Eat Waffle, Get shot

Another white beta vydia sperglord goes on a shooting spree using the beloved AR

Alpha Black Panther using shitter door and kung fu powers disarms him.

How can white boys even compete?

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not a bullet wound.
i know bullet wounds.

It’s the 5.56 damage. Shit and ridiculous.

You should write for buzzfeed lmao

You have to go back

>be black
>get shot
I don't see anything wrong with this.

burn wound only.

eww a black person

yeah just try to keep from chimping out every 5 minutes.

>Whats a graze wound.

He wouldn't have gotten shot if we simply banned blacks from waffle houses

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>Be american
> Eat waffle
> Get shot

not that.

Was it a gun-free zone?

If you judge all white people by the crazy naked junkie retards then sure not much, but some of us are a bit fitter than that.

Source or it didn’t happen

the mutt "white" is a myth

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blacks in chicago committed 3 mas shootings this weekend

That's a flesh wound.

Unrelated but I wish had the meat and muscle mass on my bones to be able to take a bullet or two and not lose my stride. You can get past the pain and stop bleeding but if you're too thin a bullet could easily put you out of commission if it shatters bone.

I bet they weren't random shootings of people eating breakfast.

Yes he was grazed by a bullet and also suffered some cuts from struggling with the shooter for his gun.

Full story?

His graze wound could be on his hand its bandaged up.

kek americans are such batty boys.

tl;dr version
White boi start shooting up waffle house
Ninja nig in the bathroom when shit goes down.
White boi pauses to change mags
Ninja nig busts open bathroom door like a Level 20 boss, hits cuckboy with the door, overpowers him, throws AR over the counter

Cuckboy runs off, is somewhere crying while jacking off to Henti.

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Blacks are allowed to eat Waffle nowadays? I thought it's white man's food.

See. Firearms not needed to defend yourself from a mad gunman.

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lol. Who'd thunk. A CIVILIAN saved the day because he was the right guy in the right place at the right time.Cops can only react to crimes or profile suspected trouble makers. That means stopping suspicious people or stopping them over minor shit that everyone gets pissed about. Of course, CERTAIN POLITICIANS don't even want them profiling people.

Only american waffles, if they eat Belgian ones they can loose a limb.

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>Open carry an AR into waffle house in Nashville, TN
Police stop and ask you what you're doing.

Jow Forumshaos ensues, NRA loses its shit, gun fags chimp out. Jow Forums in outrage over "libshit city harassing gun owners"

Cops are fucked either way.

I never said anything about open carry. I just meant cops can't be your personal nanny. You're responsible for your own safety.

I agree with you to a certain extent, however our highly armed society has significant downsides. One of them being trigger happy cops who are scared of be shot at by every nigger or methhead who's having a bad day.

Your right, niggers arnt people.

Apparently they are superheros.

It should also be noted that the white boi was only wearing a green jacket and otherwise butt naked.