Eliminate the jew in yourself before you eliminate the jew IRL

>drugs of any kind
These are the jews that must be gassed first!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Last time we had this thread an user made this meme.

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drunkards must hang

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what's wrong with cardio? gotta work our all the muscles, including your heart

or nvm

I don't have any internal jew, except for le autism jew. I don't see any reason to socialize. I'm far better alone. That chart doesn't apply to anyone.

>drunkards must hang
Lets not get out of hand here.
As George Carlin said in his famous act: every drunk gets 12 chances and they have to piss off at least one guy.

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>*to everybody

>Electric jew
The proper term is "video jew," Electric jew is TV.

We had a couple of you """"funny guys"""" last thread too.
Please stop, its not funny anymore.

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Make a better meme

Age of consent laws are retarded

Jow Forums is a temperance board, hang all drunkards and close all (((Breweries)))

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I can't get over the Porn Jew. Help me please.

cancel your internet or throw your router away, if you need to use the internet go to a public space with free wife or whatever.

Get rid of what is in op and replace with this

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Use your imagination for fapping. Go see the porn thread in the catalog, they have good help. Stay strong my staghettio brother.

Also: block all porn sites from your browser with free add ons. It really helps.

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I tried to stay with no Internet and read shit or whatever. I just fap. it's an addiction.


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those are the tools with which we will destroy the gentile nations , dont stop doing these things goy or you might get funny ideas like disagreeing with your government being an israeli satellite state

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This thread is a good thread but don't demonize a drink in a social environment once in a while..
You should however never get drunk.

Once you've removed the physical jew from yourself, you must then begin the process of removing the metaphysical jew from your brain. This is the hard part.

These are great for the physical world, but we also need to eliminate the metaphysical jew that influences how we think.

OC? very nice SAVED

>Also: block all porn sites from your browser with free add ons. It really helps.
I need an addon that works without blocking Jow Forums....any advice? using chrome here

Fuck off kike

how will this help the porn slave if he can just unblock them with a few clicks? or just find a new website?

Just do DDP yoga then. Heartrate over 90, maintain it for thirty minutes to an hour, done.
Then lift for strength.
Mick Foley is the case in point.

>eliminate the metaphysical jew that influences how we think
Youre talking about the red pill.
Jow Forums does this for us.
Also reading the Jow Forums recommended reading list/audiobooks will do this.

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it's kind of hard to fix the social-interaction thing in a small town

Just imagine your dick is a jew, and wanking is the oven.

I have an html file that tracks how many days you haven't fapped. It's worked for me so far

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Pics related. Quoting self for continuity.
Ignore the meme text.

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>This pleb doesnt know nazi germany had the most tolerant drug laws out of any country and actually encouraged drug use for better performance

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Perfectly my life, except I don't have depressions and a remote IT job.

I really just need the addon, preferably one with a password. Thanks

Nobody here reads books

I am not going to give up porn because I dont want the roasties to have any power over me, I dont do drugs,rarely eat shit food, I can do what I want after work,fuck fitness and alcohol is great.Now you if you have a problem with me then good.

That's why God gave us audiobooks, to which these pics relate.

You forgot the worst
>refined sugar

Love these old memes

kill yourself

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I tried reading the Republic but made it like 15 pages in a week. Read brave new world in a day, its fucking terrible.

Link to No Fap counter:


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if you cant search for this online yourself you should probably kill yourself. Life is much harder than finding an add on site blocker.

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>stopped watching so much porn
>haven't smoked weed or drunk in 2 years
>started running
I need to quit the internet and going to sleep at 4am but I've forgotten how to keep a proper sleeping pattern

I keep getting the urge to burn all the pointless shit I have in my life. All my movies, computers, books, clothes, all my old shit they feel like a prison.

I keked like 5 times

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It's really not about the addon, it is about your lack of sincerity in your OP.

Tfw when i read hentai mainly out of fear of missing out on the art and inceidentally jack off to it.
At least i do my best to limit it to once a day

Good goyim!

this is extremely true.

the biggest redpill is that jews/immigrants/hostile elite is a problem with /US/. These outside forces are merely symptoms we have as a society, and stems from our lack of willingness to fight them.

You sound nervous, rabbi.

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Getting rid of those things one person at a time is inefficient. Better to outlaw all of them. That way our solution will scale.

>talks about being a goy with a nazi flag
I guess irony is not something you know right?

Go drink some beer and watch some porn instead of trying to better yourself.

Thanks, user. saved for posterity!

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And for what should I better myself for if I already have what I want?

Well I can enjoy alcohol and weed on the weekends without being an addict. I do like some games if they're strategy or at least encourage some kind of thinking.

But yeah walking is good. I walk at least 20km per day if I'm not playing football or boxing.

I would change smoking to be general instead of just solely marijuana, and adding avoiding caffeine, sugar, and promiscuity.

Are you fucking Amish?

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Youre young. Thats why you have not felt the hammer yet.

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Nope this was in the last similar thread. Spread it far and wide anons

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Fucking pleb!!!
You can easily torrent professionally narrated versions of these books.
i listen to them while playing vidya, commuting, mountainbiking, fishing.


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>responsible financial planning
>constantly going out to overpriced restaurants with thots and ordering a bunch of sugar-filled alcoholic drinks

Those two mutually exclusive

Audiobooks can be torrented

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Take citalopram (Lexapro) 5 mg/day first week, then 10 mg/day for 2 weeks then 20 mg for 6 months. You will feel masculine and powerful. It stops you from fapping too.

Does anyone have the stoner version of this? I saw it years ago

hhmmmm, this does not really work because people will buy their alcohol and drugs illegally.

You have to convince individuals to not buy it. Its the only way.
For example: they cant keep drugs out of prisons. If you cant keep illegal drugs out of prisons it is simply impossible.

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[spoiler]I'm a girl though, is it still okay? Being on drugs seems like a bad thing.[/spoiler]

Took the red pill on the JQ, now adding Jew to the end of bad habits boosts willpower to kill bad habits. Natso bad of a strategy it seems...

This is not a hate thread. This is a love thread.
We want you to be all you can be.

If you already are then thats good for you, user.

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OP, are you the cat poster over on /mu/?

>I'm a girl
citalopram raises your self esteem and will power, its a unisex drug of course based on what you told me.
It has well documented side effects and benefits.
Go read up on them ON GOOD SOURCES, not MSN.com.

Try Mayo clinic, honestly just google it and decide if you want those benefits. If you do the regiment I told you you will have no side effects (eat before you take the pills).
t.med student

Now show tits or GTFO!

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Single malts and stogies till I die you beta fag
>Whiskey contains more antioxidants than red wine, in addition to being a blood thinner
>Tobacco increases test count
Youre the type of nigger to chug onions shakes while doing squats

This meme only applies to people without an ounce of self control.

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I gave up everything on the list except the wiid. Need it to work out. People say it makes them tired or lazy but it gets me jacked and motivated to work out.

>Just do DDP yoga then. Heartrate over 90, maintain it for thirty minutes to an hour, done.
>Then lift for strength.
>Mick Foley is the case in point

>yfw that you have to check the url to see if you are on Jow Forums or /asp/

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