/pbg/-President Bronco General

Dutertes in Spanish Edition
Mexico is having an election in July, and it couldn't be clearer who is our guy.
Quick Rundown on yesterday's debate for non-Mexican friends:
>fuck commie NEETS
>Militarized high schools
>fuck criminals, chop their arms off
>literal irl shitposter

70 days until Elections. Use this space to come up with clear strategies and scenarios that would help Jaime Rodríguez's campaign.

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I have one great doubt...
Already know he is our guy and all but...
Is Jow Forums capable of putting him into power like they did with Trump?
After all we don't have power over the poor stupid indios voting for AMLO or the cucks voting for the rest.

True, the reality is that it is going to be harder to influence a lot of people who don't have internet access, but also remember that he was an underdog in the NL governor elections, so don't be discouraged.


Mochenles las manos !!

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Now if only the Ciaids could stay out of your country's politics.

The Jews put Trump in power, not Jow Forums

Hes shit, worse than amlo, just because he makes memes little kids wants to put a fucking no-brainer in power

The real red pill is that no candidate is suitable for presidency, not even amlo or anaya, but at least amlo makes all the "upper classes" mad as hell, unlike brocuck who was supported by the state and its CIA allys

Voting for bronco is voting for the washington gringos

Chairo alarm !!! Carefull!!

Better the gringos than a populist shit like amlo.

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On the other side AMLO is the guy you would literally throw out of a helicopter.
As middle class citizens we should protect our rights, not let some bastard that wants to give our money to the lazy poor be ellected.

Hopefully the cartels wont buy him out if he wins or kill him.

Bronco is 4chanese

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there is hope
remember that cuernavaca elected Cuauhtémoc Blanco just for the laughs.
bronco doesn't have any space for spots but we can make a lot of memes and it will work better

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>La masonería
>Sirven directamente a los intereses de (((ya saben quienes)))


if he was actually going to stop the cartels they would've killed him already

He's still not taken seriously because he's behind in the polls and two weeks ago his candidacy approval was uncertain, but they will when the surge starts.

does this mean who was the one with the biggest hard on?
what the fuck am i supposed to answer

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Bump for soon-to-be-walled-off Mexibros

Azucena Uresti gave me the best erection.

Trump meeting El Bronco

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AMLO will win because Mexicans are too stupid to understand his proposals are impossible and that he's retarded. And even if you point it out to them the whole "He's not part of the mafia" is enough for the majority to vote for him instead.

You're throwing your vote away with Bronco, he might be right but now no one will take him seriously after saying he would chop off the hands of thieves, it's Anaya or AMLO.

>implying PRI just won't rig the elections and shoot anyone who disagrees with their assessment

there's a reason why I moved out of your shit country

BRONCO will make anime real

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post yfw BroncoSurge!!

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He got several death threats and got attacked by the cartels when he as the Mayor of García, they even killed his son

No, we don't know who.

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>together we will make Mexico great
Kek wills it!

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very nice

So we're in agreement that
>Bronco=Jow Forums
>AMLO=Cuanto Cabrón

yall cringy and retarded. get a life

t. Mexican living in Pakistan

>jew shills are going all in, the thread


Same letters as LMAO, cause that's what we gonna do when he's elected and turns Mexico into an even worse shithole

Putos ninis chairos parasiticos

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my god that fucking site is pure aids. Spaniards should be executed. All of them.


He's right

>cuanto cabron
lmao perfect!

>Cuanto cabron
my fucking sides

everything is 100% accurate IMO


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>AMLO=Cuanto Cabrón

i never checked there, is that site so awful?

I don't know much about this guy. But as far as I remember almost no one like him in Nuevo Leon. How true is that?

I'm from Monterrey.
Some people are butthurt because he promised that he wasn't going to run for president and finish the job as governor, also people were expecting the second coming of Christ. Hard to judge if he would've followed through with all his campaign promises, since his time as governor was short. Still consider him better than the others, both personality-wise and regarding his proposals.

How much time he got as governor? And how much of a meme do you believe he is going to be, right now I'm thinking in Quadri levels.


He was governor for 2 years. Hard to predict his final performance. But he himself bragged during the debate that he was in the same underdog situation during the governor campaigns.

Anaya, AMLO and Meade are the soibois of this election

Why has Mexico been hiding an alpha like this for so long?

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Yeah, but still I prefer the weather girl from Milenio TV.

its funny how the left try to put peje like the victim every fucking time.

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just look how autistic he is, LMAO!!


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Bill and church sound based

He's /ourguy/.
>fuck Soros
>fuck NGOs
>fuck (((human rights organizations)))
>fuck commies
>fuck jihadists
>fuck druggies

meade is /our guy/

It was pure spaniard cringe. They thought the only memes that existed where rage comics. It was purely rage faces, and they tried to introduce advice animals and no one knew what the fuck it was.

It was an awful site

Are there any good Mexico Jow Forums approved meme accounts on Instagram or Facebook? I want to see the Mexibro weaponized autism play out.

I want to see the power mexi/pol/ has

there's a somewhat shabby B R O N C O W A V E goybook page, it's a start

Las aventuras de Carlos Salinas

You will have to ask the narco first. Your country is ruled by druglords and the government is fictional. What does the narco think of this new puppet?

El EspañANO

Dios mio...

>What does the narco think of this new puppet?
They already killed one of his sons when he was town mayor.

well, they tried to kill him sometimes already, and kill his son.

S to spit and herb


>constitution allowed anyone to run as independent candidate
>Bronco ACTUALLY wins the election for Nuevo Leon's governor
>many states change their laws to avoid more independent candidates, a move known as "Anti-Bronco law"
>Bronco decides to run as a presidential candidate in a platform that kinda echoes Trump's
>Everyone freaks out and harsher anti-independent requirements are enabled
>candidates have to obtain a million signatures throughout the country in order to be allowed in the presidential race
>Bronco, through sheer memery and shitposting achieves the million signatures
>he's disqualified because a ton of those were deemed fake
>Bronco cries bullshit and the jury concedes he will run

>Las aventuras de Carlos Salinas
>B R O N C O W A V E
>Imperial Mexican Ball
>Jorge Garces Laureano
>qt waifu Gloria Alvarez

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thats not very progressive of you


I’m waiting for Virgin Indio AMLO versus Chad El Bronco memes Mexbros

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I'm a Jew and helped elect Trump

They already tried to kill him, they even kill his son

say it with me chairos/memelords
Presidente Ricardo Anaya

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President Basedgoy

Besides looking like a complete Sóybóy, are his policies at least sound.

He'll lose because he's white and Mexicans hate white people

Only the southern goblinos hate white people due to an inferiority/nationalism complex.

and chicanos but they are practically the same thing as southern indios.

he will make Dragon Ball real in mexico

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Chicanos are the fucking scum of the earth.


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