Allies sacrificed the whole western world just to save some hook nosed tribe

>Allies sacrificed the whole western world just to save some hook nosed tribe

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>germans love scat porn

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>Be Germany 1918
>Devastated by WW1 and crippled by 'peace treaties'
>Everyone's shit poor
>Elect Hitler
>Free yourself from jewish international banking system
>Get pushed into WW2
>Somehow we are the bad guys


Words can't describe
if everyone knew how bad things really are

Yeah, shit's fucked up.

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>be germany
>invade czechoslovakia
>warned sternly not to do it again
>covet poland
>get warned to stop coveting poland
>dressup german soldiers as poles and attack own people
>invade poland
>start ww2
>genocide 25 million eastern euros
>level half of europe
>lose war
You people are seriously the worst fucking dindus

Please forgive us...

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wwII irreparably this iteration of the human race

it's all down hill from here. to think of every instance of "bravery!!" all the missions, such a massive effort by so many good men thinking it was the right thing. It was all a trick

Thinking of other outcomes nearly brings a tear to my eye. so many good men died. my grandfather flew a bomber and undoubtedly killed a lot of good men. he came back with ptsd. died terribly

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We're gonna kike those kikes harder than they've ever been kiked before, get the ovens ready

>Be American
>Get tricked into cutting parts of your dick off and supporting some hook nosed tribe of liars and cheats.

>be toothpaste country
>harbor massive numbers of jews
>build massive jewish trading empire
>trade empire stolen and cucked by anglos

>Be burger
>Be a fucking burger

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too late josé

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>Grandgrandfather on Eastern front in Imperial German Army in WWI
>Grandfather in SS in Czeckoslovakia

Me, French suicidal NEET loser quappa, single mother raised.

What went wrong?

Why are you French?

Because my family were from Elsass and we went back to France after the defeat.

History is funny

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>there are people who actually believe this

Good luck with Google reverse image faggot

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Why do you shit on the US for fighting Nazi Germany but never Russia? Russia did more to stop Nazis than US and you all admit it, yet somehow US gets all the blame for it?

western world is still here lad

Is it?


My country gets most of the blame for starting the war as it was us who declared war first (along with the french) they never seem to realize how much we appeased hitler and didnt want a war, they could have had their nazi Germany in central Europe but they needed to start another fucking war, Germans are literal niggers.

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No it's in the bed of African migrants last time I heard


Germans are seriously shit. Kikes are even worse. Wish Germans would end them and then the world end Germans. Would be best result for everyone.

>Germans destroyed the whole western world just because of their autistic obsession with Danzig

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>long nose tribe say they got holobunga
>long nose tribe still owns all caves

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go cut your dick elsewhere, nigger tricked by kikes.

LOVe this gif

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The one person you can take at face value for this sort of shit is David Irving, and he agrees that Germany false flagged with troops

The gif the flag the post i love what germanys becoming. I feel that feel that parents must have when they teach their kids something and they get good at it

The internment of the Jews had very little to do with it. It was only after the war that it became a major focus with the fulfillment of a Zionist state in reparation for the six gorillion lampshades

I’ll forever be gratefull for those 5 years, herr Reichskommissar

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Churchill was the problem.
You (he) didn't want to listen onto any diplomatic appeals and didn't listen to reason. He knew he would win on the long run and he didn't care for the price he had to pay
Arms deals for the Anglo and bending to his pressure joining this war. It was not yours to begin with.
We attacked the Soviets and it was a Vernichtungskrieg. Both sides fought for total annihilation for the other state.
They were Bolsheviks too. So it is justified to start such a war. I wish for the russians we won. And I curse the eternal Anglo for not attacking the soviet straight after their victory.
They doomed half of Europe for half a century. And you helped them out of pure greed.

No, the Nazis sacrificed the whole western world just to attempt to fulfill their insane european genocidal scheme

The Nazis HAD to be stopped. My grandparents would have fought the Nazis time and time again and I would have joined them if I could.

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>wwII irreparably this iteration of the human race
>it's all down hill from here. to think of every instance of "bravery!!" all the missions, such a massive effort by so many good men thinking it was the right thing. It was all a trick

It's a pain that will never go away.
To think we could've had a future exploring the solar system and furthering western civilisation.

Instead we get a world full of niggers and shitskins who will do nothing but doom the entire world.

Fuck off Hans

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brits also fucked up rome though, if you're not brown haired your ancestors probably killed rome

Horrifying thing to find out


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Germany would've been defeated regardless due to USSR. The US only joined in once they saw the German fall as being imminent so that they could secure a spot in the victory and emerge as a superpower. If the US didn't join in their would be only one global superpower - USSR

>dressup german soldiers as poles and attack own people

>he actually believes this

user don't you think it was maybe some real Polacks who burned down that radio station in 1939? I mean, not to cast aspersions on Polish people, but I've heard of Poles who drink too much vodka and do stupid things before.

Pretty much.

Fuck off, Justin

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kekkers first time I see a mutt with some proper humor

what is that image supposed to show?

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The brits always wanted war, they just knew they were in no position to fight it.

>leafposting this early in the morning

The ussr would have folded before winter had the burgers not backes them

WW2 wasn't about jews, name a moment when western armies gave priority to liberate the camps over beating up the german army ?

There isn't, the sperg over the holocaust came later

this, Napoléon should have destroyed Prussia and Austria

Colmar is beautiful

Nobody told you, you had to export your ideology through violence. That's Islam. Not European / Christian at all.

My mom's family were Alsatian refugees from the Franco-Prussian war. They were optantes.
Lauren Southern burns coal.
Hitler could have annexed Danzig and no one would have done anything. Invading Poland was his own autistic retardation. It was not worth the Reich. Had the Germans said, "Okay, let's annex Danzig peacefully and just stop expanding," Germany would have been way better off.

Anyone with two braincells knows this is bullshit. Two countries invaded Poland simultaneously. The one wholly owned and ran by Jews was rewarded while the one that wasn't was invaded on all fronts and destroyed.

All you had to do was be nice and not call Yugoslavs subhuman while shilling Croats and Bosniaks to attack their kin.
Fuck you kraut.

Churchill didn't realise the price at all. He thought he would be elected PM continuously until his death after the war and that the British empire would be the worlds sole superpower. He spent the last years of his life being butthurt that his dumbass power fantasies never came true. Id piss on his fucking grave.

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didn't Americans enter Rome first? I thought the Americans were so egocentric you had to go take a city first otherwise you cry like a bitch?


Im fucking dead my dude

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>Not subhuman
pick one

> Implying Partisan Commies didn't dress up as Chetniks and kill people in order to justify their rope hangings

>be American 2018
>be born into a post-Boomer world where "diversity" is everywhere and you get shit on for being white
>figure out Germans were the good guys in WW2
>can't do anything about it because you're a fat dumb burger living in a modern hellscape from which there is no escape

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Enjoy your Somali dick, we will enjoy our subhumaness with /msg/ Nordyke.

Usury is being protected at all costs and is the source of their power. It was Hitler, the JFK, then Saddam Hussein, then Gaddafi, now Bashar Al-Assad; the focus being to establish a Rothschild CB system
>Christianity and the corruption therein is to be blamed
>Christians need to get in-touch with that inner-Jesus that fucked shit up when (((the money changers))) were in the church courtyard doing business

I'm sure a Jew, somewhere, thanked him for his service. And then stole his retirement money.

Nobody gave a fuck about jews during the war aside from maybe the Poles. The Americans actually told Jewish refugees from Europe that they aren't going to let them in. Those people were later executed in Germany lol. It's so funny when American Jews milk the holocaust, they didn't care back then, they don't deserve any money now.

The descendants of the men who saved the Jews are now told by the Jews that they're racist anti-Semites if they don't give up their money, rights, and country to brown orc invaders, then go die in a corner somewhere.

This is the part that always gets to me. Being a parasite is one thing, but they're malevolent to their host.

It wouldn't even be that bad if they were just some weird religious minority, but they deeply hate the people who they depend on. They want us to suffer.

Fucking why?

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>Devastated by WW1
Oh, yeah, the famous battlefields of Germany.
German industry was left intact, 1/4 of France was literally ravaged by war, everyone was shit poor after the great depression. Weimar Republic killed its economy thinking it could pay its debt with inflation, ruining even more its citizen. Before you say it, Weimar debt were nowhere near unsolvable. It was a retarded move by German leadership.

Germans mades a lot of bad decision. And the last one was too elect someone that had magic answers to all of their problems.

I would join you. I even heard they put his story into a fucking movie.
The destroyer of the Reich and the British empire.
That's quite the accomplishment. Sadly they portrayed him as a hero.

>German land, taken away by an unreasonable treaty.
>Diplomatic attempts failed miserably before
>Relations to Poland were shit
>Invade Poland together with the soviet
>Anglo joins war to help Poland
>Horrible war, Churchill refuses to listen to any diplomatic appeals. Polish and frensh independence were offers
>Anglo wins war
>Hands over half of Germany and Poland to Stalin
What the fuck?!

Dude, I've seen an actual Polish army officer who served during ww2 and survived the occupation get told by a young Jew from New York that he's basically responsible for the holocaust.

It's a fucking disgrace and even some Polish Jews are actually sick of it. America has the worse Jewish community in the world, maybe excluding those bankers who are entrenched in Britain.

In all honesty, if leftist American Jews disappeared along with those fucking bankers, I wouldn't hold any grudges against them. At this point I'm not even sure whether your libtards corrupted your Jews or whether it was the other way around.

Your democrats are fucking evil, man.

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Because Jews are racial supremacist in the extreme, they're taught from birth they're superior to you and that you're destined to be their slave, and they blame the entirety of white people everywhere for anything that befell the Jews, deserved or not.

>be Jews
>follow Ottoman army into Buda
>enslave all the Christian women, boys, and girls for use as sex slaves, then burn all the churches and plunder whatever the Ottomans don't
>Holy League shows up later, takes the city back
>kills you and the rest of your tribe out of revenge, and throws your bodies into the river
>"Oy vey, how can the doity goyim hurt us so?"
They basically think they're entitled to hurt you because they're Jews, and if you fight back then you're "Amalek" and need to be genocided.

That picture is disgusting.

Imagine how it feels being a German in university.
I see antifa spraying their shit on the walls, while they even get funded by our university gibs. We pay every semester 240 bucks and some of it goes straight into their pockets cuz they are shilling some diversity and anti hate courses.

There is no opposition to them allowed Y everything right from Merkel is ze Nazis

>At this point I'm not even sure whether your libtards corrupted your Jews or whether it was the other way around.
It was always the Jews. They brought Marxism to America, they brought the Federal Reserve to America, and they brought the 1965 Immigration Act to America.

Robbing America blind, putting us into colossal amounts of debt, flooding us with brown people from parts unknown, and attacking the foundations of the nation, was all Jews. The people our country saved. They thank us by destroying us.

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Yeah, but then I look at how life used to be in Poland and I see very little of this shit. And democrats have an established track record when it comes to turning minorities into rabid monsters, I mean just look at your niggers. You actually had a well adjusted negro population in the 50s, and then the democrats started race baiting and implementing their "social programs".

I'd agree that the likes of the Rotschilds are pure fucking evil, but your typical street-level Jew probably wasn't that much of the asshole until those assholes got to him with their propaganda.

It's really really sad.

But then again they also betrayed Poland after the war by joining the commies and helping them persecute our people. This was already starting to happen when our people were still saving the Jews from the Germans. And Poland was the only country where you'd get put in front of a firing squad for helping a Jew. I mean fuck me, this situation might've been salvageable 50 years ago, but right now it feels like the Whites will just have to banish them like in the middle ages to get their countries back.

>And democrats have an established track record when it comes to turning minorities into rabid monsters
But was it -really- the Democrats? Modern Democrats, sure, because who is leading them? Chuck Schumer, Diane Feinstein, Debbie Wasserman-Schulz, Adam Schiff. All Jews.

But as far as blacks go, guess who founded the NAACP?
>At its founding, the NAACP had one African American on its executive board, Du Bois. It did not elect a black president until 1975, but the executive directors, who were the chief operating officers, were primarily African Americans since the early 20th century. The Jewish community contributed greatly to the NAACP's founding and continued financing. Jewish historian Howard Sachar writes in his book A History of Jews in America that "In 1914, Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn of Columbia University became chairman of the NAACP and recruited for its board such Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf, and Rabbi Stephen Wise."


fick you man. i didn’t know what scat porn is. i googled it. Fuck you!

I wish we would have helped you guys in world war 1 so none of this shit would have happened.

It's horrible and barbaric to expel them.
Since it affects the average and innocent Jew that is just trying to make a living.

Still somehow you have to fight globalism. It's a horrible debacle

Yeah, I won't argue against that. I tried to play the devil's advocate for a second just to check whether my prejudices weren't clouding my judgement, and then I remembered what they've done here in Poland when they joined the Soviets.

You know, I think what made them live peacefully and actually contribute to society was the fact that before the war, they weren't really allowed to integrate that much. It was a soft apartheid. As soon as you give them full rights and start to integrate them into your society, they start acting like agents of a hostile power. I think it's their fucking culture with its awful tribalism.

Yeah, but this might escalate to the point when we have to do awful shit just in order to survive. It's not like we're pushing for this confrontation, it's the globalists who are constantly trying to strangle us.

>being this retarded

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You clearly don’t know the history of Europe/Christianity, then. All of the major powers which stopped le ebil nazis were imperialists who killed/assimilated their neighbors for more power.

You ever heard of blockades? Food shortages/rationing? Germany was starving for resources for most of the war. You think that had no lasting effect?

Dumb chink.

>'master race' of aryan gods couldn't even manage their own country let alone the entire world
>proceeded to backstab their own allies and start wars of aggression
>cry crocodile tears when they get their shit kicked inside out for the second time in 50 years by the rest of the civilized world
>lasting legacy is being represented and championed by people like this

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Germans didn’t call them nazi
This coin is strange
Am I wrong ?


holy fuck my sides

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>And the last one was too elect someone that had magic answers to all of their problems.
'Sooner will a camel pass through a needle's eye than a great man be "discovered" by an election'.' - Adolf Hitler

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Hey man, what can I say. At least we didn't butt into your affairs and let you borrow our railways. We were secretly rooting for you gais.