There was no need for it, it was a massive waste of resources for the Reich.
Hatred is not a valid excuse for the sacrifice of so many resources, especially during wartime efforts.
Why the holocaust though?
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Do you even need to ask? Assad just gassed his own citizens just as the heat in syria was cooling down. It's definitely not made up to perpetuate Jewish victimhood.
Maybe it didn't happen.
Maybe someone wants the jews to go to israel.
You're not supposed to ask questions goy
>There was no need for it
even hitler thought so
that's why the extermination plans never existed
even Netanyahu said back in 2015 that Hitler didn't want to exterminate the jews
The were blackmaled by the body of John Wilkes Booth, and told they would be taken to the prison planet unless they joined the elephant riders..
Q predicted it.
>still thinking it happened
Insanity is a powerful thing. Combine it with German autism and you get 12,495,000-ish dead Jews, Soviet prisoners of war, homosexuals, Bahá'ís, Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, Slavs, Poles, etc.
>12,495,000-ish dead Jews
Fuck off with your shitty edited images
it's not edited you fucking spastic
debunk the Leuchter report you dumb cunt
>a Bachelor of arts degree in history is engineering qualification
If you want to kill jews why would you not just stick them with the bayonet when you found them? Why build a peddle powered brain bashing machine?
I've seen your shitty /his/ memes already
This one answers you
who designed the Missouri State Penitentiary at Jefferson City?
Fuck off faggot
the gas chamber there*
none of your pathetic memes answer anything, I've seen them all already you absolute moron
>let's put revisionists in jail, that'll prove us right
So, the JIDF has interns too? Do you get paid or is this done gratis?
It was needed so that Germany would harbor no ill will from the result of the war. Also Israel. Worked out great.
might just be a retard
it's amazing you managed to cram so much disinfo into one graphic. show me the ashes bitch.
There are photos of that too. See here:
Countless photos.
do you think we don't know about that Aaron twat already?
That is why it is so unbelievable.
>You're not supposed to ask questions goy
out of date, UK now has antisemitism laws.
Here's a copy.
I was about to say that. UK will jail you for training a pug.
Depends on what you think the holocaust was. Rounding up the kikes and using them as slave labor like the Soviets did with their political enemies made perfect sense given that every able body German was needed at the front. On the other hand killing all this free labor and using badly needed manpower and resources to commit such an act in the middle of a war makes no sense.
The holovaust created a lot of technology. Industry benefited from it which reduced the up front costs to do it because the industries would stand to make money later on from the tech made during the holocaust.
They only murdered them when the labor was extracted and no more labor could be extracted. Remember Hitler wanted to ship them off to Madasgacar
>Hatred is not a valid excuse for the sacrifice of so many resources, especially during wartime efforts.
It was a wartime effort, in fact the most significant one, at least from the nazi perspective.
there was no gas chambers it was just a good excuse to blame germany as monsters for the fact we bombed the train supply lines to the camps causing all the jews to starve to death
nearly 100 years later still the nomries dont know and blame germany while we are the good guys :^)
>still thinks the holocaust happened
Go back to plebbit.
>we bombed the train supply lines to the camps
No you didn't.
yes we did fritz
no one uses starvation as a tool of war like the anglo lmao,even the USSR blushes
>falling for the Holocaust denial meme
You have to go back
No, you didn't, most of the Jews were sent to camps in Poland, which was barely bombed at all