Redpill me on the start of WW1

I've read that Austria-Hungary started fighting with Serbia and Germany really kicked things off by attacking France by going through Belgium. But recently (since I've started learning the history of the Jews) I heard that France and England attacked Germany first.

What really happened Jow Forums?

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Retarded Kaiser wasn't chomping at the bit to chimp out.

Literally just the competing geopolitical interests of every major power in Europe all using whatever they can do declare war for the sake of taking their colonies. World War 1 Marked the ending period of the colonial and feudal era and created the modern era.

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Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf happened

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It was pretty widely accepted that the war was going to happen and Germany needed to knock out France ASAP so they wouldn't get spit roasted by Russia with forces coming from east and west. Once Germany agreed to help Austria-Hungary it was inevitable that France and Russia would be at Germany's borders in no time.

Also, the "civilian" ship the German U-boats sunk had over 4 million rounds of Remington manufactured British .303. It was a valid military target and Churchill knew and possibly leaked the Intel to the Germans to get the US involved.

Rothschild bought France and England. Those countries are factual where the two rothschild family branches started.

Germany said no to the jews... and people got bought into ww1.

Then ww2.

The west fell enslaved to the jews. And in our current day germany is run by jews, like most western countries of the world.

Currently the jews are destroying American and European culture. America is in a headlock and can be forced to go to war. Asian and Russia have been infiltrated as well, it is pretty insane.

If you are white, this is a very interesting time to be here.

No problem user

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I don't know who shot first, but France wanted war very badly

It was more about destroying the powerful monarchies of Europe since those are harder to infiltrate and control. After WW1 a democracy was installed in Germany and in Russia you had communism literally wiping out the royal family and destroying everything.

History major here.

1. Tensions in Europe were sky high and a war would have broken out sooner or later no matter what.
2. European powers were too keen to try out their brand new deadly weapons of industrial mass slaughter.
3. The German kaiser was a dicklet with a huge ego. The assassination in Sarajevo was merely the spark that lighted the fuse attatched to a giant bomb.

There are other minor reasons but these are the most central.

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>History major here.
>The German kaiser was a dicklet with a huge ego.
Lemme guess, you think Bismarck was a good guy, right?

Oh man. American education.

If you are really interested.
Give this a quick read.
The war started long before Gabrilo Prinicipe planned the assassination.

Reason 1: doesn't say what caused tensions
Reason 2: you don't have to start a war to test weapons

Basically, Germany wasn't getting the respect they felt they deserved.
Willhelm said fuck you.

Hitler wanted Danzig, Poland didn't give him Danzig... yadda yadda yadda, Soviet Union enslaves Eastern Europe, China is fucked by communism and jews won.

pic related

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Bismarck was a decisive man's man that was a master of complex internal politics at home and successful managing of colonies abroad.
Kaiser Wilhelm II was the most indecisive and brash leader during the period of the outbreak of WW1. He was so fucking paranoid that he genuinely thought that England, Russia and France was using the Austrian-Serbian conflict as an excuse to annihilate Germany.

which is what happened after the war to monarchy

serbia pretty much used to be an austrian colony, their royal family were just austrian pawns. a couple of years before ww1, that family was assasinated, and their rival family, which was pro british, was installed.

1. What caused tensions
The Scramble for Africa and all it brought with it, with constant territorial conflict and eternal decade-long dick-measuring irritated everyone over a period from 1850-1914.
2. Why do you have to start a war to test weapons
To actually test the weapons' functionality, of course you don't need to go to war. Testing the weapons of industrial mass slaughter in my formulation meant that one wanted to observe what degree of damage it could do to a mass group of people. And that could, at the time, only be done in war.

Also, I'm not an american, you fucking tyskerfanden.

Russia started the war and bongistan should never have been involved, and by extension you as well. There was no firm agreement for the brits to join the french nor some big parliament vote. Only a gentleman agreement by unelected cabinet members behind closed doors.

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Good war breddy good 10/10

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Bismarck was a very competent statesman that wouldn't have let the sitiuation devolve into warfare so quickly, he knew that the German navy couldn't compete yet with the British one; the Kaiser didn't that's why he went on interview say how fucking cool their new ships were and sent the British into a frenzy to keep their supremacy.
The only reason Willy got into power was because his predecessor Fredrick III got a shitty hand.

Wilhelm II was known as the "Friedenskaiser" (peace emperor) on his 25th throne jubilee in 1913. He was the head of the last major power to mobilize and tried his best to convince his cousin tsar Nikolaus to avoid a conflict.

>Lemme guess, you think Bismarck was a good guy, right?
is he not? idk much about him

Russia and France did form a secret alliance together which is pretty shady but I haven't seen anything that indicates that they started the war. If anything they entered it after the UK.
Wasn't the Treaty of London the reason the Brits and the French were fighting together?

After typing all that out I found this:
It sounds like Russia was gearing up for war and mobilizing troops before Gremany

I'm interested in what you've got but you for got your link

Thanks, I hadn't thought about France's motives yet but things make way more sense now

How much did the scramble for Africa factor into tensions in Europe? I don't know much about the colonization of Africa but I can't imagine anyone starting a huge war and risking everything over a patch of dirt they don't really have much history with and isn't their homeland

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to be fair we'd all used quicklime since the napoleonic days which is pretty damn bad since it causes ulcers in your lungs and throat and on your skin, though at least it dispersed quicker.

I honestly don't understand how Germany gets the blame. Austria declares war on Serbia, Russia declares war on Austria, Germany honors the defensive treaty with Austria against Russia, and France with whom they have an alliance.

Not true but the first troops deployed were in iraq by the brits to at all cost stop the orient express being extendedto Baghdad after oil was found in kuwait.
It would have effectively created the first proto pipeline and circumvented britiah naval superiority.
Note that we are now again trying to establish a pipeline over turkey to germany just now we would be cutting ourselves loose from both us and russian dependance.
This will never be allowed mark my words.
Help US (((they))) are trying to get US all nuked.

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big surprise treaties don't make something right, and it's much more complicated then who honours which treaties. Germany destabilised the European economy, they actually weakened Austria and led to the downfall of the Habsburgs, they challenged British sea power which for a sea-faring empire was absolutely unacceptable (who knows we'd have probably backed down in hindsight knowing how the US was about to do the same shit) and they had extremely provocative foreign policies like weltpolitik and grain stockpiling.

Looks like you're getting a new pipeline from Russia too

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I don’t know what these retards are saying, but WWI is pretty straightforward in my eyes.

Serbian nationalists assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. Serbia was once a part of Austria-Hungary. The world was on A-H’s side at this point.

A-H sent Serbia a list of demands, Serbia accepted all of them except one that would make it so A-H police could investigate on Serbian soil. The terms made it clear that if they weren’t all accepted they’d declare war. Global opinion quickly swung back in Serbia’s favour as it became apparent that A-H purposely made the demands unreasonable so that they could have war.

Germany says that they’ll help A-H in anyway they can, then the Kaiser goes on holiday. Germany has long had a plan that, since they were an encircled nation, they would takeout France before Russia could mobilise, then swing back and take Russia. The Kaiser gets angry that even after he got back from holiday, A-H still hasn’t invaded yet.

Russia mobilises because it has an autistic need to help Balkan states. This gets Germany scared so they mobilise. France gets scared so they mobilise. France has a line of impenetrable forts along the French-German border, a precursor to the Maginot Line, and Germany has to go around them. Around them is north in neutral Belgium. UK gets mad because they want neutral ports on the channel so they go to war with Germany.

And I think you know the rest (stupid amounts of people dying).