Irish Referendum on Abortion /IRA/ - Enough! Edition

Ireland will have a referendum on the 25th of May to decide whether or not we Repeal our 8th Amendment (equal right to life for mother and unborn child).
If we vote Yes, abortion for any reason up to 12 weeks will be legalized and unborn children will have no rights.
If we vote No, abortion will remain illegal and the globalist politicians will be humiliated.
If Ireland legalizes abortion our birthrates will drop and (((they))) will push mass immigration. It will also push more degeneracy and destroy our country.
Save the 8th and save the Irish Future.

/IRA/ - Current Operations:
>Operation Truth Serum-
Expose Repeal campaign lies and show the reality of abortion. Hijack Repeal tags on social media.
Related Articles:

>Operation Zyklon-
Spread awareness of globalist connections to Repeal groups. Make people aware George Soros was caught funding them.
Related Articles:

#RepealThe8th #Together4Yes

Pro Abortion campaigns:
Twitter -

Facebook -

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Groups connected to (((Repeal))).

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This is the future you all might choose

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So is it gonna end like the 2016 presidential elections is the US? with the silent majority butt fucking the polls and weeks of sjw tears?

That pisses me off as a gay guy. I saw that occur during pride last week and the disrespect is just gross.

Gotta start fighting (((them))) or it will be more common to see that degeneracy.

>gay guy
>participates in pride rallies
Ireland is lost

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I'm starting to notice more gays are getting sick of the LGBTBBQ shit.
A good few gays I know are voting No on abortion too.

It was my first time since coming out, and I mostly just do it for friends. It's pleasantly not as degenerate as I thought Dublin pride would be.

From what I've seen, Yes.
The Repeal side are just as toxic as the Hillary supporters in the 2016 US election.

Unlikely. There doesn't seem to be much of a counter-wave in Ireland.

The PC shit isn't popular.
It's a very loud minority. The fact Repeal are pushing Marxist shit is pushing normies away from a Yes vote.
Repeal support is even dropping in their (((polls))).

As a life long nationalist living in the UK I voted for Brexit in the hope it would precipitate the reunification. Even if means a united Ireland staying part of the EU.

>Taking pride in something which produces nothing but the spread of venereal diseases.

Homosexuality has contributed nothing of value.

>last week

I consider myself a firm atheist that gets very irritated by religious larping here on Jow Forums but this is bad form.

We will be further apart than ever. The North and the Republic are the smallest elements in a tug of war between the UK and the EU. The UK and the EU have suggested compromise agreements on almost everything but the Irish border.

That means there will be a hard border. For trade at least.

>Fake account shilling Repeal.
These are popping up on Facebook and Twitter using extreme cases to trick people into voting for abortion on demand.

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God I hope so.

We have a month until the referendum.
We need to get to work.

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The (((media))) and it's biased reporting is the problem.
Normies aren't given the reality of abortion.
The Yes side is going out of it's way to not mention abortion and relies on slogans.

What should I say if repeal campaigners knock on my door.

Ask about an abortion procedure and how many abortions are actually for extreme cases.

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/IRA/ - Operations:

Operation Truth Serum-
Plan of action: Expose Repeal campaign lies and show the reality of abortion. Hijack Repeal tags on social media.
Tags: #RepealThe8th #Together4Yes

Operation Trojan Horse-
Plan of Action: Infiltrate Repeal groups and maximize toxic elements.
Target: Facebook and Twitter pages supporting Repeal.

Operation Zyklon-
Plan of Action: Spread awareness of globalist connections to Repeal groups. Make people aware George Soros was caught funding them.
Target: Repeal groups on Social Media, News pages on Social Media, comment sections of news sites.

Time sensitive:
Operation Bunker Buster-
Plan of Action: Raid the Repeal group behind the censoring of abortion information. Post graphic pics of abortion procedures and red pills on abortion in a rapid coordinated attack.

Operation Drunken Monkey-
Plan of action: Disrupt college students ability to vote by creating multiple nights out corresponding to the night before the vote.
Tags: #Sesh4Repeal #8sesh
Targets: Dublin and Galway students supporting Repeal.

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"Drunken Monkey" in particular is a great idea.

Two weeks before the election is a good time to start it.


>It was my first time since coming out

The absolute state of Ireland

The PC shit isn't popular alright but the NGOs and groups who advocate for PC suite are middle class urbanites who have the ear of those in government.

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The public hates the government.
The problem is they are too black pilled to try and get good people in government.
Last general election nearly half the country didn't vote.
Political apathy will be the death of the country.

Like you stand a chance of winning

>Don't even try.
No wonder your country went to shit.

Huge problem with apathy here alright but I think despite it all the people are pretty nationalistic and God willing there will come along a party of nationalists who will banish the apathy and give the people a reason to go out and vote.


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I don't know lads, a lot of yes posters coming up around my place. None of them have any arguments though, just faggot words and feel good stuff.

The Yes campaign are very toxic and will push away normies with their Marxist shit.

Voting to keep the 8th Amendment?

Jesus traditionalists are fucking dumb

Godspeed, my brothers.

Howaya Kevin

>Implying killing your next generation is smart.
Wew lad.

>implying a whole generation of people will be killed

are you seriously using that line of argument?

Show your flag shill.

reminder that abortion is a heinous crime
and that (((they))) are using aborted fetuses as offerings to Moloch
meme magic is real
God is real
the Devil is real
pray hard act harder