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t. animal

contamination doesn't promote cancer.
The special protean the industry included in the suspension agent/preservative does


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oh look it's pajeet poo on the street, in canada

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How is your own living cells a disease? Cancer just corrects wrong biology.

I'm the one who can spell in English you Mecca compas.

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there isn't the same strict requirements when it comes to animals, like humans I mean.
same goes for the drugs they get too, not the same safety standards.

what is that thing on the left?

a ninja?


My vet actually won't vax your dog if they have immune issues or lyme disease.

Fuck vaccines

Fuck Merck

Fuck their non-existent safety testing

have you seen the latest story from cnn???

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Can't find the source quoted

oh yeah, that seems legitimate. fuck off.

The fuck is this tabloid-tier bullshit?

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LOL the source is Tracey Watson. Google her name and see her other articles. LOLOLOLOL oh she is a source alright.

>animal vaccines don't have any legitimate safety standards
>therefore vaccines used on humans also are dangerous
this is some good stupid
you don't get to see this kind of stupid every day folks
just savor it

retroviruses have no symptoms or they are not retroviruses.

A bloke in disguise with those hands.

oh fuck you're right
>this just in
>authored by tracey

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why are all these single posts coming in and defending this shit? why is this getting shilled.

>contamination causes cancer
Sounds more like your vaccines cause cancer to me

im not defending it, but everyone is crying about not source. but its from the shitty gov, so pls...

so why would you, not being op, feel like you needed to post a source????

>Cancer just corrects wrong biology.
>your cells start killing you
>meaning your obviously such a waste of space that your own body doesnt like you.
But honestly, i know a lot of people who have/had to deal with it, and it sucks. I try to donate to actual people instead of charities or (((research))) condolences to those who have to watch a family member just die. At least its not aids (((They)))already have cures, but cancer is billion dollar industry.

>getting what you asked for
>not what you thought it would be
>mad ad the person who ghot you what you asked for
lol kek, kys

nice memeflag faggot
welcome to to the bundle

I so hate that Americans call domesticated animals “pets” (that noun is related to petting, i.e. soft stroking the animal). In German we call them Haustier (house animal) in contrast to Nutztier (utility animal), to make clear the purpose of the house animal is to work in the house (catching mice or keeping out thiefs and criminals) vs. utility animals which work in the fields or give milk or are held for their meat.

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Interesting article, here's a pastebin for those without access. Couple of diagrams missing, but all of that can be taken from the text itself.

>dog milk

Hans you really have a way to turn things at the end don't you

Gsd is definitely nuts tier as in it will destroy your nuts if you step ib my house

Same here
Дoмaшнo милeничe for house pets and
Cтoкa for utility animals

>Not getting up at the crack of dawn to milk your daschunds
If you haven't downed a pint of fresh bitch milk you haven't lived m8.

There is an “or” in between the activities. A dog works in the field like a horse.

These type of comparisons of animal vs human situations are common.

Ecologist spend lots of time and money on simply warning everyone to halt the spread of invasive species because of the harm they cause in foreign environments. Asian carp and the many types of water plants. Yet when anyone warns about the invasive hordes being imported by the millions from the 3rd world everyone is labeled a racist.

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we technically have "domesticated animal" and "service animal" and so forth

Don't no why ecologist are anti-foreigners obviously these invasive species will culturally enrich the land and bring in more benefits

And yet you call house animals “pets” as if their sole purpose was to be “petted”... sorry, but that is just degenerate.

It also hasn’t been part of the English language forever but only slowly made its way in there...
pet (n.1)
"tamed animal," originally in Scottish and northern England dialect (and exclusively so until mid-18c.), of unknown origin. Sense of "indulged child" (c. 1500) is recorded slightly earlier than that of "animal kept as a favorite" (1530s), but the latter may be the primary meaning. Probably associated with or influenced by petty. As a term of endearment by 1849. Teacher's pet is attested from 1890. Pet-shop from 1928.

>Haustier vs House Animal
>Obersturmführer vs Senior Storm Leader
>krauts smash two words together and act superior

These are my thoughts on Cancer too but my father in law is a super rich Jew, and hes dying from cancer, I keep waiting for him to get the secret Jew cure but it looks like hes actually going to die now. Hes worth 100's of millions from some software bullshit.

>y cum the jews dont saved him

And yet we have an FDA that allows people to eat food that is killing them because people just assume if it's sold in a store it must be good to eat.

>the absolute state

no shit, thats why you arnt allowed to take pet medication or food.
There is a reason all pet shit says "not for human consumption".

According to this all implications of the word came around the 1500's, not the 1800's, and the verb came from the noun, which means nobody thinks a pet is a pet because they are only meant to be "petted", they think a pets a pet because it's a domestic companion animal. I don't think any native english speaker thinks they are called pets because they get 'petted', that sounds purely like a non-native speakers understanding.

I have no beer with “house animal”, I have a problem with the word “pet”. In German this would be “Streicheling” and people would say “wtf, my cat has a function beyond being petted”.

Sorry, but the simple fact you had to kill off the “animal” part of the noun and reduce it to a simple word is beyond insane. An animal is an animal, stop making an animal a “pet”.

>Natural News
into the fucking trash it goes

>keep your pet healthy through diet and exercise and skip the vaccinations
diet and exercise aren't going to prevent rabies you stupid cunt, I'm getting the little faggot vaccinated and I'll personally put down any animal that isn't if they come near my property. Fucking unreal that you would unironically do this shit and potentially bring a resurgence of one of the absolute worst viruses the little faggots can get and pass to humans.

> is beyond insane
It's really not, and you're being way more autistic about it than it deserves. They're called pets because they are pets, don't think about it too hard hanz.

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Companion animals were called pets (noun) before rubbing them affectionately was called (verb). I think that the verb usage came about from the verb pat which you do to pets. Similar to how the word butterfly came from the earlier term "flutter by".
Also your focus on the animals purpose and function are hilariously German.

that's why many sick people are normies that like to go to the doctor all the time..
it's allways some disease or cancer...

my mom used to doctor shop and got diagnosed with 20+ diseases/cancers in like 10 years.. got hundreds of thousands of pills..

i tell her she should write a book about it.
how miraculous she can have so many doctors diseases and pills... a medical oddity.

Wow Tavistock watch the language pls

the hell is tavistock, dumb toothpaste flag

y'all niggas ever see what parvo does to a dog? not everything is a jewish conspiracy



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