He beat that that assault rifle carrying white man who was in the prime of his life completely unarmed. Pol hates this story.
Ayden Howard
Fake news and a psyop. SAGE
Daniel Hughes
Excuses. Get shit on dylan roof little wannabe beta faggot.
Austin Hughes
Get equally fucked, nigger lover. SAGE
Nolan Reyes
Whats it like being lonely?
Colton Allen
Turns out he's a democrat and tried to jump the White House fence earlier in the year.
Cooper Thomas
An outlier to the statistics does not change or erase the statistical facts. If you are going to get shot, there is a much higher probability that it will be by a "Black" who is robbing you. It takes a really dumb & crazy white guy to shoot up the place, but it seems that an average nigger will act the same. Whats that tell you?
Congrats on him for not acting like a monkey in this situation.
As I recall he was a Trump supporter trying to drop some redpills in person.
Samuel Ortiz
Congrats on being a unloved loser that nature will wash away from the gene pool.
Ayden Morris
>Congrats on being a unloved loser that nature will wash away from the gene pool. I already have a few children, and am in a great marriage. My kids are almost old enough to drive and have been married for almost 2 decades to the same woman.
My kids have my intelligence, not the low IQ of some pavement ape. Even simple shit is impossible for the average black. Sure there are outliers and they are great people, but the average black has a sub 80 IQ. I don't set the rules, and am not god. I am just some guy trying to not get robbed and killed over pocket change by some dumb coon.
He said he was just protecting himself. He was not thinking of saving others, he was saving himself.
Jackson Russell
>We'll take great care of your sons and daughters. Blacks statistically cannot even take care of their own children. How can you convince me, a man who isn't 40 years old that you would take care of my daughters?
If you raise your kids at all, you may understand what I am about to say. I trust my daughters to make good judgement with men. I have raised them to judge dumb people harshly. They know what to look for, and statistically this includes treating most blacks as the feral creatures they are.
>He said he was just protecting himself. checked.
There is no doubt that this is the situation. This was not some virtuous black. This was no different then a bear attacking a human for being perceived as a threat when in its territory.
Bahahahaha muh daughters. The ultimate cuck. Im sure they will choose well with a dumb daddy like you. DA BLACK MAN totally isnt the ultimate taboo for them. You done did well daddy.
Lmfao I know you are the same person. Sad af. I feel sorry for your wife. You are one big faggot lmao. You secretly want black men to knock up your daughters.
Damn beta faggot old man. You got caught same fagging with a bunch of gay black porn. Triggered to the absolute maximum. Hilarious you are still talking.
I thought you were progressive. This is 2018. Why do you hate gays you bigot?
Matthew Moore
If theres any question as to why White civilzation is headed downhill, look no further than ole proud aryan boomer here. On the surface, cold and calculated aryan pride, memorized the 14 words. But underneath, just a closet homosexual with the inescable urge to suck and be filled with BBC.
So triggered off my daughters comment. Truth hurts. I can tell. I bet you jerk off when they bring boys over to fuck. Sick old man.
Justin Collins
>you're a sissy bottom faggot therefore everyone else is too >you think being a submissive faggot is cool I could literally pin you down and rape you bitch.
Luke Hughes
Lmfao you are a closet faggot. Youre wife divoreced you for sure. No way she'd still be with such a loser. No wonder you are so fucked up in the head.
Cameron Young
>You're gay for black men >you think it's cool >you think you can call other people black dick craving faggots because you are one >you're completely wrong about my age demographic
The funny thing is why did you try to act like someone else lmao? Dual personalities. I will never forget this in muh life. The proud aryan white saves gay black porn to his comp.
YEah im soo black man! you got me bro!! Im a kike nigger roastie, you didnt know? Lmao. ITs not fair. I shouldnt tease an old rotting man like you. Obviously you have severe psychological issues. Tfw when your daughters are fucking black men RN.
I live in the Northeast. Wow is your IQ like 15 or what. You can't seem to get anything right.
Brandon Campbell
I know youre the same guy lmao. Dont lie. You already been found out. I feel so sorry for your family. Zionist porn destroyed you. Weak white man like you couldnt help yourself. Nothing new.
Im not Jewish so theres that lol, but you already got max level triggered thinking I was black, so go ahead and spill your jjew hate folder too you sad pathetic failure.
Landon James
>Implying I don't know fapping makes you weak >implying Jews aren't small dicked inbreds