What the hell is the Federal Reserve you ask? Well, it is a private bank that has enslaved you and your family since its founding in 1913 under the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. Did you know before 1913 there was no need for an income tax? Did you know that after the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the IRS was established to forcefully take your tax dollars through threat of death or imprisonment?
In 1913 a plan to enslave the entire United States was completed. The act allowed the treasury to give money creation power to the Fed and also created the system which is called Central Banking. The people who crafted the Central Banking scheme are called Keynesians. Remember this name, they are traitors that need to be shot. For the past 100 years over 6% of your life’s income, the proof of your talents, your sweat and blood, your life energy, has been siphoned away. The real kicker is that none of it goes to roads, social programs, or even govt. It goes to pay imaginary debt that can never be paid back. It is pure unadulterated insanity.
This is one of the most important things you can ever learn in your entire life. If you want to fight the system, well, this IS the system, the system of enslavement. Through the creation of the Federal Reserve, the government no longer needs to vote on raising taxes either! Isnt that great? Instead they print more money which causes the value of YOUR dollars to decrease. Theft.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I have compiled a few very efficient educational resources to teach you all and wake you the fuck up. Are you tired of being a slave? I hope one day enough people are, it’s going to take war and blood to change this. It’s time to start finding people who will stand up to tyranny. 1776
The Death of the American Dream:
The Central Banking Enslavement System revealed:
The detailed story of how the Federal Reserve Act was created:

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Easier said than done

>1783 Crown Temple States incorporation
>1913 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA incorporation
These two contracts are what made debt slaves out of Americans and also why the CDC pushes to have boys mutilated at birth sickeningly enough.
Baron Alfred Rothschild was the architect of the Federal Reserve act and with the help of many conspirators (img related), including the president, it came to pass even though it's completely unconstitutional.

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Congress did he work for you, proved conspiracy. WWI happened so nobody knew.


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President Trump can do a lot of damage to the incorporation contracts, even invalidate them because if I recall he mentioned that Americans are to be sovereign citizens a few times and it would mean tearing them up

I would like to ask you the reader of this thread a question, what is a dividend?
>A dividend is a payment made by a corporation to its shareholders, usually as a distribution of profits. When a corporation earns a profit or surplus, the corporation is able to re-invest the profit in the business and pay a proportion of the profit as a dividend to shareholders.
So who exactly owns the federal reserve and who gets the 6% dividends (aka your tax dollars)?

Nice graphic needs a correction though.

It was Teddy Roosevelt they tricked into creating the bank. They gave the same “we’re out of time you must sign!” BS that Tricked Bush into doing bailouts.

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kudos to you for making this and trying to be intellectually honest.

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I remember it as Wilson because later in life he was caught lamenting about it as a bad mistake like whiny bitch

thank you, I look forward to any discussion on the bank for international settlements nightmare

Why does everyone get worked up about $5bn going from the U.S, to Israel if Jacob Rothschild has $500 trillion? Just curious.

99.999% of people have no clue

Its about priorities i suppose, of which the Fed should be #1, but Rothchilds and Co. were mostly kikes so everyone thinks destroying Israel will cure the issue. No, every banker needs to be culled.

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Shit you’re right. They only convinced Teddy to approve a merger that he would not normally approve. Paved the way.

>Roosevelt and Secretary of State Elihu Root began to review the proposed takeover and appreciate the crash likely to ensue if the merger was not approved.[55][56] Roosevelt relented; he later recalled of the meeting, "It was necessary for me to decide on the instant before the Stock Exchange opened, for the situation in New York was such that any hour might be vital. I do not believe that anyone could justly criticize me for saying that I would not feel like objecting to the purchase under those circumstances".[55]


Right, the Globalist has no fixed location.


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fug you anons know this better than me, heh

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What happens when the $ becomes worthless? Does that mean the Rothshekels have $500 trillion in paper and gold?

I get the feeling that there are some threats of violence floating around behind the scenes that ensures that the government keeps growing, even when people who run on small government platforms get into office.

It's not unprecedented for military organizations to kill their civil leaders when their pay is being threatened or denied. Think of Rome. The idea of government has been shrouded in this mythology that presents it as a sort of a father to the citizenry, but when you get right down to it, it's basically a mafia. If the kingpin starts deliberately shrinking the mafia, some of his lieutenants are going to form an alliance and attempt a gory mutiny.

This is why I'm becoming increasingly skeptical that the problem of large government can be fixed without violence. At the very least, those lieutenants need to be frightened enough of the counter-mutiny that they step down quietly.