The truth about guns

Let's face it. You don't need a gun. The people claiming they need them and fight the hardest to preserve the outdated second amendment (written when you could only have muskets), are the ones who are most likely to commit crimes and not have them. Anyone carrying a gun at all times is paranoid and fantasizes about the day they'll finally get to shoot someone to show them who's boss. As a European, I'm happy I don't have to worry about getting shot when I go to school or walk down the street like Americans do. In fact, Europe disproves tons of American's arguments against abolishing the second. We can't have guns and it's peaceful, criminals don't run the streets, etc. We're just a happy group of people living in peace. Seriously, look at how many Americans get shot a year and look at all of the school shootings and mass shootings (generally carried out by white males, mind you)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Have fun looking over your shoulder and seeing a truck run your ass over or acid thrown in your face. Stupid fucking cunts in Europe make me thankful I live in America.

This is bait and not worth the (you)'S it's going to gather


>You don't need a gun
Maybe I do, maybe I don't. But because I have them, if you want it taken away, this will require a fight, which is exactly what we want.

Have fun having your home invaded by shitskins and you not being able to protect yourself, all because your globalist tyrannical government does not allow you to own a firearm because you think you can depend entirely on the police to fix your shit.


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It's not the Bill of Needs, faggot.

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Let's face it, op is a huge faggot

Thanks so much for quoting CNN talking points exactly as they taught u. How does it feel to be a robot without the nagging problem of free thought?

Poor Eurocucks.
>"we are losing our rights, so you should lose your as well."
We have guns that's why we still have rights. End of story.

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Good luck in the United Caliphate of Europe


Yeah but at least I don't have to worry about the truck of peace running me over

I wish theyd hurry up and take your guns. How creepy do you have to be to run around with a damgerous weapon all day, proclaiming it to be your right to an assault rifle. Gunfags are worse than biblethumpers

Alright Faggots. Lets see if anyone can break my arguments against gun control.

1. The right to bear arms isnt granted by the Bill of Rights, it is merely recognized and enumerated by it, as a human right. The right to bear arms exists in the same fashion now as it did then regardless of any law, bill, statute or code.

2. This human right has nothing to do with hunting, sport, or target shooting. It has to do with being able to use force on par with the government(which is coincidentally just OTHER PEOPLE. They dont know any more than you or I do about why we exist, and what lies beyond death) Why should the government decide how I defend myself and my family?

3. We need to deregulate automatic weapons, and supressors. Both have niche uses and dont make a weapon particularly more deadly. The current status of "allowed" weapons is disastrous, and absolutely counts as an infringement.

4. Force is the gold standard for humans all over the world. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or ignorant. They ability to exercise force is a HUMAN RIGHT. And should not be held in the hands of the powers that be in the government.

Prove me wrong bitchlibs.

why do people keep responding to these threads

Why wait? Be proactive and do it in your own neighborhood. It will keep you safe.

No “official intelligence” was used to open the FBI’s investigation into allegations of collusion between Russia and President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.”
“It took us a long time to actually get this, what’s called the electronic communication. As we know it now, for your viewers … it’s the original intelligence, the original reasons, that the counterintelligence investigation was started,” Nunes said.
“Now, this is really important to us because the counterintelligence investigation uses the tools of our intelligence services that are not supposed to be used on American citizens,” he continued. “So we’ve long wanted to know well, what intelligence did you have that actually led to this investigation?”
The congressman added, “We now know that there was no official intelligence that was used to start this investigation.”
> no official intelligence that was used to start this investigation.”
> no official intelligence that was used to start this investigation.”
> no official intelligence that was used to start this investigation.”


>You don't need a gun.
Says who? You? Your satanic globalist overlords who want to rule the planet?

OP is a faggot

Goes for your 1st Amendment right to spout your shit
They didn’t have social media or computers back then either.
You’re so blind and biased.

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Federal government attorney here. I work for an agency that has offices all over the country, and we get a lot of questions from rural areas. Occasionally it's someone asking whether they can bring their gun to work. They can't.

Their response is always hilarious. One guy said "what if i need to go to te grovery store after work? You mean i have to go home and get my gun first?" These are the type of people you are faced with, OP. We are never changing gun laws in this country - this fucking guy lives in a 100% white area and thinks he needs a gun to go buy a loaf of bread.

I have guns
You do not
Explain how you will affect change on this situation

>1post by this id
He’s not coming back. This is a slide, again. There was never a debate in mind.

Crime rarely happens here and it's a far lesser rate than in America but thank you. The xenophobia nationalists hold is going to kill you all out, look at Japan. They're xenophobic, all like 70, and don't have kids. You need globalism to survive. It's pathetic how the alt right views people as being less human for being a different color. The world is getting browner, gayer, more accepting, more left wing, and there's NOTHING you can do about it. All we have to do is wait for dinosaurs like you lot to die out and then we'll be in paradise.

Here's the thing with your retarded logic, euro-fag. The second amendment is a fundamental part of our society here in the states because it is stop big brother from even thinking of trying to take my guns or my property because they know that i will defend my life and my land. That and the right to bear arms is a right bestowed upon me by the creator of the universe. Regardless of what you believe i know in my heart of hearts that i have the right to keep and bear arms, a right you clearly don't appreciate enough. We'll see if you don't need a gun when you are face-to-face with a man coming to arrest you 'anti-state opinons', user.

>let's face it, you don't need a gun

If a meth head breaks into your house while you sleep, armed with knife, sword, bat, or gun---- better hope; your phone is charged, better hope you can call the police, better hope your not killed while talking with 911 dispatcher, AND, better hope during the 5-10min wait your not killed or stabbed in the neck. You would literally be putting your life in the hands of -[your phone, the operator, and the police]-

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>Anyone carrying a gun at all times is paranoid and fantasizes about the day they'll finally get to shoot someone to show them who's boss
Anyone wearing a seatbelt at all times is paranoid and fantasizes about the day they'll finally get in an accident and get the rush of surviving.

There. Get it?

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I know this is a troll thread, and that's ok. But ask yourself, what would you do if 3-5 gang members or refugees broke into your house looking to rob you, rape your wife or children? What the fuck would you do? Use harsh language?

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You wish. waaaahh he disagrees SLIDE THREAD SLIDE THREAD

Social media and computers don't massacre school children


He'd use the Eurocuck method and graciously let them take and fuck/murder whoever they like.

White Americans are the actual biggest threat when you look at terrorism and mass murder statistics. They're more likely to be mentally ill which is why they think they need guns to buy bread lol

>generally carried out by white males
>white males
Jews are not white.

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He'd lower his pants and present his anus for enrichment.
He's a fucking meme-flag jew robot poster.

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Shall not be infringed


Eurofags still don't get it, even if a rapefugee broke in their house, anally raped their wife and mother and decapitated both of em, I still think Eurofags would remain introverted obedient betamale cucks.

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The statistic says that because the US is a majority white nation you autist.

I have that exact pistol but in 45acp. Just went on a neighborhood run. Old polish women sitting inside houses. Sidewalks filled with unemployed black men and heroin addicts. Fuck your euro faggotry. Come take my gun from me, bitch.

Besides look how many other posts are "1 post by this ID" in here. They bump their own shill threads anyways. Might as well drop a truth bomb as well.

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>You don't need a gun
idk, USP in .45 is pretty sexy.

Why are your people such fucking cowards?

Come and take it.

I need a gun to keep your faggot ass from taking my guns.
There, it's settled.

you fucking eu moron. this is why we didnt join your shitty eu cuckfest
>guns legal
>extremely low crime

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who are you to tell anons what they need memeflaggot op?

>Social media and computers don't massacre school children
Surprise faggot.

Slide thread.
Don't respond.
Sage and go.

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Getting tired of this faggotry

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Guy with gun: If you don't own a gun you don't deserve the right to vote, free speech, freedom of association... so on and so forth.
Guy without a gun: ... I guess I'll just comply.

Get fucked and die faggot.

You need at least one. When its not for helicopter rides, and want to deliver sweet freedom and democracy.
And against home invasions oc.

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Look up the murder counts in the 20th century for states that did/did not allow their citizens to own guns. We can literally have a pulse nightclub style shooting every night for the next 1000 years and still not touch Stalin's numbers.

Wow, you picked the single one who isn't white. School shootings are almost exclusively carried out by white males. Nice try.

We have common sense


The chances of that ever happening are insanely low and the police only take 5 minutes to arrive, you can hide

*black males

>second amendment (written when you could only have muskets)
>second amendment (written when any free person could purchase weapons of a quality better than that wielded by the military without registration or waiting periods and carry them down a city street without the police giving a fuck)

>The chances of that ever happening are insanely low and the police only take 5 minutes to arrive, you can hide

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You are stupid.

yeah let's worry about white crime. That's the real problem.

It only takes 2 minutes for someone to cut your dick off and feed it to you.

Further drilling home the point that white males are America's biggest threat:

>Let's face it. You don't need a gun.

Sorry user but they do. White men, like women, need guns for self defense. Its genetics.

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>Defenders of the 2A are more likely to commit crime
[Citation needed]
Blacks make up 50 of the murderers in this country. They also vote overwhelmingly blue.

do not respond except SAGE in the options field.

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you can't possibly be this ignorant.

>1 post by this (((ID)))
I expect nothing from you Jow Forums, and yet you kike-puppets still manage to disappoint me every single day. You have so little self-control you can't even ignore this low-grade bait, posted here every single goddamn day...

This is why the jew loves you best Jow Forums. You're the best goyim. So predictable and obedient.

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t. Current/Future home invader

Go fuck yourself commie faggot!!!!

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>You don't need a gun
I can build a dozen of pic related in a day. Have a bullet reloading machine.

Without guns, whatcha gonna do about it?

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