How does this make you feel White Boy ? >:’O

How does this make you feel White Boy ? >:’O

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What is with this meme that the north wasn't racist? They were just as racist as the south, they just didn't need slave labor to support their economy.

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Technically both sides where "racist" and I'm not a cumskin, so I don't care.

>act like patriotism is equivalent to nazism
>have 0 allegiance to your country
>shit on it and denounce it constantly
>pretend you care about "traitors" in a weak attempt to get the other side to agree with you

>get freedom
>still live like a slave

You will never be truly free.

Happy the Democrats got put in their place.


>The side that used non whites for cheap labor lost
If only that could happen again.

That's right both sides hated queers

I keep seeing pictures on twitter posted about how the south has low IQ and most teenage pregnancies and so on...since my account is suspended, thought I'd share this

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They shit on statues to people who lost yet there’s a statue to Boudicca and Vercingetorix who aren’t shit on. The confederate stands for their identity/shared culture. The only reason they are attacked is because they hate that culture, white Dixie culture. They hate all white cultures though.

take is down pancho

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>got their asses handed to them
>sitting on a chair signing a document
>likely all had syphilis
>pic of Lee surrendering
>clearly an artist's rendition
I hate myself

same 4 u

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There's nothing worse than a pussy who talks shit

>caring about history


It makes me feel happy to live in Alabama.
The benefit of being viewed like shit by the rest of the union is that you can do whatever you want and their criticisms runs right off you

>racists traitors
I hate Jews so fucking much. Fucking kikes motherfuckers holy fucking shit

>whites won the Civil War against other whites
>somehow whites lose?
And that painting isn't accurate. The surrender was very peaceful and Lee was pretty happy with the deal he got.

Of all the letters by Lee that have been collected by archivists and historians over the years, one of the most famous was written to his wife in 1856. “In this enlightened age, there are few I believe, but what will acknowledge, that slavery as an institution, is a moral & political evil in any Country,” he wrote. But he added that slavery was “a greater evil to the white man than to the black race” in the United States, and that the “painful discipline they are undergoing, is necessary for their instruction.”

Lee was a good man and a good general. He only fought to secure the safety of his home state Virginia. Still pains me that some people are still unaware of how racist the north was as well.

Reminder that Grant's family owned slaves and that blacks weren't allowed to attend his funeral.

It's their most annoying characteristic


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Feels bad man

Lee truly was a great man who gets shit on for being on the losing side.
He doesn't deserve to be spit on upon by the very state he sacrificed so much to defend

I’m native and I laughed

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This. Lee wasn't even really fighting for the Confederacy, he was fighting for Virginia. If Virginia was a Union State, Lee would have fought for the Union.

> Lee was pretty happy with the deal he got

Sure, after demonstrating that we were more than happy to use rape and arson as a weapon and after we utterly destroyed Atlanta, Lee was probably stoked to get out of this bullshit alive.

Buncha deadbeat jobless faggots down south

My manyX great-grandfather served in the 100th Pennsylvania Volunteers and was at Appomattox when Lee surrendered.

>This son of the Union says -Eat Shit, fuckboy.

Now tell us how pic related is carrying racism on a stick next...

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Reminder Lincoln was going to deport the blacks ot Africa

Lee literally told Lincoln that slavery was retarded, but he couldn't fight against Virginia. Lee was by all standards a good person, and he was respected on both sides.
Faggots like this are why people still fly CSA flags in their backyard.


nice to see that both sides of the political spectrum except for neocons and civic nationalists agree that the 95< percent white region was the good guy in a civil war against the mostly kiked up south that was only 55 percent white

>t. Entire family died in the war

>Be Sherman
>Be educated in Louisiana
>Commit the worst War crime of the War, complete with rape and pillage
>Be proclaimed as Hero
Holy shit the doublethink

>brutally enslaved africans and brought them here, giving us a divided multiracial society with racial tensions
>run by rich elites who had land and slaves, used them to make money, used the money to buy more land and slaves to get more money
>greedily displaced white farmers to get more land to make more money than they needed
>the north practiced Free Soil and gave modest land to modest white families, more in line with Hitler's Volkisch ideology
>when the greed and power of the southern elites was challenged they sent the poor whites to die
>the south burned and bled for these scumbags
If southerners acted in their self interests they would have lynched the slave owners, relocated the slaves, redistributed the capitalists' land to everyday whites, and remained in the union.

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They allowed the Confederate men to return to their homes and letting the officers, cavalrymen, and artillerymen keep their swords and horses if the men agreed to lay down their arms and abide by federal law. Grant even supplied food to the Rebels.
This literally could have been a WW1 scenario with reparations, more warfare on both sides, etc.


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The south fought extremely well and had 2:1 kill ratios.

>its not racist because he's black the same way its not anti semetic if a jewish person was waving a nazi flag around

the mental gymnastics on this board are insane, and then you accuse everyone else of doing it. the irony.

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>my values are the only values, the post

>Be Me
>Be part of College Class
>Go on field trip to Confederate Relic museum in Columbia
>Expect lecture about evil graycoats
>Tour guide says that museum is dedicated to remembering the heroes who fought on both sides of the War
>Lesbian behind me is fuming
>Buy awesome set of CSA art postcards
>Go's home
>Installs CWG2
>Takes 20,000 Union prisoners at Bull Run.
>laugh in Confederate

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I mean it kind of was though. Lincoln had a much more fair plan for reintegration in mind before he was killed and replaced by much more radically minded Republicans who wanted the south to be punished, and whose policies probably ended up causing Jim Crow laws to be made out of reaction.

Historical ignorance. I’m a southerner but plenty of Yankees suffered and died in that brother war as well, and for absolutely nothing.

Also, from a simple logistical standpoint, the US army suffered astronomically higher casualties when you factor in their losses against a bunch of farmers, trappers, and hunters with no shoes and no ammo. The north didn’t win that war, no one did but (((them))). Niggers didn’t even win. The only reason it ended was because we didn’t have clothes, food, or bullets.

You mean the democrats got their asses kicked?

Why the fuck was she even there?

This. Lincoln literally wanted to send all blacks back to Africa. But someone shot him in the head..

Also remember that Johnson was still butthurt about being the only southerner not to resign his Senate seat.
The man wanted payback.

Surrender terms are not the same as Reconstruction. And yes, Reconstruction would have been much better/smoother if Lincoln hadn't been killed.

>people still unironically think union boys went to war to free blacks
>saving the union was secondary to making sure the South specifically didn't have slaves
>the confederate soldiers went to war to keep slaves in the hands of 5% of their population
I blame the continual dumbing down of history so retards can keep up in school. Why talk about the growing list of economical/representative grievances the South had when Trayvon won't make it past "We wuz Property?" might as well just distill all of history into Winners=Good, Losers=Bad. Gotta get those placement scores up somehow.

reminder that Sherman literally pioneered the modern art of war crimes and is celebrated as a hero

>How does this make you feel White Boy ?

Makes me feel like killin' niggers, shitskin.

Turns out that when you can successfully label your opponent as a pedophile then Christian people won't vote for him.
It's really not in any way indicative of Alabama's politics other than we frown upon pedarestry

Lincoln knew that if he made the War about slaves, than the border States would have outright seceeded. Kentucky and Missouri had split governments already. Maryland considered seceding, but Lincoln arrested their legislature.

fuck off pjw, no one cares who the real racists were

My faggot professor said that he is glad Sherman burned down his ancestors house.

If you or Brett either one would care to check the bodycounts, it'll be difficult to remain as smug as you are.
Johnny Reb kicked your teeth in, bluebelly.
Empty bellies defeated the South because Sherman burned our fields. Yankee rifles didn't do jack shit.

This time, we've got Mountain House and M.R.E.s laid in; deep.

General Lee actually was anti slavery

Prove it. I’ll wait


that's illegal, inbred.

Lee believed Virginia was his country. Lincoln himself personally asked Lee to take control of the union army, Lee turned him down

it makes me sad as I can almost be assured with certainty that that person posting that has not found Christ

Not because he thought it was morally wrong or felt bad for blacks or anything though, he just thought it made people lazy and that the future economy was incompatible with it. His family had owned slaves.

>le based black man
>”the war wasn’t about slavery!”
As a proud southerner I’m tired of these cuck arguments. Fuck the niggers and fuck the niggerloving yankees

It's so cringey to see the left talk about shit like "traitors to America" and pretend to claim to be patriots

Nobody buys your bullshit. You don't get to call for open borders and the end of nations and then lecture everyone about being a traitor

Wanna try a best of 3?

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Roy Moore did nothing wrong though

That's a total myth. Lincoln had spiralled the idea of colonization using blacks in central America in the 1850s, but he never brought it up publically or wrote about it in his letters anytime afterwards and his skim postwar work was geared towards dealing with their painful integration into white society

>being sad because someone may or may not have the same belief in a fictional character as you

Focus on your race you fucking slob.

Further reminder that Grant banned all Jews from the south because they were detrimental to the reconstruction.

fuck off evangelical-cuck, you have ruined christianity in america to where its only purpose is to defend israel

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Well, that and the libs stay the hell out.

Are we still ignoring the fact that Lincoln hated blacks more than Lee did?

Are we still ignoring that it was Lincoln who was the traitor because he lost sight of what America was supposed to be because he wanted a one-sided Federal government that rules all when it was neer meant to be like that?

And let's not poke the bears too much less we start reminding them that you destroyed all of those confederate statues, and when that sinks in they're gonna come looking for you fucking faggots because your name-calling isn't gonna keep them bullied into silence forever.

Fuck off fat ass. I can smell the hot pockets coming off this post you disgusting fat body.

Too bad the north/Lincoln wanted e lee to be their general for the war, but e lee was loyal to his home state of Virginia and decided to lead the south instead... back then people viewed their state as their country first and foremost... this is the whole point of confederate pride... not slavery! Ignorant fucking liberals always trying to rewrite history to fit their Marxist agenda

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>Burn American Flag
>You guys are the traitors

What did the left mean by this?

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Yeah, because Lincoln cared deeply about niggers. He used those poor coons as cannon fodder.

It's just eyeroll inducing and proves to me they'll use anything if it advances their own cause (getting control) because they have no shame, morals or principles.
Like they give a fuck about any of this and if you look I'm sure many say they'd dodge a draft if war came to America so fuck'em again.

Southerners loved niggers. They'd even pay money to have them live on their farm.

They don't teach history anymore. History is too white and too male.

The south won the war. Democrats still own blacks: they never left the plantation. The plantation only got bigger.

And why not though? Other people were doing for 2 years for their benefit and they volunteered for it.

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Lincoln didn't give two shits about the slaves, he fucking said as much very plainly when he talked about how he would have ended the war by freeing the slaves or not. There were two factors that led to Lincoln going to war 1: The South's importance to Northern economy 2: keeping the union together to minimize competing powers in the region of a fairly new nation. Freeing the blacks was a military maneuver to further cripple the South's logistics capabilities as throughout the war they had been more effective in man power ultimately losing because they could not compete with Northern supplies.

now the north is infested with niggers too, great job union scum

What was that movie called user?


Why do white people hate themselves so much?

Don’t fuck with the monuments

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>burned towns and farms to force starvation
>raped women everywhere

I do believe the modern term for the union is "war criminal."

And the thing is Lincoln didn't give two shits about the slaves. He prevented peaceful secession because most of America's wealth was in southern agriculture for which the north refused to let go of.

And what did the north do after the war? Steal all the farms as war prizes. That's why they did all they did. Fuck negroes the south had the wealth and the north wanted to make sure that wealth didn't leave.


It makes me feel like I'm being baited by a master.

History is written by the victors

If the American revolution was lost the founding fathers would be getting called "racist traitors to the British empire" today

The liberals already destroyed them.

That's why they're refusing to show anyone where they went.

They're expecting you to shut up and forget about it so the issue will go away, and if you don't then their "plan B" is to do lots of name-calling to call you racist.

OP it makes me feel proud to be southern. The War of Northern Aggression was the last time a large group of men have stood up to the tyranny of the federal government. The federal government is GRANTED authority by the states, whom retain sovereignty over their state territories. At least, it was that way until Lincoln's presidency.

Ya know what truly roasts my chestnuts over an open fire, is that the entirety of "blame" is on the phantom construct of "White", which can be anything. Like when "We White People" is used as a phantom boogeyman and then the (((individual))) is magically something else; shielding themselves of all accountability for their actions
>Does it make sense that when the cat poops in the corner, the dog gets his nose rubbed in it?
>Please, please, please let Whitey have a White moment!!!

why is a jewish controlled state so adored here?

>asses handed to them
It really makes my blood boil when anyone who obviously knows nothing of history tries to use it to support their political leanings. Not even a dixiefag. The north sent hundreds of thousands of men into a meat grinder to win that war. The only reason Grant was effective was because he was the first general who was willing to see thousands of his men get mauled charging fortified positions and them tell em to do it again over and over after it fails. We did not win because of good leadership.

Seriously? It is pretty well documented that he advocated for sending them to Panama and Liberia. He openly advocated for it and only went quite for a little bit when passing the emancipation proclamation. However personal documents showed his continued support. Entire books have been written on the topic like "Colonization After Emancipation: Lincoln and the Movement for Black Resettlement" by the University of Missiouri.

History Channel also provides some documention but dosen't recognize the later papers post EP.
"For much of his career, Lincoln believed that colonization—or the idea that a majority of the African-American population should leave the United States and settle in Africa or Central America—was the best way to confront the problem of slavery. His two great political heroes, Henry Clay and Thomas Jefferson, had both favored colonization; both were slave owners who took issue with aspects of slavery but saw no way that blacks and whites could live together peaceably. Lincoln first publicly advocated for colonization in 1852, and in 1854 said that his first instinct would be “to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia” (the African state founded by the American Colonization Society in 1821)."