ITT: Movies and what they're (((ACTUALLY))) about

ITT: Movies and what they're (((ACTUALLY))) about

Split is about MK Ultra/Project Monarch programming and disassociation through trauma. I.E. Petezuh G8

Attached: split.jpg (1000x1495, 280K)

Lol nice proofs saged

Batman vs Superman is actually full to the brim of what (((they're))) beliefs actually are and would require an entirely separate thread to get into.

Must have hit a nerve, note the insta-shill post

Attached: Batman.v.Superman.Dawn.of.Justice.2016.Extended.Ultimate.Edition.1080p.WEB-DL.H264.AC3-EVO.mkv_snaps (1916x796, 612K)

John Wick series highlights the secret world and it's wars that go on in the middle of what we would consider every day life.

Attached: john-wick-2-posterjpg-fe1944_1280w.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

Interstellar is about the secret space program and the true nature of time/space

Attached: 2014-11-04-interstellar2.thm_.png (1200x675, 954K)

I shouldn't have to explain this one.

Attached: Architect.png (1159x515, 516K)

Cabin in the Woods is about (((their))) rituals and why they do them.

Attached: MV5BNTUxNzYyMjg2N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTExNzExNw@@._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg (486x720, 81K)

French Aliens that fly around in Pyramids

Attached: MPW-10620.jpg (400x591, 39K)

Eyes wide shut was a documentary

Scary Movie 3?

This series is similar to John Wick

Attached: MV5BNTBlOWZhZTctOTY0MC00Y2QyLTljMmYtZDkxZDFlMWU4Y2EyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDg2MjUxNjM@._V1_UY1200_CR90,0,6 (630x1200, 116K)

Shows how easy a small group can manipulate an entire nation.

Attached: 2b95a960-f270-012c-bb9f-0050569439b1(2).jpg (495x700, 276K)

I'd like to add pic related to your post as well.

Attached: 51okdVpsV2L._SY445_.jpg (341x445, 54K)

Birth of C.I.A from the womb of Skull & Bones.

>A reporter once asked a senior CIA official why they refer to the agency as "CIA" and not "THE CIA".
>The official replied, "You don't put "THE" in front of God, do you?"

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is this another thread? you guys just can't let it go can you

Attached: azn-waifu1.jpg (673x916, 133K)

This girl is especially qt because she posted on her instagram some white chad saying ''my type of guy'' and asian Jow Forumshapas incel manlets got all assannihilated at her

Dersu Uzala is actually about the Jews.
First, when nature is bad the nature is representing the Jews, then later the city is bad and that is representing the Jews. But in the end, people are shown to be bad. Those people are of course the Jews. It's all so obvious.

Split is just a shitty reboot of Identity(2003)

Please elaborate

Is about how bad hollywood is screwing western society

Attached: image.jpg (723x1000, 265K)

Is about the superior negro race and the genocide of evil women

Attached: image.jpg (220x369, 20K)

Something something the jews, I was too busy whacking it to the MC's

Attached: image.jpg (480x360, 54K)

Pic related is a good starting point.

Attached: PA0TZ8j.jpg (1397x3396, 1001K)

Time will tell if this past is underrated

"They Live"

Pretty fucking obvious this one is.

Attached: listen_up_normies.jpg (1212x864, 124K)