Thrill of the Hunt

Show us your hunting face Jow Forums or your gear you’re taking with ya on the Hunt for the Waffle Shooter.

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Not gonna lie, terrible and everything, but it'd be pretty cool if he just vanished into the woods and was never seen again.

I found the suspect you guys.

They're never going to find this guy.

I hope he manages to escape.

>Implying I wouldn't aid and abbed


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Sounds crazy shooting up a place while naked but they can't identify you by your clothes.

Last masturbation to clean thoughts. And a killing spree...

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Did he kill niggers?

We should find him and let the feds know where he is, good PR


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Probably get blamed for setting the whole thing up

Id we can find this guy and the lost dynamite in PA we could turn this ship around and bring in more funding streams from sponsors.

We should instead support this man logistically so that he can make it to the next waffle house to shoot up. Maybe next time Tyrone won't ruin it

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Let's find him and somehow warn him. /ourgoy/ must survive



Though I'm not hopeful, I wish that the nakey killer gets away.

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>May the Ghost of the prophet Dorner bless him with guidence

Nah, we look pretty different. I've got a hat and sunglasses on.

He looks like Jim Carrey

I think they already caught him.

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Shoots 3 Millennial atrocities.

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wtf i love pancakes now




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>Be American
>Eat waffles
>Get shot

Probably find him dead from drug OD.

Ever been to a waffle house at 3am? There is nothing surprising about being shot by a naked dude in such a scenario.
super standard.

Why aren't you talking about the hero who stopped this (white) shooter

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I haven't been paying attention. The mugshot and the dude showing off his skinned elbow implied he was caught. What the fuck happened lol

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Well he kind of stopped the shooter. The shooter is however on the lamb and if we don’t find him in the next 48hours than we might not find him at all just like the dynamite in PA.

I think we should start watching all live feeds in the area to see if we can spot the guy walking around in the nude.

>the mentally ill person is lamost always white

Eh I don’t think this kid can outdo Eric Frein. I forgot how long he was innawoods exactly.

Skinned elbow guy only wrestled the gun away. The naked Waffle Shooter than ran out into the abyss that is the woods of Tennessee and is unable to be located.

Niggers can't be heroes though? Also
>stopped the shooter
>shooter at large
Nigger education

Nice 1776 digits!

Shit happened

right this way user
im going to need to bring you over to wardrobe so we can get you fitted for your new sports jacket and clothes which includes a $50 bump in pay
also sir, im going to need you to sign this NDA and fill out this SAG/AFTRA application
i will come get you for rehearsal sir, remain patience

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He’s about elusive as Yeti right now. I suggest you lock all your doors except one. Set up a tripwire by the one door and you might catch him. Good luck. Stay safe.

Also anyone know the exact speed of a human? I have a mathematician trying to crunch numbers to see how far this guy could have ran since he hauled ass naked out of the Waffle House.

Who cares? He's white

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>Black vigilantes have killed Seven suspected White Supremacists in cases of mistaken identity

it was a waffle house bro...

A word of advice when setting the trap:
>"This Side Towards Enemy"

Depends if hes circumcised or not.
If hes uncircumcised he may have been able to fly away using his foreskin. He's probably in Canada by now enjoying some fresh maple syrup with some waffles.

10 years from now I want him to reemerge and storm the white house naked except for an explosive vest and a dildo bat.

>nothing of value was lost

>yet another crazy schizo white shooter that Jow Forums will try to rationalize somehow isn't white or is actually MKUltra'd liberal
at this point we cannot deny that there is a pattern emerging of psychopathy in whites making them more drawn to mass killings.

I like mine Smashed, Gashed, Scattered, Smothered, Covered, Chunked, Topped & Diced thank you! And I’ll have my free pancakes too!

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I used to get shot and stabbed all the time by nekkid White Supremacists at our favorite all you can eat 24-hour Chinese buffet. Standard op

Are you lost, son?

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la creatura el diablo

And Waffle Houses are also full of Trump supporters.

A killing streak.

No, he'd have illegally crossed into Canada and went to Ottawa in the timespan he was missing and tormented Trudaeu naked with tools previously found in bin-that-knife containers. But it wouldn't matter to the Canadian people if the PM died because according to Trudaeu, he wins and by extension- Canada wins.

he fking hates Waffles tho. He's a pancake supremacist who shot up a waffle house and didn't wear clothes so he could immediately shower and wash the waffle stench off
>and money says he was cut which led him to become a mass shooter

No wonder that women are all disappointed cunts, no too many niggers that beat them have dicks over 5 inches long.

The Habbening we need.

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>Smashed, Gashed, Scattered, Smothered, Covered, Chunked, Topped & Diced
is this real waffle house lingo? Never actually been. Nearest waffle house is 500 miles from here.

>has never been to a waffle house

they're full of niggers most of the time


And nahkid whyties wit gunns

They scramble eggs in a milk shake mixer. It makes them so even and fluffy, I bought a mixer to make eggs at home. Best omelettes evear.

I went to the one in Ohio by my place (when I lived in that shithole state) all the time. It was always 50/50.

Huddle House > Waffle House

Wait he's still on the fucking loose?

Yes he is still on the lamb.

If you can help us find him just let us know. We are currently watching live streams for naked males and a mathematician is crunching numbers to figure out how far the guy could run from the scene.

You Americans are on the low test level. All your whites ‘ terroristes ‘ are autist like this guy, sandy hook or Cruz. Check for Europe breivik

Jow Forums decides the next target.

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We have lost our way since Uncle Ted was caught.

in which street do you live my friend ?

>Wait he's still on the fucking loose?

He's one of those average guys who just blends in; see pic related.

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Why doesn’t this guy have 6 threads?

o i know why mass shooters dont matter if the shooter is WHITE.

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He probably tripped and broke a leg running through the forest. The hills and ravines in that state are fucking ridiculous

>shows the hero face and give him so much attention
>the church shooting hero was shunned
>just because one was black and the other white

Thread theme:

Go away, CNN

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Heavy gunfire now !!!

Garbage link. Neato.

He looks like a the Pillsbury Doughboy became a sex offender.

Why does nobody think he didn't have a car or at least $50 for an Uber?


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I cant wait for the next episode of Mountain Monsters: the Waffle house exhibitionist

Possible, but not likely. You really think someone who shot up a waffle house naked thought that far ahead?

What if he never existed in the first place?
What if...he’s Jesus?

>3 ghetto niggers killed
Why should I care?

Uber driver would have flagged em by now, vehicle registration of him or any friends/family would have led us to a BOLO on his potential car.

How is he still alive if he ran away naked?

Hunt face. OwO

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CNN on full damage control
they wuz gonna go to callej n shet

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CIA MKUltra was known to create “super humans”. They may very well have provided him some type of serum to protect against the elements.

If he didn’t have an erection while nakedly shooting niggers, he really is a madman.

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I remember when Jow Forums was hunting ISIS instead of waffle boys