Teaching Racists Appropriate Pronouns General

You do realize English was not invented by a space ghost, right? English, like DNA, mutates to adapt to the environment. A recent mutation, and the subject of this thread, is to educate in this matter.

Pronouns are words used to refer to someone by their gender. He/She are some, and Xe/Ne/Ey are modern ones.

Ignorance is the enemy is kinship.

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I won't ever use the new pronouns simply because it triggers you. U mad?

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>I will never use pronouns
We don't need /oldfags/ to, the young are impressionable.

You are ruining the amazing leaf reputation in this board. Stop that men!

I’m a transsexual homosexual cross dresser with autism and my preferred pronoun is emperor. Please validate me senpai.

Yes, emperor!

If you're right, you can just speak how you like untill racists are forced to change. If you are wrong, then you'll still be an idiot in 80 years time. Why bother making this thread?

Here’s a new pronoun for you, faggot.
«Fuck off leaf you filthy nigger.»

>be the change you want to see in the world

You can legislate normal people to smile through our teeth at you but deep inside you know you are abnormal. You can’t legislate that away.

Just as easy to chnage words back to their original meaning as it is to chnage them to something diffrent.

But then you can call a faggot what you like, evey new word for them becomes derogatory, same with niggers and their a reason for that.

>you're a filthy commie and I'm not using your faggot pronouns

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>caring what racists thinks

Then why legislate?

>Then why legislate?
For compliance. They can 'think' whatever they like..

>But then you can call a faggot what you like, evey new word for them becomes derogatory, same with niggers and their a reason for that.
Happens with Blacks, happens with Indians.

that's what this is really about, nobody actually gives a shit about retarded faggots

>nobody actually gives a shit about retarded faggots
Rural and suburban retards BTFO!

>the language evolves naturally
>therefore do what we tell you to do
yeah, typically the language evolves naturally without anyone trying to convince a mass of people to use their faggot words

defective grammar: strongest words survive, let gender terms die, not useful to anyone,


>letting rural and suburban retards affect the language
I'd prefer 105IQ and up (city people) to evolve the language.

Obamaleaf I am 128-136 tested man stop straw-manning people to cover up for your own intellectual insecurity.

First, not ObamaLeaf. Just a leaf with facts. And the fact is that city people are nearly a standard deviation more intelligence than rural and suburban retards.