2/3rds of published Psychology studies found not reliable


What does it mean when an entire field of study is found to be entirely falsified? How should scientists and institutions fix the problem of leftist ideology turning science into a political tool instead of search for truth?

Do you think the fact the field of psychology is completely degenerated and 99% far left is why they don't do anything useful but prescribe damaging drugs?

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I noticed this so many "science" articles published in the clickbait press are social studies stuff. Not real science at all.


It just so happens all the scientific areas dominated by leftists have become stalled and produce bogus research.

Ecology was also recently found to have over a 50%+ false published study rate. This is the major studies too that set in stone what is "true" for the field. Major psychology studies have influenced CEO's and more.

A big one is the recent crisis of "loss aversion" to replicate.

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Biology too. The real problem is the statisticians and machine learning and whatever else they call themselves people. They love to mouth off about how scientists need to stop data mining and correct for multiple comparisons and report how many tests were done... while conveniently not mentioning that they don't require their authors to report how many data sets they tried before they got "state of the art results", which is meaningless by the no free lunch theorem. As the best statistician I know once said,

>To all you tenured idiots out there spouting clueless dumbshit while sheltered (at taxpayers expense) from ever having to face reality or correct your inane drivel even a smidgen:


Also those goddamn frauds have nothing to say when you point out that Kepler was datamining to an absurd degree (he tried like 40 different models on the same data before an ellipse LOL) and Newton's law of gravity applied to the earth and sun wouldn't have had p < 0.05 because of perturbations of the planets.

Loss Aversion, a cornerstone law of psychology is unwinding as falsified. Not just falsified once, but in subsequent studies field-wide.

If there was a mechanism to remove a scientific field, psychology would be better off removed and all people in the field stripped of diploma / status. Psychology has to start from scratch, and it seems pointless with advances in neuroscience. Neuroscience should take over and psychology just removed as a field.

Yechiam, E. Psychological Research

It is often claimed that negative events carry a larger weight than positive events. Loss aversion is the manifestation of this argument in monetary outcomes. In this review, we examine early studies of the utility function of gains and losses, and in particular the original evidence for loss aversion reported by Kahneman and Tversky (Econometrica 47:263–291, 1979). We suggest that loss aversion proponents have over-interpreted these findings. Specifically, the early studies of utility functions have shown that while very large losses are overweighted, smaller losses are often not. In addition, the findings of some of these studies have been systematically misrepresented to reflect loss aversion, though they did not find it. These findings shed light both on the inability of modern studies to reproduce loss aversion as well as a second literature arguing strongly for it.

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Psychology was always designed to fuck up the minds of the Aryans. There's a (((Freud))) quote about it somewhere.

>phase 1: semitic religion
>phase 2: psychology
>phase 3: nihilism and godless goyim

Behavioural finance is the biggest fucking Jewfest I think I've ever encountered. It's Shlomo after Shlomo on those papers.

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yOU MEAn the best option for a transgender isnt swapping seX Like studies suggesT??@!

Psychologists dont prescribe, only psychiatrists do and thank god. Psychiatry is a medical scientific field, psychology is social science.

Behavioral psychology is basically Jews making golems again, being as the premise is that there is no internal experience to be modeled. So then when the models are iteratively applied to reality, the result is the creation of golems with no observable internal experience.

Much like using the Turing Test as an objective function for AI. Wow, you made a golem, but now one so good at trickery that its entirely validity is dependent on its ability to trick us! What could go wrong?

>t PhD psychologist here

Life Science isn’t about facts, it’s about solutions. Psychology is about summarizing and simplifying human behavioral trends in order to improve the human experience.

So what if our theories aren’t watertight? We’re still helping millions. We still have solutions backed by data.

sauce on girl


Do you understand how contemporary art was subverted? Art used to be based on skill and aesthetic values, but it gave way to modernism so that even a shit stain could end up in an art gallery. Science is being subverted the same way.

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Pure coincidence that it is also leftists ruining science like they ruined art.

>loss aversion
Don't even need "social studies" for that, it's a pure math.
Losing $99 out of $100 will leave with hundred times less currency, while adding $99 on top of $100 barely doubles it. It is a trick since it assumes absolute value = relative value, when it's not.

At least 90% of research in any field is trash and is just done for gibs, it's all just bullshit

After WWII there was a huge push especially in the U.S. to churn out as many scientists as possible. The result was science became just another professional career, like medicine, law, accounting etc. Before that, science was reserved for just a handful of the best and brightest. Now the average IQ of scientists has been diluted by the huge influx of mediocre minds in every discipline. Physics has been somewhat immune because there's a threshold IQ needed just to pass the classes, but even physics is suffering. The only breakthroughs made in the last 30 years have been from smashing particles in ever larger and more expensive accelerators. Every scientific discipline is 90% garbage, yet having a science degree holds the same prestige it did 50 years ago.

Leaf, the fields that aren't trash tier psychology actually make shit that is awesome: gunpowder, computers, cures to disease.

>cures to disease.
Dumb dumb, this "replication crisis" as it's referred to in psychology right now started even earlier referring to bad results in the medical sciences (see: John Ioannidis)

I know, it's tiresome, but it's true. Psychology is infested with jews, and much like Law the field has grown into an unnecessarily massive money making business. The DSM grows each revision to the point that everyone has a mental illness to some degree. Big Pharma are happy to provide more pills. Our sick society is generating more mental illness. Then you have shooting sprees where they are all on those drugs. Then the judenpress push for a gun grab.
It's worse then anyone could possibly imaging.

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ok but what is the source for your image

Blame da joo

I'm feeling charitable today, user.. hanna hallysem

ironic given that what we know today as psychology emerged as a breakaway from psychoanalytic theory in the pursuit of scientific rigor only to end up mired in useless shit like behaviorism and sociology

God I wanna sniff Hanna's farts

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I can't even fathom the decadent aromas emanating from those sweety feet.

In my Psych Methods class our professor told us that it was standard to alpha test studies and tweak them to ensure you got the result you are looking for.

I almost walked out, because that is the most dishonest, unscrupulous, unscientific bullshit. When I called him on it, he said tou do what you have to to get your degree and tenure.

What kind of jank ass university is this? I'm a statistics major and this makes my blood boil. (I originally was planning on doing psychology).

psychology is not a science

its an assemblage of opinions by people who failed their basic science courses in college

It's a shame too, because psychology had noble origins with intelligent forefathers, but the field got taken over by dumb females with an agenda, who, as you said, cannot pass basic science courses.

If not for these wretches the field could possibly have some legitimacy. The way they conduct experiments is on a child's level. They don't even try to hide what they're researching from their subjects most of the time, which is clearly going to bias the results. As if these bad practices weren't enough, apparently most of these researchers don't have an ounce of integrity, as points out. Even if their data managed to somehow be valid, they will simply manipulate it until they get the result they want, defeating the whole point of having a good data set to begin with.

sage this faggot

>backed by nonreproducible data

youre also hurting millions through your fakescience about trannies ane implicit racism being codified into law

All science """research""" is either whoring for gubment funding or writing about whatever corporations want you to.

>helping millions
Yeah, helping them be tracked and manipulated. You’re at least as Jewish as actual Jews

Psychology is just a racket for the jews.

Film at 11.

I don't think that's big news. Every psychologist worth his salt knows and openly says that psychology isn't a science but an applied science


Psychology is NOT a science.
Talking to someone for an hour, then deciding that person is bipolar or manic depressive, isn't science.
There are no blood tests or MRI scans, just some asshole’s opinion after talking to you.

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90% of people getting psych degrees are crazy women

I'll second that. As an engineer I worked closely with bio types in grad school. Some were exceptional scientists, but there were a lot of people that would look at a limited data set and run p tests (p hacking) to find relevant trends and then publish those.......
>That blew my mind. Accidental discovery is one thing, but you normally run tests to prove/disprove a hypothesis, and if you make an accidental discovery then you move to the next phase, which is to run further tests to prove or disprove your new discovery, to test of its real.
>add to that their arrogance because is their degree. They are smart, but not wise. Plagued by dogma. Watching trump win was hilarious, especially the week after when the dean sent out an email suggesting people seek counseling if they were traumatized. Top Kek.

Academics in the US really are corrupted to the core.
>Do you think the fact the field of psychology is completely degenerated and 99% far left is why they don't do anything useful but prescribe damaging drugs?
Psychology itself has nothing to do with politics, other than blatant censorship and leftist corruption.
Besides the kikes and the really shitty ones, psychologists(at least here), usually refrain from recommending medication, unless impossible without it, and would much rather stick to therapy.

While psychology really is infested with jews,
>since the dumb fuckers are always trying to get an advantage, though they're barking up the wrong fucking tree
however, the basis is solid and people get better when they come to us.

This surprises no one with more than 2 brain cells to rub together


If you actually believe that, then please, immediately, either get educated, or simply stick to what you know. Or kill yourself. The choice is yours.

All women are crazy.
-->women in science will do crazy science.
-->world will turn crazy in direct proportion with the percentage of women in positions of power and sciences.

You can reproduce this on the field experiments, in small scale or planetary scale thousands of times with exact same results.

>What kind of jank ass university is this?
A well regarded private University. Listed high in rankings for two Psych disciplines.

>Believes he is more educated about psychology
>Telling people to kill themselves online
The irony is simply delicious!

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got any more of this thot ?

The education system is the issue.

We have to few intelligent people and compensate it by feeding average joe with lots of informations. Knowledge doesn't give average joe the ability of pattern recognition or thinking outside the box thought, limiting him intensively and ultimately making him a 'fachidiot'

Is that a boy or a girl? I can't tell anymore.

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> t. guy who saw a psychologist once in a movie

You hurt?
You butthurt?

You can iron my t-shirt, lady.
I just assumed your gender.

>2/3 of studies not reliable
>still a science

It will absolutely kill you inside to know that this fine white woman is in a relationship with a man of Hispanic origin.

The DSM is crap. The ICD is what should be used.
Well, I'm not working as a psychologist anyway.

>talking to someone for an hour, then deciding that person is bipolar or manic depressive
It isn't done like that.

Whatever its all a scam
Those people just need Jesus

It's literally the jews!
If it's written by a jew, I always try to verify it before I can use it.

You're now aware that pastors, priests, monks, etc., are simply one-trick psychologists at their best.

>It just so happens all the scientific areas dominated by leftists have become stalled and produce bogus research.

It's no surprise that filling the ranks with fundamentally dishonest arrogant twats will drop the reliability of something like research like a stone.

>Academics in the US really are corrupted to the core.


>Reich once had German collaborators drop out of a study when the initial findings seemed to mirror too closely Nazi propaganda about the Aryan race.

Science is farcical all over the western world. It's overrun but scammers looking to make free money who hold no special regard for the truth.

Doesn't surprise me. I see tons of hot women parading around some nigglet that they had with atrocious looking shitskins.

Your ignorance is either a sign of narcism or delusion

>Pseudoscience found not reliable
No fucking way.
My psychology degree can't be worthless.
Dr. Goldberg said it was legit.

>So what if our theories aren’t watertight?

>Science is farcical all over the western world. It's overrun but scammers looking to make free money who hold no special regard for the truth.
The East still holds, brother!
Not all hope for a renaissance is lost.

>So what if our theories aren’t watertight? We’re still helping millions. We still have solutions backed by data.

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Well, yes. Religion is important.

Who are you quoting ?

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It is to be expected that most of the studies that pass the reproducibility test will be spurious, due to the terrible standards used to select the test subjects, define relevance, and their highly anti-scientific and absurd explanations of the data they got.

But failing to be reproducible means that the study was entirely made up, so it is impossible even for the same researcher with the same original data to follow the steps to get the same results. And that's for PUBLISHED studies, which means that they passed filters and peer review.
That over 2/3 of published studies are entirely made-up means that Psychology is a phony science, used only to spread bullshit.


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I'm amazed people actually believe psychology is science. JPB fans hardest hit.

Listen goy, your problem is that you want to have sex with your mum.
Is there anything more Jewish than this?

OP chick has obvious Nose Job, Fat lip injections, fake boobs. What a LOSER!

Psychologists != Psychiatrists

One if a doctor, the other is a social scientist

Duh? Psychology is a meme

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This post is idiotic. Do you even DSM?
Of course the studies are not reproducible, they are based upon pattern recognition. If a person diagnosed as schizophrenic exhibits all of the known traits is compared to another person showing all of the behaviors of schizophrenia except one, they are still diagnosed the same. It's not about counting molecules for fuck's sake.
>Person A wants to chop off his dick
>Person B wants to chop off his dick and grow tits
Both are mentally ill.

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Anyone has an archive on the 10% of studies that was actually replicable? What psychologies are good? We talking Kant, William James, Nietzschie?

there are two kinds of science, the kind where you measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not.

and the kind where you make shit up based on the inconclusive results of highly varied individuals

Yet it's the only branch of psychology that implements standards seen in natural sciences. Being someone who changed quite a bit just by changing my behavior I see this being the only way for psychology to become an actual science.
t. psychology student

not surprprising at all, they more than likely get pampered their entire lives. by teenage years they are toddlers mentally.

eyes of a fucking psycho

By this logic, torturing people into accepting a lower standard of life is acceptable, because int he end, they're happier than they were before.

How does it compare with the rate for other fields?

it's also publish or perish mentality that plagues humanities, except that in humanities methodologies rooted in stuff like constructivism are fair play which ends up with people basically just making shit up without any concern of verfiability
the two strains - deconstructivism and constructivism - have basically gone off the rails and no amount of statistics, math or quantifiable research is going to magically fix it

it's a science but it's not a hard science. They mostly study tendencies, not facts. I would call it borderline. In any case it's a low tier college major

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I can't remember the name but do you know the one article two scientists submitted to a social sciences journal that got published that had a nonsensical name of some bullshit they just made up

Psychology is an extension of the legal system. Who determines if a behavior is abhorrent, a sickness, or acceptable? The courts in cooperation with the field of psychology determine acceptable behaviors and as to when penalize conduct.

Abysmal, only better than sociology, and sociology routinely publishes fake papers generated by random algorithms.

>We still have solutions backed by data.
Well my data here says you're a faggot, and you can't tell me I'm wrong because Life Science isn't about facts.

The Earth is flat backed by data.

t. Geologist

by using fact over feels again

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>so what if our theories aren't watertight?
this has to be bait. no real psychologist will actually admit this about their field

Age of consent laws are retarded

It's killing me that I'm not the man of Hispanic origin of her life.