was
>The left has no problem offending people who disagree with them, in fact they take the greatest vindictive pleasure in it. What they don’t tolerate is people offending THEM.
I mean it’s not even an issue of O dude you had some time to think about it, he had to think of something right then and there in front of everyone. It was literally a common sense answer, especially for someone who has thought about these things a lot. Instead he managed
>Erm well you see (for some reason makes his hands fuck) they’re, well, separate issues erm