Brit/pol/ - It's a Boy Edition

>Royal baby: Duchess gives birth to boy

>North Korea missile and nuclear test halt hailed

>Ten killed in Nicaragua protests over pensions reform

>Man, 20, dies in Finsbury Park stabbing

>Scottish doctors' leader warns health service 'deteriorating'

>Rotherham abuse victim: 'All I wanted was to be believed'

>Carwyn Jones to quit as first minister after the 'darkest of times'

>SDLP's John Boyle is chosen as next mayor of Derry

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Other urls found in this thread:

Long live Prince Mohammed

who /singalong/

Start buying guns.

You mean water pistols, surely?

It's a boy.

He is being called Frank.

>Was Enoch Powell right?
>The short answer: how many stabbings make a river
wtf sargon

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based samurai destroys the negroid menace


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"Smell my finger"
pornhub asian ass eating

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sarg'n can fuck off he throws a bone to the right every few months to keep his views up but he's irredeemably pozzed overall.

I do hope that in keeping with our country's tradition of fairness, inclusivity and social justice, that the Duchess of Cambridge's new baby has a beautiful mocha hue.

I've read a load of hysterical shit about Princess Kate, from "liberals" and "feminists" angry that she's white, wealthy, married, straight, healthy, fertile etc. So I hope her and her family are causing huge amounts of devastation to these ugly, awful people today.

How do I delete a post, quickly?

>Bo-ra-ku pee-pu

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>burack peepohl

kick it out lads (racism)

Congratulations my British allies! I'm sure your nation is celebrating on the royal birth! ;) God save the baby!

Well the full name is Francis Warleggen Poldark Windsor

That would certainly be a step in the right direction, but personally I think they should have all future royal weddings sponsored by BLACKED so that the rest of the country can share in the inclusiveness too.

'ave 'ad enuf of dis Royal bollox. Were spendin are tax muneh on erm parasites to do nufink while propa Bri'ish werkin class famlees are out on tha streets cos of austerity nd benefits cuts innit. Bluddeh travesty

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>Warleggen Poldark
He's not Cornish, mate

Nah, they're all pleased as shit that his older sister is preceding him for the first time in history.

Seriously, the bullying against American members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Americans are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only American man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Swedes or Germans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful country? Canadians get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in all of North America

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful !
Would you call an American man a "Mutt"(disgusting word) to his face? Would you say to a kind,peaceful and hard working salt of the earth American man that they are a "Filthy Mongrel"? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?
Your destroying national pride, your dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.


what do we reckon the special baby boy will be called

charles, arthur?

>need more moneh fo dem En Haitch Ess programs


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Think about it, how many homeless people could we house in Buckingham Palace? Probably, like, loads of 'em


Cornish is English, Sunshine, they can call their kid after characters from Poldark if they want.

Congrats on having one more heir between the throne and Harry's future negroid spawn.

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I'm going to call it now as Henry

>Any historical figure who wasn't born in England is an immigrant t. progressive

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>Cornish is English,
Oh no we fucking aren't, Emmet

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>He still doesn't have a SSBBW gf
I'm not mad nor am I amused. I just feel an endless amount of pity for you.

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fuck me
i'm gonna see if i can find any prophecies

Timely reminder that St. Edmund should be the patron saint of England

Nuke Liverpool when?

Propa good plan lad. Build a fooken Gregg's in buckingim too heheb

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I thought it was 3 C.Y.

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whats going on

bad association with shakespeares edmund


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Terminally ill kid, the hospital have determined there's nothing to be done and plan to pull life support. Parents want to take him to a hospital in Rome to continue getting palliative care, went to court, got told no.

was it autism?

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God bless the new prince

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Was Linehan there sperging out?

Unemployed Scousers trying to start a riot in a childrens ICU because they are removing life support from a braindead kid

Ah, I see you're a man of taste too.

fucked up

>Hands in pockets
>Eyes cast down
Pretty pathetic

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Buy crossbow, totally legal

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I understand the kid is braindead, but why can't the parents take him to another place? It's not like it's the state's child.

>or is it

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Yes you fucking are.

Also Cornish pasties were invented in London and called that to sound exotic.They are also inferior to Ivor Dewdney's pasties and Greggs.

hey, please don't post this absolutely repugnant nigger

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my fav

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Because the second he is unplugged or even if he gets a change in pressure like going up on a plane he is going to die.

is that up to the state to decide, or the parents?

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guns are perfectly legal too

Because they've got to keep him alive until he's transferred, and have to provide resources for the transfer itself. It's callous, but the NHS only has so much to go around.

>Also Cornish pasties were invented in London and called that to sound exotic
And the English are from Schleswig, what's your point?
>They are also inferior to Ivor Dewdney's pasties and Greggs.
Fuck out, lad. It's Warrens, Barnecutt or nothing.

I was in Cornwall on holiday and an American tourist asked me what the Cornish flag was

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Please name him Arthur

HAHAHAHA that's right

that's what happens when you give your healthcare to the state

>The State Gave, and the State Hath Taken Away

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the kid is a literal vegetable. its a total waste of money and resources. theres nothing left and it cant live without being attached to a bunch of machines. the parents are just grandstanding because they can

>that's what happens when you give your healthcare to the state
He is currently receiving palliative care, and will continue to receive it until he dies, and this has happened without costing the family inordinate sums of money.
I'm not really sure what your issue is.

>Yes you fucking are
they literally have their own language m8

There is a group trying to replace George with Edmund but they keep getting denied.

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Parents should have bought a private insurance, they didn't and the state doesn't pay for extras.
I don't see the issue.

Not very inclusive, lad. Might upset the Scandies.

I understand that, but the parents should be given the right to treat their child the way they wish.

I also understand that the state has total control over this kid's life because muh EN ECH ESS

Sounds like a you problem. That sucks.

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I guess the poor child is to white to be saved

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At this point the child is basically a dead bag of flesh kept from rotting by a machine pumping blood around it. It is already dead, there is sadly no way to save him. It is tragic but all they are doing is making sure more children that could be saved are denied that bed because they can't admit their child died long ago.


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>laurie penny
>things that never happened

Fucking Frank. Goddammit Frank, get back to work.
Finally a /pol approved name.

Cornish is just Welsh they co-opted in the 1950s for a fake local identity.


>watching culture change
>kid talking about a superheros powers
sometimes i wish i was a liberal because being so retarded probably makes life seem a lot better


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STFU faggot.
You might as well be putting a ‘kick me’ sign on your back.

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because parents dont have the right to start experimenting with pseudoscience on their kids just because they are terminally ill

>should be given the right to treat their child the way they wish.
That sounds nice on paper, but someone has to actually put their wishes into action, and that's going to involve the NHS shilling out a large amount of resources.
>I also understand that the state has total control over this kid's life
Not in the least. He has a degenerative brain condition. His brain is literally withering away one nerve at a time. He cannot survive. All the treatment he's currently receiving is to make his death as gentle as possible. All he'd receive in Rome is more of the same. Meanwhile, there are children who CAN be healed who would benefit from the resources, the attention, etc.
>Sounds like a you problem
Again, he's receiving palliative care without the parents paying ridiculous US-style hospital fees. There isn't much of a problem.

>NHS gives refugees brain-damage
BASED desu

Shoulda been Jamal, but I’m good with Frank.


Read up on the case of Terri Schaivo. It went to court where the state ruled that the HUSBAND had the right to decide what's best for Terri as opposed to her parents. The state had nothing to do with determining whether she should die or not, except for siding with the husband.

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Good source of brit headlines:

I win again

why not?

seems to me like they should allow people to choose what they think is best for themselves

>a fake local identity
Don't you try and deconstruct me, Mr. Marx

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I'm sure they'd be allowed to if they are able to pay but they probably don't have the money.

I wish Britain's death wasn't so drawn out. It needs to happen quicker so something better can be built from the multicultural wreckage.

"For all of you cheeky racist sausages waving this flag about today, don’t forget that St George was a Turkish/ Palestinian who was probably as brown as me...have a good day boys and girls "

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the state didn't decide here, the court decided to side with the doctors over the family, unless you want to argue that each and every doctor and expert witness in the case is just a tool of the state, in which case idk what to tell you.