One of the best things you can do to not only greatly improve your life but also fight back against the jews is...

One of the best things you can do to not only greatly improve your life but also fight back against the jews is completely cutting porn out of your life.

The negative effects of porn addiction are well documented and it is wreaking havok amongst young males. It is a large cause of the low test onions boy epidemic.

It is no secret that the porn industry is virtually entirely dominated by jews and they are proud of it. Pornography is psychological warfare being waged by the jews on the goyim. It destroys relationships, destroys mental and physical wellbeing and destroys society.

Say no to the jew, say no to porn.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I see the faggot mods introduced another word filter.

Coming up on a year without any kind of porn but what my imagination can make.
so far

What would you say it's done for you?

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but i like the feeling of cumming thinking about your sister

the "jews" are more of an internal psychological force in your own mind, projecting it outwardly is for faggots. fight your demons faggot. just because you fap to bdsm hentai or shemales doesnt mean its anyones fault but your own

> b b bbut the jews made me watch it

kys weakling

>What would you say it's done for you?
Much more vivid and rewarding.

Mostly: because you fap to real things in your surrounding that you can actually work towards getting it helps with motivation.

ass odd as this sounds my hair is growing thicker, my scalp isn't dry anymore, I can fall asleep a lot faster (used to always have to wank), and I don't have the random boner issues. Dealing with women hasn't changed much and I don't work out so I can't speak of any physical gains other than fat

I used to go once a week (longer if I was depressed) but I started getting huge erections at work.
The only way to stop random adolescent tier erections is to release everyday. I'm only 21 but it takes ages of waiting (whilst frustration builds) before I can use my mind again on its own.

Guess what.

Switch from looking at 3d porn to 2D porn and you will feel so much better and you can still jerk off its amazing.

I only jerk off to anime girls and its great

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The Jews create porn, this is undeniable.
No one here is saying discipline is not an option. The porn Jew is very alluring, yeah we are weak.
Got anymore insight, penal colony/dog eating chink??

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you're an idiot

probably got your dick in your hand as you typed that

your country will be gone before mine, faggot

>muh evil powerful jews made me jack off and waste away my life

try just your imagination, that's what it's there for

great here's the autogynephilia meme again

the only faggots who get worried about that are the ones who have it, so when you start freaking out about it, you're signalling that you're a femme faggot who watches too much shemale porno. you might as well kill yourself for being so weak willed.

Onions boy

That's me with ur sister, is that ok?
gave her some hiv LOL

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Only when I'll be able to lucid dream at my whim.

So not sure if this is just a troll thread or not, but if serious, do you actually have any tips? Ive been wanting to stop but its difficult. Even times when Im not that horny I just do it because im bored. Ive kinda told myself that I need to quit the pot first (get my head on straight) before tackling this next issue, but in the meantime, any tips on helping to stop looking at porn? And is 'the highlight reel" any better?

you need a hobby to replace it with

also browsing Jow Forums is asking for trouble if you struggle with temptations

I was just about to mention the Jow Forums thing... even scrolling to the bottom of the page and seeing them damn ads do me in...

Anything you would recommend? I've started learning guitar, bought a bow to do archery, etc, but there is always "downtime" between any activity...

You're right.

I will never stop beating my meat, Jew.

i was trolling in this thread earlier, but i can tell you're being genuine so i'll answer honestly because i truly want people to get away from porn.. i cant answer this as its about your own individual life, maybe get yourself a schedule and try and stick to it. get a good routine going. avoid mindlessly using the web because you'll fall into it otherwise.

reading is the best way to pass the time imo

Fat people should be euthanized.

I've been thinking reading would be a good thing to start doing, for many purposes. Thanks for the suggestion man, ill give it a try.

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>electric jew
>Jow Forums

'Give strong drink to them that are sad: and wine to them that are grieved in mind:'
- Proverbs 31:6

Best antidote is music.

Here's some bideo gaem musica.

>quoting the bible

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'For there are also many disobedient, vain talkers, and seducers: especially they who are of the circumcision:'
- Titus 1:10

Christianity preaches tolerance. Look what happened (is happening).

Does this only apply to 3d porn? 2d motivates me to get better at drawing and has been an overall positive impact on my life.


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Tolerance as in understanding. Understand that your enemy, while still an enemy, is still a human.

Protestants ruined Christianity by favouring strong faith over good deeds.

doesn't sound like straya. sounds like USA
is probably a vpn hopping spook
should kill his CIAnigger self
do it faggot!!!!

Why do people never add a short explanation for their opinion?

>porn is sexualizing people and changing the expectations of the act in your conciousness and subconciousness.
Sex is a sensual experience of 'touch' - porn alters the perception of it during the act, leading to a less pleasureful experience

Onion boys and onions boys. Realise people that porn is there to hold you back. It's like gambling or smoking it is addictive and forms a very bad habit. To paraphrase Johnny Cash, lay of that weed and let that pornography beeeee.

I watch maybe twice a week and i still feel great, fuck all of you puritan holier-than-thou faggots.

Its the best thing the jews did for us, since without it we would be dependent on white roasties again.

1000% OP. I automatically start to sort myself out Jordan Peterson style when i am on noporn

Write down how you imagine worthy daily life and goals to be like and what it takes to achieve it..

Perhaps you don't even know your own weaknesses/strength or lack experiences. In this case you need to take care of that first

Yeah most men watch porn, and it doesn't impede their abilities to get it up to a fine ass.

I acknowledge that pornography is a horrible industry but I think this is mostly people just assigning their problems to an easy scapegoat.

It isn't the porn that has given you an addictive personality, and it isn't the porn that forces you to return to the thing these people claim ruins their sex lives.

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Whats the best way to not fap? i cant help it

>settling for mediocrity

You know it's hard to sell this to people because it's always so undecisive
>Stop watching porn because seeing this is bad
>You can still fap to your imagination it's ok
>ACKSUALLY user above is wrong, you must not fap, testosterone levels blah blah
>nevermind the idiot above me, 2d is fine, 3d is not

As for myself I've been in the last 2/3 years on the sad schedule of one fap a day, but these days I'm restricting myself as much as I can. Sometimes manage to go on 2/3 days without it. I've been writing down every time I fap, which allows me to get a clear view of how often I do it.

To be honest sometimes I feel like I'm a lost cause but it doesn't hurt to try and get better.

>Settling for mediocrity

I didn't realize being happy with my life is just mediocrity. If that's what this is then thats fine.

>try just your imagination, that's what it's there for
That sounds good in theory and would work if I were around a bunch of hot chicks daily and could take mental snapshots. But I work in a small town at a shop with nothing but other men, sometimes I go weeks without seeing a hot chick irl so I need something more than just my imagination. Not all of us around hot chicks all the time you know.

Christ literally preaches to let your enemy do whatever he wants to you. It's the most cucked religion there is.


You're selling yourself short and proud of it. You're soft.

'For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard.'
- Romans 3:23

The real exponential improvement I noticed from nofap started after a year of noporn. I'm going on many years now boys, you have no idea how worth it it is. Also start browsing Jow Forums and start BJJ, thank me later

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>I'm happy the way I am, losers x-D

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Though I agree following any religion like a fucking law is retarded that's not what that line means burger. If someone does something to you that you disprove, turn the other cheek as in maybe what happened wasn't completely intentional, maybe someone was in terrible mood or situation, shit happens. If it happens again though......

lol ok

>Yeah most men watch porn, and it doesn't impede their abilities to get it up to a fine ass.

Getting ass is insignificant. Do they live satisfying lives? Are they growing as a person and as a soul? Are they amounting to something? I don't know a single man of actual worth who masturbates frequently.

>It isn't the porn that has given you an addictive personality

Yes and no. Psychologically addicts are addicts because they bond with substance instead of real people. The addiction is a substitute for humane connection.

Biologically porn weakens activity of frontal lobe, making you more impulsive and less in control of your own self/reality.

Imagination =/= memory. You just have shitty imagination.

>It is no secret that the porn industry is virtually entirely dominated by jews and they are proud of it.
This is true
Women allow the jews to defile them

Depends what you mean by frequently. Using Pornhub once a week in between having a gf/getting laid. That doesn't stop personal development at all except from some subjective definitions you might ascribe to a person.
They can still excel at their work and family/friendly relationships.

Wanking every day to increasingly disturbing genres is very different.

>Porn affects your frontal lobe
In a way that heroin doesn't?

I am genuinely asking here. If it does then I'd accept your point. If not, I'd still say it is personal deficiencies that are the root cause of the addiction, if others manage their usage normally.

Fyi though,
I wouldn't have a problem with it being banned.

so your hair is growing back because you don't watch porn? that sounds ridiculous desu

It depends on age and state of metabolism. You getting away with masturbating once a week sounds believable. I aim for around 10 days. By that point the "want" has turned to a distracting "need". I intend to study sexual alchemy at some point, because solo ejaculation feels like a huge waste of everything vital. I'd rather be able to convert that energy some productive purpose

>In a way that heroin doesn't?

In many ways similar to heroin and other drugs, yes. Ejaculation could be comparable to a short burst of heroin high in terms of frontal lobe activity.

Thicker, not back. Nevertheless, regrowing hair is not completely out of question. Hormonal equilibrium is hard to change and a fibrotic scalp hard to loosen up, but in general reversing hair loss is not impossible.

My gf and I were trying for years for a baby but nothing was happening. After listening to The Daily Shoah and reading Jow Forums, I cut the porn and wanking out. A month later I got her pregnant. I'm not fucking lying here. The kikes know how to reduce the birth rate in the West, and this is one of the biggest ways they're doing it.

Christ didn't tolerate the kikes at the temple

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You're absolutely right, but I'm absolutely hooked.

Jow Forums is constantly updating reading material.

What I was getting at was that if it were similar to any other drug then the weakness is likewise due to personal flaws rather than Pornography itself determining to pull certain people in more so than others.

If I don't jack off once a week I get too many urges, but mt testosterone levels are already pretty high.

t. Hairychested baldie

I'm not against nofap, I tried it, but I can't nofap more than 3 months. In autumn I even got a new phobia being on nofap (2 months). Can't solve the stress problem.
What do? Fap without porn?

today I faped in the morning and let get a stress, don't want to explain, but I did the thing wrong.

I havent watched (((3d porn))) for ages yet only 2d degenerate shit.
Better than jew i guess

2d Porn is even worse. I got into some degenerate DeviantArt level shit because of that mentality.

I feel so confident after taking NoFap seriously it's insane. It's like for the first time I've actually been able to take aggressive actions and have the confidence to do so. It feels great actually feeling like a man.

This is true.

You start seeing love and beauty in the world again, a metaphysical reality separated from the nightmare dreamscape that the eternal jew pushes on your mind and subconcious.

And instead you can use the masculine and spiritual energy to go the gym and work on making money. I work a full-time job at a corporate office, then after I work at a gas station. And I'm working on building an ecommerce site. All while shaping my body into the form of Adonis.

This is the power of ridding your life of Jewish influences like Porn, Alcohol, Cigarettes, and replacing them with virtuous and positive influences like Work Ethic, Literature, and Rigorous Exercise.

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Install website blockers on your browser. Put in message "Stop being a Degeratw. Virtue is your Salvation"

And yes stop smoking pot, you retard. It's a waste of money and health. You lose control of your decision-making rationale because everything blurs into a haze of dulled senses. You carry that with you metaphysically..

Yes, but the problem - being on 2-3rd mounth it becomes hard to solve the stress problem.

So probably noporn without nofap may be a solve.

Or finding gf.

You degenerate piece of trash. Mastrubating to porn while you have a girlfriend is no different than cheating.

Grow some balls and be a man.

>due to personal flaws rather than Pornography itself determining to pull certain people in more so than others.

Same thing. Former is the cause, latter the consequence. Different people are vulnerable to different stimuli.

Strong RUSposting. Checked

The genuine solution is to get your brain to stop thinking about sex 24/7. The other thing may be that you're not thinking about sex, but rather your brain associates masturbation with stress relief so you feel the urge to masturbate whenever you're stressed.

Associate something else with stress relief. Playing video games is what I did in order to get rid of porn. Didn't touch video games before that.

With this post i state this will be the day i stop watching porn. Porn videos anyway, i will need my fix of drawn hentai and r34, can't just go cold turkey.

Goodbye, jewish brainwashing.

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No it isn't. Cheating involves two to four people and risks one to two relatinoships. Watching porn involves one to two people and risks one relationship.

Hit the gym nibba, you’re body is a temple and a testament to your ideology.

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Go cold turkey, son

While I do agree with you that porn ultimately is unhealthy and promotes degeneracy I still can't feel that the whole destroying mental and physical wellbeing (more so the mental part) part is more due to the fact people feel ashamed masturbating/looking at porn. It sounds to me like an already established low confidence is just continuously beating down whatever confidence is left on the individual. I notice a lot of these no-fappers are always mentioning of how better things are which makes me wonder about the past? Their pasts don't sound indicative of a confident happy person.

All in all, I think ultimately the no-fap nonsense is a placebo at best and I wouldn't at all be surprised if the supposed benefits these no-fappers are alleging are just simply them being happy with themselves because they were able to kick what was probably a considerable addiction. That said I'd still definitely say to avoid porn as much as you can and instead focus on improving yourself, learn to take criticism better and find a partner.

You're presuming every instance of cheating is based on two different couples...

A slut at a bar can ruin the relationship of a man and a woman.

Besides, let's put it like this:
If you mastrubated to a woman in real life, and you had a girlfriend, that would be cheating. You are sexually pleasuring yourself to the thought or sight of another woman. That is cheating.


Porn is like the drug trade, it isn't just the end user that is the victim, cut it out of your life and focus that energy on learning or creating

>a habit is a habit, it can either be a good one or a bad one, substitute bad ones for good ones

Also for anyone that isn't old enough to know, it has progressively become more degenerate and depraved and it is part of the reason that non european men and muslims view western women and children as whores

Maybe because you're Finnish your ancient Mongolian heritage is causing you to misunderstand any sense of argumentative direction? Do Mongolians read from right to left?

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You sound like an addict.

An addict will say anything to justify their actions. It's the same as a smoker saying "these non-smokers just don't seem very confident.."

>making a thread for only 1 degeneracy?

Why not all

That's some pretty cool confirmation bias there buddy. Stopping any addiction will make anyone feel better, but let's not pretend that sexy images are voodoo magic.

For the people telling us to "just get a girlfiend" how does that solve the issue for people that want to wait untill marriage to have sex? Are you telling us to get a girlfriend to have sex with to stop fapping, or are you encouraging us to get a girlfriend so we can marry them and have sex with them?


Of course it's confirmation bias and part placebo, but isn't everything? Isn't the confidence you gain from lifting the same? Or the sense of intelligence from reading the same?

It's fallacious to disregard someone's perception of positive effect just be use there is some form of bias involved.

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No, don't listen to them. Get a girlfriend to learn to love someone. You don't have to have sex, in fact, more power to you for wanting to wait.

Just spend your masculine energies elsewhere. Do some BJJ or learn a language or get another job.

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