Why do democrats have a pathological hatred of russia?

I've never figured this out. Isn't it in the best interest of the US to have a rapprochement with russia, especially if China's the enemy? The democrats constant demonizing of russia seems pathological and irrational. Why?

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Watch Putin discuss the Western Elite. Start at 0:34.


Russia wouldn't let George Soros and USAID incite a revolution in Russia. So.

Because Putin is a man.

Russia wouldn't take american soye

Russia=Soviets=Genocidal freaks

That and Putin is a dick, but we do it too, so who cares and sanctions his booze, porn, and cars

Have you ever heard someone in real life say they disliked Russia and wanted war?

Its a narrative.
Russia has come a very long way since the fall of the USSR.

Even more, they are calling out the zionist control of the west and rejecting it in their own homeland.

I wouldn't be surprised if the people re-instated the Tsar, maybe even from the Romanov family, of which was just found surviving in the U.S.

Oh, I (((wonder))) why...


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It's simple. Russia rejected Communism.

yeah, didn't ann coulter say something like democrats never forgave russia for rejecting communism. why? what difference does it make when china is still communist (albeit in name only)

Zionists fear an alliance of the strongest Christian nations.

Trump. Until he came along, Democrats like Russia more than Republicans did, but then Trump said nice things about Russia so Democrats started hating Russia, while Republicans dislike Russia less than before.

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Both parties have. Read about the origin of neocons

Look at that Democratic spike during the election.

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Good point, Democrats are commies

and now commie-free

Don’t worry, republicans do too. Also Russia literally is trying to do its best to watch America burn.

Has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans, US foreign policy isn't decided by the parties.

Actually nothing important is decided by either political party, that's just a show for the masses.

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Because they abandoned Communism.

And look at that Republican decline after the election. What point are you trying to make with this chart?

Russia is not controlled by the Zionist banking system. That’s pretty much it.

Because the Soviet apologists who have ran the party since the 60's are still assblasted from the USSR's collapse.

I explained this in another thread
>Liberals think Russia is catholic
>therefore is anti-gay
>Liberals think Russia is entirely White
>Liberals think Russia has the biggest nazi movement in the world
I literally have seen posts with this view TODAY

What does Russia give the world? Why like Russia? They meme weapons and steal land, they are poor. What does Russia contribute?

also Russian oil exports is direct competition for the petrodollar, that can't be bullied because they have a huge nuclear arsenal

if you had actually read the chart right you'd notice that the republican decline started in about late 2014

This, every politician is a neocon and neoconservatism was created by Jews

Jews have a grudge against Russia going back 1,000 years, from the destruction of Khazaria by the Rus to the Pale of Settlement and pogroms in the Russian Empire, to the loss of their power over the Soviet Union when Stalin won out over Trotsky, and now their second loss of power over the Russian Federation when Putin sacked Berezovsky, Khodorkovsky and Gusinsky and broke the oligarchs' political and media control

can someone explain this to me? why does it upset democrats that russia abandoned communism?

more than japan. 2 nukes weren't enough

This is the delusion. This presented here.
Meaning the kike media has led (who would have guessed it) most democrats, blacks, asians and old ass boomers to follow the lead of the (jews). Just so happens to be the groups that were effected most by USSR and circle jerk with kike media? Must be coincidence, right?
More proof the kike media is responsible? Boom.
As in after Trump won, the dems cranked the shares0yblue shills and kiked media to CATEGORY: IT'S RUSSIA, NEW RED SCARE FEAR MONGERING. To sway all the most susceptible people as stated above.

IE, It's all a fucking circus freak show in order to steal as many shekels, subvert anyone that wants social cohesion and for the society to get better. Because fixing problems is bad for business, as in capitalism. Yes that's right, democracy only last a couple hundred years AND Capitalism is just a more indirect (jew) way of distributing wealth to (themselves). Don't believe me? Adam Greed Smith included something he called (the invisible hand) into his (great) invention called (((((capitalism))))).

Yes that's right, that means the only way to fix things is to make something better that's either completely different, or different enough because it is a conglomeration of all the positives of socio-economic systems.


are you fucking kidding me? like half of all major scientific discoveries were made by russians.

because your masters have been brainwashing your population about evil russians since the end of ww2, they kind of broke their chains with cabal lately so they are the arch enemy once again..it's just too easy to continue on that so your MSM keeps shouting "muh evil russia" and gullible retards take this as their own idea, that's why it seems pathological and irrational.it's just everblown propaganda.

also they helped US in your revolutionary war, masters didn't like it, so it may never be allowed to happen again.

>They are jealous of their fish
.. and because they sacked communism, which at least their extreme part wants?

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Because the Clintons are associates of the oligarchs that refused to bend the knee to Putin. Like Khodorkovsky for example. Also Clintons are connected to the Russian mafia. All these guys were looking Russia in the 90s with Clinton but then Putin got in their way.

the situation really sucks though, we were getting better relations us between, we had even settled or fishing disputes years ago now. and if you live up north now close by the border, you can travel between the countries without a visa, russia is really strict on this visa stuff.

Then this shit.... a spy from here was also caught there before christmass, turns out he was guilty he admitted it two days ago, something about their boats in murmansk some about papers about that, we don't know so much here yet. and you this comes from the current climate. everyone spies on each other though, even allies