Do you agree with this punishment? How would you punish your cheating wife?

Do you agree with this punishment? How would you punish your cheating wife?

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Stoned to death.

Based Paki

This if I could get away with it desu.

the best way to punish a woman is to cut off the attention and currency supply.
Pack up her shit, change your locks, and ghost her forever afterwards with no hard feelings from your side.
If you were half-decent to begin with, she'll respect you all the more for it and pine over you as 'the one that got away', simply because 90% of men lack the guts to cut their losses for security's sake.
You're better off alone than cohabotatong with an emotional and financial parasite.

As I said, had you've been even slightly good as a partner, she'll regret fucking you over until she dies.

Get a blood test for the kid(If it turns out to be mine then seek full custody) gather evidence that she cheated, get an annulment of the marriage and move on with my life

Hurr just leave her

Fuck that cuck

Being cheated can have a lifelong damage while the one doing the cheating didn't care anyway.

Break all her teeth so no man can love her anymore. Fucking faggots.

TL;DR: Cheaters thrive off your reaction. It's best to nonchalantly tell them to have a nice life and not give them the satisfaction of relishing in your emotional distress

no wonder you got cucked you aggro loser, I bet the guy she fucked you over with had a bigger dick too

>cheating while bf/gf
Ghost, bye slut
>Cheating while courting
Kicked out, change locks, blast on social media
>Cheating while married, no kids
Prenuptial agreements, you get nothing, you want to stay together, tell your girlfriend's to line up and bend over or your ass is going to court
>Cheating while married with young kids
Same as above, with threat to tell them
>Married with teenage or older kids
Also same as above, but they are getting told anyway cause we are divorcing when they hit 18

Two important points:
1). This is the kind of woman who gets the rope on the Day we're waiting for.
2). The only rational and moral thing to do when your spouse cheats/commits adultery is to leave them. If you have children, fight for joint custody. If you have a mortgage, sell your house for as much $ as you can.
Also, this is WHY prenups are important people.

As a fellow European i would like to use our own traditional burn at the stake.


Were it me I would have dropped her off on the street corner got a DNA test and if the kid wasn't mine dropped it off with her on the same corner.


I love change all the locks on my house kick all her shit out and get a DNA test on the child and then if it's mine keep it and get full custody, if not let her keep the child

This , pretty much

I second this, throw the bastard leech in as well.

>How would you punish your cheating wife?
Obviously by leaving, this isn't such a hard question

Not at all, there is literally no excuse for someone to stay with a girl that cheats, especially in marriage, and especially when having a child. Even if she sucks your dick while you shit, not worth it to be with a dirty, gross, lying whore.

Alpha cuck you mean.

>letting them cheat


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>How would you punish your cheating wife?
Some user a couple of months ago posted an absolutely devilish way to screw her over. You used a meticuously faked gambling addiction to move away funds while maxing out credit cards and loans in both of your names, sadly I can’t find the screencap.

Women are slut anyway...

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Women have no spine.

Are you high? Doing this would make the woman have no recourse but the courts, which will fuck you over. Actually, she'll rape you in the courts anyway. You're basically fucked at this point with no hope of recovery.

Sometimes you guys aren't so bad. I think we could even get along if you weren't brown.

It's the truth though...

Attached: DoubleTrouble.webm (1920x1080, 2.29M)

Indeed but still your WEBMs and GIFS.. lmao

how do I know they are both German

Only a german would do such a thing

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Prenups aren't worth the asscrack sweat it takes to write them. In about half of your scenarios, the woman uses the court system, which is fully on her side, to get eternal gibs from you, which is what you really were to her to begin with if she cheats.

wtf happen to his dick?


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what did I just watch

And then she runs to the nearest police station filing a false eviction and god knows what else claim against you, takes your house and half your income forever.

please tell me that's a joke


Just when i thought ive seen it all

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As a Bosnian, I'm about as white as you.

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Fucking muslims

Dont click fellow whites a doggo gets killed

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If you have a female cat and you let it walk outside and one day it gets pregged should you punish the cat?
How is it different with a woman? People give the female brain to much credit.

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This guy is a retard. She didn't respect him enough to not cheat, she isn't going to respect him enough to do his bidding. You can't build a relationship on disrespect. Best case he does this for a week then disappears.

Attached: WetPussy.webm (640x640, 1.94M)
here's her channel btw

I think he should do this, then when the 2 years is up he should take his daughter to another part of the country/world and assume a new identity without warning.

This is probably the most jewish post I have ever seen. Deflection - the jew's favorite weapon. You managed to turn jew hate into christian hate. The jews' hatred for christ is unending, you even are the ones who killed him and would do it again.

Does she have to give the bj as he poops ?

I posted in the wrong fucking thread, I hate phoneposting.

>piss fetish

sick nip bitch reeeeeeeeeeee

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>but at the same time I don't want to work so I want to stay with him
Don't you love how when you give women a chance, they measure their own value based on their holes, and fit every stereotype men give them?
It's almost as if women's rights are a joke.


white sharia when?

you could post that in most threads, still make as much sense as some of the shit posted

I did this to a girlfriend who I found out cheated on me. I cut all ties and stopped talking to her. She showed up at my door 8 months later unannounced (she lived 1400 miles away at that point).

This is how i'd imagine a walking dead tier virus would develop.
>Muh based as*ans aka gooks

How is that a punishment?

Gotta be honest I gave the first half a fair bit of consideration, seeing as the promotion of degeracy and cuckoldry via behaviour like this is as jewish as being gassed.

Read the last part of the post. She's considering it because she doesn't want to work.

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that's a chink

my sides

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its real


hello newfriend

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weak pathetic guy partners with giant piece of shit.
what's new

Mine came back at 9 months. She immediately left when she saw my Asian gf kek.


Nope. Rare for me to see Macedonia flags though.
Are you a roach?

No you're just a faggot i see macedonia every day

POOOOOOOOOO IN spilled guts

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You do realize you saved that webm off me don't you?

No I do not.
But thank you kind sir.

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whats she feeding him?

>whats she feeding him?
Ask poo man 169203818

And that's coming from a Swede. Globally recognized experts on the subject.

Water, watch the whole thing


>> but at the same time I don't want to work
This is basically what the modern day woman amounts to.

> Do you agree with this punishment?
No, it's too soft. Also, supporting her life and that of her spawn for a few BJ's (not sure how often he is going to take a shit) is probably still more expensive than getting a hooker to do so.

> How would you punish your cheating wife?
Cheating would be an instant loss of trust. It would also expose the woman as "modern day standard female", which instantly means that she is not viable as a partner for life. Therefore i would throw her out of my house and cut all ties with the bitch.

Was he that fucking thirsty? Id probably have other things in my mind

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And this is why gays should be burnt

No its a end of life thing people are water in India

>people are water

Toilet water?

didnt sound like the husband really cared too much. So he is probably cheating as well

>you want to stay together
sorry we don't serve cucks around here.

>2 years of Blumpkins in exchange for a financial free ride for her and her little illegitimate child

Paternity. Divorce with proof of adultery, severing of legal ties to the kid and thus financial obligations.

i'd like to think i have a pretty strong stomach, but animal abuse is still hard to watch. fucking gooks.

fucking women.
They don't deserve any tiny bit of freedom anymore.

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husband probably doesn't even care she cheated. just wants the lulz for her sucking his dick when he's taking a shit. and when she doesn't do it he will just leave her. it's a win win for this guy. stupid whore, she deserves no respect.

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>win win
>guy literally pledges his life to the bitch
>she immediately goes and starts fucking somebody else
>"my wife's daughter"
oh yeah. Such win.

But seriously did he lie on the train tracks on purpose or is it more sinister?

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