Black People Chimp Out To Win 1000$

>7 normies have to decide who gets to win 1000$

Characters: A black faggot, a black mudslime, a black thot, 2 white landwhales, a white male, a hot chick

>White males gets eliminated first. (obviously)
>Next they vote off the hot chick, who was crying because they were being mean to one of the landwhales. The black faggot & the black thot make fun of her for crying.
>The 2 landwhales get eliminated next, because both of them are white.
>The black thot gets to win the money, because the mudslime (who didn't need the money, she claims) believed thot deserved it, not the faggot.
>The faggot is mad but can't do jack shit.

The video is pretty hilarious. For example the black mudslime keeps picking on the white male, because (and I shit you not) she thinks he doesn't like her. Yet the male hadn't said anything to the nigger, nor had he implied he didn't like her. She was projecting her insecurity.
Likewise it was pretty fucking obvious the niggers voted off the hot chick because they were intimidated by how good she looked.
So on and so forth. You should watch it.

It this what America has become?

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Is there no bully culture in America?

When I see these people, they would not have made it to the high school here in my country.

Atleast it was like that in my time( I am 20 years old).

There is a strong "lad culture", being faggot, weak and sissy is something you literally cannot display, because not only you lose respect from boys, but girls too.

>be american
>get bullied
>say "no bully pls"
>they apologize
>friends now

:^) this american dream

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Yes there is bully culture. "Peace" schools started getting popular about 20 years ago, this was a precursor to the typical public school satanism today.

elementary culture was about never being angry, abusive, and being against all war/strife. Some bullies were too dumb to swim in the mold, and they got constant trips to "the office" for punching or torturing kids.

But the biggest form of bullying was, of course, from the kids who swam righteously in this environment. With reputation as peaceful kids, they are free to use any form of social bullying imaginable, and use it on kids who are "not peaceful" so that the angry outburst directed the school administrations wrath towards the kid who was being tormented.


There obviously is a bully culture. Look at how the black apes pick on the white (hapa?) chick. It starts around 8:15.
Literally "Are you still crying? Roflmao!".

And I remind you, she's crying because they were being mean to the fat girl with glasses. Not because she lost or anything.

Mutts can not feel sympathy. They feast on their weak. This shouldn't be acceptable among adults.

>The black thot gets to win the money
Jesus Christ, that was the one person I didn't want to win from watching the first minute of the video. I don't understand why they other minorities didn't want her out.

you mean white nu-male $oyboy


I thought so at first, but he stood up to himself and the hot chick. He definitely isn't as beta as he looks.

wanna know what I would do? propose that if they choose me I will give each of them 100$. if they dont choose me I say that whoever will give me 200$ will get my vote

I'm so triggered.

Also just like in the real world! White avoid working together to help shitskins and treat them as equals. Blacks would rather help a nigger they hate than a white person. Then, after they are eliminating all whites, they fuck up and hate each other.

Also what generation is that? Millennials? They should be gassed. Not a single decent human. The cute girl is 19 and a single mom.

Mountain jew strikes again

In the beginning the fat chick suggests your first idea. "We could all walk back home with 150$", she says.
Either people didn't like that idea, or the GM declared it was against the rules off-camera. By the way they react, it's probably the former.

Also "buy my vote" doesn't work because you're voting to decide who gets eliminated, not who gets the money.
"Buy my vote" only works in the final round (when 3 people are left) because that's when you actually vote to decide who keeps the money.
However that still doesn't work. Say candidates X and Y are trying to earn the vote of Z. They would bid higher and higher, until both X and Y offered Z 500$ respectively. If you offer higher than that, the person offering the money becomes the "vote that got bought" rather than the "vote buyer". So in the final round, everyone is equal and vote-buying doesn't work.

So the system is fool-proof, basically.

Probably one of the most redpilled videos I've ever seen. They're eating each other alive. I would find it funny, but it's a bit terrifying and practically sums up my experiences with these types of people.

I dont see a white male

A perfect, tangible representation of the victimization hierarchy.

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Persecution complex is hell of a drug, damn you will never see a first gen Indian make any of those claims

>All the niggers are unemployed
Wow, what a surprise

Ironically, this is probably one reason why your country is a shithole. Corporations only work well when they have "all-inclusive environments™".

the art of the deal is in our blood *rubbing intensifies*

I thought that eliminated people still have a vote. turns out they don't. so yeah I guess I'd be fucked. you can see how the blacks have perfect ingroup preference and all 3 of them are the last still in it

a perfect demonstration of why democracy is a terrible thing

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>I'm an immigrant
>Whites gib reparations
Nigger, what?

Wew, this is some shit though, this is shameless.

Working out an agreement where the last person would share the money with everyone else is the most reasonable and successful tactic for everyone involved. You're unlikely to win the whole thing, even if you have the best story, because it's such a greedy snake pit. There's no real way of knowing.

Obviously, these aren't the type of people to be reasonable, but a in a reasonable group with the money sharing agreement, the person who should take the money should me the least desperate and the most trustworthy, which would help prevent them from walking off with it at the end out of 'MUH NEED'.

The problem is you would have to prevent groups of people cutting smaller groups out of the agreement with majority rule. Honestly, I don't even think they would be smart enough to do this.





I raged not 5 seconds into round 1. Please tell me they killed everyone at the end.

Wow. I'm pretty sure now that the moment the political institutions get filled with these people this country will collapse. Since this is my generation, I don't know whether to be sad, angry, or excited that i'll live to see that.

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They should've done this with different types of jews.
Orthodox, hasidic, ashkenazi...

literally all of them are human trash except the half-asian qt, who might be a degenerate but at least doesn't look like the humanoid embodiment of a disease like the others

Pretty redpilling desu.

Pic related. Indians still stir shit up (pun not intended), though it's less common.

This is a case of "prisoner's dilemma" or whatever the fuck that pseud bullshit is called.
It's normal for people to reject winning 100$ to have a shot at winning 1000$, especially if they're in dire need of big money.
I don't blame them for not sharing the prize, despite the fact I hate everyone in this video (except the hot chick, the white guy, and the landwhale with glasses).

>The problem is you would have to prevent groups of people cutting smaller groups out of the agreement with majority rule.
How would you achieve this?

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this is how the SJWs will eat themselves

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I actually watched some of their stuff because of its degenerate clickbait and too see the liberal millennialism.

But this video was a great redpill into their shit antics, especially the blsck and hijab wearing shitskin.

I thumbed it up

I would have just beat up the producer and took the $1000

If only they'd have put a Jew in the mix. He'd have them begging him to take the money

I unironically watch CUT. They give good insight about the people of then new age. I think most of their videos have some level of red-pill in them.

Rare flag noted.

Those people aren't normies.

wew watching it more than once makes it really fucking abrasive

>why didnt you start playing til after you got eliminated

The Jew was the producer. He probably tricked the winner into going double or nothing on a video bonus question.

first they kill the nu mail then the pretty girl then the straight white woman then the fat lesbian then the muslim convert the bblack faggot and the straight black women surrenders

Joe Smith was the only one who sounded like he had a stable life.
The Asian mom was the only one who sounded like she had a future.
They were the winners before they even entered the room.

Your focus is too narrow. The winner of a 20 minute click bait video means jack shit in the grand scheme of things.

Hah, he's the one that capitalizes on the current political client, and the retardation of sjw. True enough.

Fuck off, SJW.

It's not a true prisoner's dilemma. In the original prisoner's dilemma it was actually logical for both of them to rat each other out and take the risk. I don't remember if they would both receive less time if they both ratted each other out, but probability favors that option. In this game, there's no real benefit to playing unless you think $142 is trivial compared to the unlikely possibility of $1000. It's the better option. It's not like risking $1 dollar for the possibility of $1000, sharing the money would have helped all their lives out without most of them going home empty handed out of greed.

>How would you achieve this?
With a reasonable group? Tell them of the possibility of majority rule screwing almost half the people out and the only way to confirm that doesn't happen is for the majority to decide that they are going to play it straight from the start of the game and punish anyone that thinks otherwise.

Literally muuh oppression the game

Yes, i'm an SJW who thinks raising children is the key to having a future.
If you want to be the best at begging go right ahead, nigger.

You've completely missed the point, and made the entire video about something completely different. Classic SJW deflection and pure bullshit shilling on your part.

Now get the fuck out of here, Mohammed.

they did and it's beautiful

This. The white guy suggested charity and instantly got fucked by the rest. Our compassion is what separates us from the rest and really elevates us above these sub humans but it will be our downfall.

in America they are

Deflection from what? The video is clickbait trash. It is about nothing, and worring about victories in staged e-begging videos is not how you move yourself, or your people forward.
Kill yourself brainlet, we don't need more autistic faggot shitting up this board.

I want to hold that qt in the dress and protect her from these beasts

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The only people who talk about charity are people who already have money. They could smell the money on him so he got the boot. Fucking charity. Yeah so some administrator can snort another line. Charity. GTFO

I stopped at the part when the asian girl says "I'm an immigrant" and the others say "so are we!"
No they fucking aren't, they were born in the US, with all the privileges of being born in the wealthiest country in the world, and they still manage to make themselves look like victims.
Fuck them all

>It's not a true prisoner's dilemma.
Correct, but it's pretty similar imo.

>there's no real benefit to playing unless you think $142 is trivial compared to the unlikely possibility of $1000.
I wouldn't say that anything above 10% is "unlikely". Also, $1000 is pretty big money. Call me dumb or whatever, but I would go for the possibility of winning $1000. $142 is a week's worth of money. $1000 is a month's. I wouldn't mind missing out on a week's worth of money to have the possibility of earning a month's work.

>With a reasonable group?
What seems more reasonable to me is to pick 3 other people and tell them we're going to share the money. Honestly I wouldn't care if I was in the majority. We don't need to go all commie.

+/-$1000 is almost nothing to an adult. These 30+ year olds are all failures if they think $1000 will make a difference in their life.

The video is a snapshot of society, where you can clearly see the entitlement of shitskins and the submissiveness of White people when confronted with the race card.

The fact that this went above your head is not at all surprising. Nigger.

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>next they vote off the hot chick

>hot chick
where? i don't see any good looking anything in that faggot video of yours

That 20 years ago was 40 years ago

that's about 2 and a half weeks of work if you're not middle class in the West generally
doing a hard labourer job you'd get about 400-500 a week, assuming you're working off the books like many labourers, include "legit" taxed work and you make less

1,000 is pretty good money for most people

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The thumbnail and op's pic alone make me cringe so fucking hard. From those two I could have guessed how the video goes. I hope they all died soon after the video was released.

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No, it was scripted BS. You're the absolute brainlet if you think it would have ever went any other way.

>shitskins look bad
>shitskins won
Neck yourself.

I'd like to see a Japanese version of this

You make less than $2000 a month? wtf retard job are you doing or are you spending 100% of your income like a retard. I need to see which level you're at.

You're totally wrong about this, you ironically failed to see the bigger picture and think this video isn't applicable to race relations and how different minority groups influence white altruism. It's a good redpill that is easy to swallow.

I looked it up, in the Prisoner's Dilemma if they both ratted on each other, they got three months instead of the 12 months they would have got if they both refused to talk. It's not logically the better option to play the game because the probability doesn't really change if you play. It's outcome is neutral, it only depends on if you want to risk it or not but the pay off is propionate.

Let me put it this way, because your feelings on this are influenced by not believing that the $142 is a safe bet. I give you a box. In that box is $142. I tell you that you can give me the box back and you have a 1/7 chance of winning $1000. Do you give me the box or do you keep your prize?

>tell them we're going to share the money
Then what going to stop three people from cutting you out? After you make that group, any one could start a different group, and they may already resent you for being greedy. Your word is worth more than $1000, which is why I wouldn't fuck anyone over, even if it's just a game.

>Why u so scared of whites becoming a minority?? Think something will happen?? ;)

Different areas have different costs of living. $900/month is a livable wage where I'm living in, 2 hours away and that's barely going to cover rent.

ig of the flip qt

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I don't, I make less because I'm doing a course in concreting at the moment, but when I was labouring on construction sites I'd make about 400-500 a week doing things like pulling wheelbarrows from X to Y. What does spending of income have to do with income itself you dope? I save more than the typical 15 or 20% but that doesn't effect what I make a week or month anyway.
Bottom line is 1 grand is a good bit of money if you're not upper middle or middle class.

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>think this video isn't applicable to race relations
Where did I say that?
My point this entire time is that the "losers" in the video are the ones who won in the larger picture.
The three at the end showed that they were never worthy of altruism, and their constant tying of their (lack of ) virtue to their race is revealing.
Who thinks that it would have been good for Joe Whiteguy to "win" this game?

>it was pretty fucking obvious the niggers voted off the hot chick
>>niggers voted off the hot chick
>>>the hot chick


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>Let me put it this way, because your feelings on this are influenced by not believing that the $142 is a safe bet. I give you a box. In that box is $142. I tell you that you can give me the box back and you have a 1/7 chance of winning $1000. Do you give me the box or do you keep your prize?
I get it. I personally would've picked 1/7, but if I were economically fucked up like the faggot nigger I'd probably do the $142.

However the reason the faggot and the others declined it is probably because they all thought they had more than 1/7th chance of winning. i.e "I have the better sob story, so they'll probably vote for me if I insist hard enough".

>Then what going to stop three people from cutting you out?
It's all about social engineering. Just isolate those who don't really need the money (i.e the fat chick with glasses, the white male, and some other person) and claim that "they don't really need the money" and "those who join my team will get equal cuts of money". I bet all the niggers would be more than willing to end up in your 4-man team.

>Your word is worth more than $1000, which is why I wouldn't fuck anyone over, even if it's just a game.
I mean, if I were actually in that video I'd just get myself eliminated. Arguing with those people would just make me look like a shit human (which is the general census regarding the black people in the video).

Wtf I don't like her now, she looks better in the videos.

da faq

>lets give the money to the one who deserves it
>obviously the chick with the child is the most deserving
>oh ok so now its not about who deserves it the most its about ganging up on someone who showed weakness
>ok now its again about who deserve the money you see i have no job because im a nigger plz gib 1000$
>gets girl powered yass queened
what were the 2 female nogs claim for the money anyway im not fluent in ebonics.
is it basically im the loudest and most "attractive" for the first one and im musleem for the other?

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The uneducated ape with make up said some shit about "having to go through surgeries", and how she "can't work" until then.
The muslim girl's whole point was "I'm oppressed!". She even fucking admitted herself that she didn't really need the money.

Shakera's claim was she was broke, negative $300 in her bank account, and without a job for 6 or 7 months. Habibi wanted new tires. The whole thing devolved into Oppression Olympics with the black dude at the end essentially being strongarmed into voting for Shakera because otherwise no one would get it.

No, it is the reason why there is no niggers here. See the shitskins dont come here because they are aware we are not cucked as Swedes or you. They could receive welfare but instead choose your countries.

mfw the black dude on the right looks the most normal of them all

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That girl is 19 years old, with no savings, but already has a kid. Where do they find these fucked up people?

I see what you mean, but your original point was unclear. It could read like you were arguing against the point of this being a microcosm and instead implied that the premise of the video doesn't matter because having a stable life makes you a winner beyond a stupid game for a clickbait video.

I agree with the adjusted point. Everyone that did well in this game will live a terrible life just because of their wrenched nature.

We're coming at this from different ways. I wouldn't to tell a sob story and whore myself on Youtube for that amount of money, so I more thought from the perspective of the white guy trying to create any chance of winning. You would want to make your idea known before anyone told their story, which would play on the fear that they may not be able to win the adversity competition. I think almost everyone in that group thought they would have the best story, which is why they shut down any chance of sharing out of hubris.

> I bet all the niggers would be more than willing to end up in your 4-man team.
I have a fair amount of experience dealing with black "youths" and I think you would get cut out. They are constantly looking for ways to discount you and take you out of the game. If they didn't join together on race alone, they would have said that you were greedy for cutting everyone else out and you shouldn't get the money out of karma. You can't really socially engineer that situation.

he's a pozzed up nigger faggot

>having to go through surgeries", and how she "can't work" until then
>for 6 or 7 months
how does this makes any sense?
there are more then enough jobs where you don't need to be physically active all.
have no one even question this?
she just nigged 1000$ from them.

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Teaching English in China nets you $2000+ a month with free rent. Seriously wtf.

Thats normal for a German

just look at the fucking bunch
this is what you get picking randoms these days
its the new normal

i'll pick the beta orbiter nigger over some dyke or tranny seven days of the week
they usually don't pose a threat and know how to behave

Watch the video, Hans. He's shitting on every white person for no absolute reason, he even calls out a landwhale for being "white".
The white guy- despite his appearance- is the most normal.

Of course it's all bullshit. Just some apes fighting it out for money.

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>beta orbiter nigger
you don't get it, he's not a beta orbiter, he's a LITERAL faggot. He sucks dicks. He has a husband.

>she just nigged 1000$ from them
Pretty much, yeah. You could tell she was either going to win it or get kicked at the start from the get go. She tried to take charge of the situation and was too loud and obnoxious to talk down, unfortunately for them she had been nigging her whole life so bullshitting was second nature.

A few of them are also liars. I don't believe for one minute the black gay guy cannot find a job. He has two huge marks going for him - being black and being gay. Gays rule in the work place. They get top dollar and top pick of jobs. Blacks are next. So for him to stand their and claim with a straight face that he cannot get a job because he is told he is black is a sickening lie. And then the Muslim woman claims, "it happens all the time." Such liars. Makes me so angry they are destroying our country with their lies, making us Whites look evil when we are the best things that have happened to people all over the world.

This is a place that anyone can come to and make themselves great. Maybe thats just my privillage talking but ill say that until the day i die. propganda has turned this nation into state of victimhood. The second civil war is unfolding right before our eyes and hopefully it will remain philisophical war.

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>has a husband
all bitches need is a firm hand to remind them who's boss

sauce on the photo? Thats hot.

Proofs pls . I am making a collection of stumps from Jow Forums

We have a zero tolerance policy on bullying in our schools. Now students just get ostracized and they end up shooting up schools because of their complete lack of social activity.

Stock photo. Don't have source..

There is a minority power culture in West. Contrary to us who have a macho culture.