What happened to architecture?

What happened to architecture?

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Jews fixed it for us.

Attached: haas.jpg (1047x2058, 1.48M)

Post modernist and marxists

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Jews happened

Attached: DNtZW5KW0AAz2uH.jpg (875x1200, 272K)

This thread again?

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Reminder that modernism and by extension post modernism is the fault of the germans

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Attached: 37bffd2cbcdef47a5a648db3154276b7--then-and-now-dresden.jpg (700x982, 157K)

Modernism and postmodernism is getting kindof old. Its time for recyceling some history. Get yowur minarets ready

Jewish germnas living in commiefornia a hundred years ago. Yeah blame ther germans

Investors and building regulations killing creativity.

Actually, pretty much every major bad event in history since the second half of the 19th century was started by Germans.

>be German architect 1925
>build some fancy cheap houses that offer more space than usual housing
>be blamed for jews copying my design 100 years later

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Modern architectural materials and increased efficiency of air conditioning, not to mention the speed boost of construction

Art History should be a mandatory subject

meant for

That pic is an example of he style done well. The above pics are terrible architecture. The issue is not any particular style, it is the implementation. None of this bland buildings should ever have been approved. It's a testament to poor leadership.

It is still great. Just not in your (((countries))). Pic related. Most notable Mosques built in the 21st century vs Most notable christian temples built in the 21st century. You can notice how ugly christian temples are compared to mosques.

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-gqnKULO2tcladNx.jpg (1346x3540, 1.58M)

that looks like shit as well though

the jews.

Labor became too expensive so you couldn’t have slaves laying a million bricks for a project that takes 10 years

>Most notable Mosques built in the 21st century vs Most notable christian temples built in the 21st century.
>Hagia Sophia

Attached: Seraphim.jpg (736x717, 228K)

There used to be a mentality of building things that would last forever, and a lot of the cathedrals people refer to took lifetimes to build. Now even if you're granting that architects are a million times less skilled, buildings have to go up fast and get demolished fast.
And of course there's architects getting caught up in their own bullshit.

Ah my bad, that definitely isn't the Hagia Sophia.

>mutt education

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>this used to be a global superpower

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Which one did you think was Hagia Sophia?

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On the left 4 down. It has very similar domes.

Attached: domes.jpg (580x378, 131K)

That's just typical byzantine/ottoman architecture, very flat extruded domes

Carpet/fire bombing