Seriosuly, fuck them.
Do you think they are trash because of communism? BULLSHIT, they were always irrelevant and were just a punching bag for real countries.
And they did accept communism willingly. DON'T THEM EVER FOOL YOU. No matter how much they'll beat themselves in the chest and claim how much they hate communism, in reality they are commie to the core. This is the reason why they hopped on EU dick so quickly. Not because they wanted "freedom", "democracy" and other shit. But because USSR couldn't provide gibs anymore, but EU can.
But you see, now EU is also having troubles, gibs are getting smaller and smaller. And what's happening? They are starting to chimp out again.
Worthless nigger-tier scum.

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Other urls found in this thread:


galicia and bucovina were doing decent under austrian rule ;-;

Fuck you, Estonians are the greatest people on Earth. Fucking love me some Estonians.

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Slavs aren't white, this is a fact and holhol fucks like you need the rope

Ukrainie has no legitimacy to even be a country so fuck off!

>being this much of a nationist ukrainian this hard

whew lad we all know how much you hate your own ""country"" dont gotta spill your guts over it online man just take a breather outside, but not too long or youll get radiation posioning

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Hahaha russia took your land I used to like you guys but now I see youre just a bitch

You know there was a vote for the countries to turn communistic and join the USSR,but only one voted for communist government.
The rest were forced to become one.
Also Ukraine your country is the a literal cuck personified,your women are only know for being cheap whores.
And your men,nothing,they are know for nothing.

No such thing.

switch russia and ukraine

Poland and Hungary have done okay historically. Ukraine though basically is a punching bag.
>But because USSR couldn't provide gibs anymore, but EU can.
This makes a lot of sense actually.

it seems shills have as many proxies in ukraine as in canada.
i feel bad for ukrainians, they tried to get rid off jews during bolshevik revolution, later on under adolf...and the bastards remember this so they keep raping them again and again, keep it up slavbros.your day will come.

most ukrainians don't realize how many cryptojews they have, that's how they operate

You know nothing

Ma armastan Sind, sõber.

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Kike thread detected. The Jew fears Azov. Good luck in the coming storm Juden.

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I get that you’re an Eesti-boo. But seriously unless you have been here longer than a week while visiting Old Town or something quaint like that then you really shouldn’t fetishize places otherwise they will let you down.

Good one, kike.

fuck off kike.

she looks slightly autistic probably due to mongoloid genes they have

>I noticed something that in my shitty roache's standard is imperfect.
Nobody cares you filthy mongrel.

Fuck off kike,

I would rather live in one of those like you call it 'worthless shithole' than in a country without any identity, too diverse and multiculturalist like most western country. They atleast have a future compared to them, for us it's too late, we're rotten up to the core, the only way to save the western society is to send back home all those parasites and invaders here seeking for healthcare and welfare only willing to destroy the white race.

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russians must invade and exterminate you. you're irrelevant weak nation.

Hungary and Poland are based, Ukraine is full of faggots

I want Greco-Armenian Muslims LARPing as Central Asians to go away!

>roach calling others irrelevant and weak

Kek you are right eastern europe was always pretty sad its unfair to blame communism. That includes fake country "ukraine" of course.

I would fuck myself if I could



Truth hurts, huh???

Based southern bro

Shouldnt you be hidding from russian shells?

well, it's possible what you are saying is true, but besides gypsies which we openly discriminate, we don't have a multicultural diverse society like western countries, and we also won't have one, because refugees don't want to come here for two reasons : 1. they ain't getting stuff free and live like animals and 2. they get beaten very hard. like, really very hard.
also, countries like slovenia, croatia, polland, czech republic and slovakia, are maybe the best in europe to live, because you only see white people wherever you go. as france bro said upper in the thread, its better than a diverse multiculturally rich society, amirite ?

No lower scum then self hating slavs
Go choke on western dick you fucking uncle Tomislav

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>because you only see white people wherever you go
As long as you stay out of capitals
Zagreb especially is a liberal shithole, and they are trying to turn Belgrade into one too

Where my favorite balkanac at?

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Starvation makes you do stupid things comrade you should know, youre ukrainian. Malnourishment was a bitch to your people.

Srednjeevropejec! Nisem balkanec! *spije strup*

>Spewing kike shit

sorry to hear that, serb bro, our beloved Sofia also tends to be a bit liberal, but still, not much faggotry and shitskins on the streets, ofcourse im talking about urban areas and not gypsy ghettos. also, everything i say is from personal or a friend's experience, not reading shit from media or on Jow Forums .


During the summer tourist traps get swarmed by shitskins
But if you go to a small bar in the old parts of town youll have the time of your life (as long as you don't start football discussion)


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Too many eastern europe hate threads up, obvious shill.

the eternal austrian blood is strong in slovenia

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and, while in Serbia it's like this, we can all agree in poland you can't see a shitskin besides gypsies. also, the muslim turks we have in our countries are mostly integrated and not the allahu akbar type.
my point is, if not today, in 15 years and if things continue like this, it will be better to live in Poland than in UK or France(already conquered) for example.


Does Russia know you're out of your cage?

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samefagging, but need to mention I regret replying to this bait thread.

>It's always the Ukrainian attacking all of his brothers around him indiscriminately
>Gets breast-fed technology corporations and industry by Russia
>Is mad
>Is protected from Muslims by all of its neighbors and lord throughout its history, without demands for reimbursement
>dos the exact opposite of thanking them
Why are Ukrainians such assblasted cucks? Poland should take back Lwow and Slovakia should annex Galizien, it'll make me happier with them getting EU gibs. Fuck Ukrainians, degenerate half-mongol ((("""blonde"""))) Khazar trash

Nice attempt at trying to stir shit under a Ukrainian VPN, subhuman katsap.

Attached: KatsapChicken.jpg (427x604, 37K)

What do you want..goy?

Fuck you and fuck your mother for shitting you out of her retard making womb.

Clear and concise

I hope big brother will annex you one day and we will have our eastern provinces back

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Wasn't poland once a superpower? I heard they destroyed the ottomans with an army 1/10 the size back in the day.

It's FYROM, not Macedonia.

>m-muh katsaps
Ahh, a nice delusional specimen. Stay mad, you subhuman sl*v trash.

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>trying to bring logic to this place

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Waddup crobro.

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>poolish wet dreams

Happy to see Glavset can afford to make prop UA passports.
All is not lost, Boris.

kys over 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999 times and be sentenced to irl hell, you swamp nigger tatar mud

I'm in Slovenia now. Based af. The most white amazing, homeless-free, nigger free place I've been. Absolutely amazing place.

Whatever makes you help to come to terms with your inferiority.

Bet you're a mutt

>commute home from uni
>a guy on the bus in front of me turns back and says
>"oj, znaš gdje je glavna stanica na blJedu?"
>think wtf is a stanica?
>ask him how he got here
>"pa ja sam došao z zrakoplovom"

love y'all with distorted untermensch slovenian

Thats true. All countries of Eastern Europe are shitholes. All they do is crying for some more money. USSR was giving not enough money to proebalts, poland and etc so they left soviets and started asking money from EU

The Czech Republic is definitely not part of the shitblock. 6th safest country in the world, unemployment 2.5%, lowest percentage of people living under the poverty line in EU.

>tfw my great grandfather always told how good life was in Galicia when it was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire

then commies came and ruined it

>waiting in line at the newsagent's shop
>a customer confides to the shopkeep:
>sem delal pa grem doma

they're like 5 yr old kids, it's so qt

>Not for long
You could always move to a real country, which is similar to your culture and then embrace your new identity, bet you'll feel much prouder

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No idea if you could call it superpower, but yes, during medieval times Poland was pretty strong and relevant, especially when the state grew even bigger and stronger during Polish-Lithuanian union. Sadly internal corruption lead to the state being weaken so much we got partitioned step by step. Then over 120 years of being wiped off the map till the end of WWI, 20 years of true independence and once again WWII and being sold into soviet block for another 40-50 years of dependence followed by shit tier system change which left opportunists from communist times in high positions. Pretty fucking sad, but what can you do about it now besides learning a lesson and slowly fixing stuff? It's surprising that so long time of being under foreign rule didn't wipe out national identity. Maybe because around WWI nationalism was on rise.

I'm more butthurt about lost pre-christian history. Catholic church was doing pretty good job at wiping out the roots. It's retarded to think that Polish state in size similar to current one popped up over night and has been christianized. Unification of tribes must have taken time. Lot of it. But most of the info was lost, and because christianity was like center of the world back then, being one of the powers that keep records, that's where well documented history starts. I'd say 966 isn't beginning of Poland, but it's international acknowledgement by christian states.

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Your picture is outdated.

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> (OP)
>Slavs aren't white, this is a fact and holhol fucks like you need the rope
What the fuck, how can slavs not be white,fuck off at least we have less nigers

>I'm more butthurt about lost pre-christian history.
Pretty much this. Its sad that you can struggle to even find books on the pre-christian years. And if you do find something 90% of the time its pseudo history and theories. But we did have a little empire back in the day and that's how our culture spread to places like Vilnius or Lwów.

oh you

Not claiming donbass yet


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Slovenia, Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary are not EE (Eastern Europe) you fucking mongoloid shit eating dick sucker

Dont get me started on the Balkans, nigger

get the hell with your Russian propaganda... your government is genociding your people with alcohol, abortions, aids, drugs, cronyism, they sold off your country to Islamic Lobby and now 10 percent of your country is Islamic, that is TWICE of SWEDEN... my suggestion move out of Russia or support underground movements...

Attached: russian muslims on the rise.jpg (640x364, 45K)

I agree but the world can't consist only of relevant people or countries, can it. There have to be some mediocre shitholes too

>"accepted communism willingly"
>Implying there were no civil wars cuz of it
>Implying communism wasn't spread through revolution but people accepted it even though it means the destruction of the nation, it's history and values

Neck yourself, faggot

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Repeat after me:

We accepted it willingly cause the other side didn't really have a cohesive program...the white guard failed miserably against the chad partisans who were able to win over the people and hold onto power once they'd seized it.

as a Lithuanian I admire Estonians, they are doing best out of this post soviet block... I would say LT, EST, PL... are the most prone for growth... communism did injure our psyches... COMMUNISM IS CANCER...

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That’s such an incoherent map... like why are baltics being grouped with balkanoid scum lmao

Stop fetishizing other nations you know very little about like some fantasy larper suffering Peter Pan syndrome. Grow up.

>>srusskie kacap posting under Ukrainian flag
Ivan, get back to paRashka and leave Ukrainians alone. No one like you, Ivan.
BTW give back Krim you thieving bastard.


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actually Estonia and all of BALTICS is safe country and very good for business and lifestyle because all is cheap and workforce is very good for the money you pay...

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Ivan, it's time to go back to paRasha. Don't come back.

wow it's even a bigger shithole than all of these shithole countries combined

Who cares. Just changed hands between subhumans.
> they sold off your country to Islamic Lobby and now 10 percent of your country is Islamic
This is historical justice. Huge part of russia was Islamic! And it will be again!

There simply was no written prechristian history, only oral tradition.

>this flag
>this post