Give me one reason why I shouldn't use steroids in safe doses to make myself the best I can possibly be

Give me one reason why I shouldn't use steroids in safe doses to make myself the best I can possibly be.

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You only can be the best self if you really work hard for it.
And the "safe" doses even a small amount can fuck up your test levels (negatively) for you.

Its bad for you I guess. You'll get big but your heart will struggle. UlYou'll eventually stroke out and die or go full flab.
And if you are able to profit off of it without disclosure then you are a fraud.
But if you want to go through with that you should be able to

used them in Iraq.

Made my blood pressure fucked up.

Got much stronger still not worth the strain on my heart user.

Soul crushing depression and balding.

>steroids in safe doses
no such thing exists. also, the very fact that you are thinking about this means you are suffering from neuroticism. on T, this will be amplified. it will be further complicated by the fact that your estrogen levels will go up too. I can't tell you how often I've seen dudes on gear crying in the showers because of this shot. bipolar manic mood swings are a common thing.

also, I could likely give you the standard noob treatment of 2.5 times the natural test and you wouldn't even notice you are on something. it's a pointless thing to do. trust me. I tried it.

You eather want to get healthy and fit
So work hard and get healthy and fit

Or your vain and low confidence who wants to look better

People take them like candy here, get a doc to keep an eye on your liver enzymes, do the necessary to keep aromatase levels down and take your vitamin E and taurine. Jews ban steroids everywhere, because theyre scared of strong white men and strong men in general

There are quiet a few guys at the gym that warned me about juicing
>many are from questionable sources
>once you develop gyno on that stuff it is harder to get rid of than normal gyno
>Estrogen goes up, test production goes down

Your natural test production might plummet

>safe doses

>many are from questionable sources

you should NEVER use homebrew/chinkshit stuff. always guy for legit shit like serbian Galenika.

>once you develop gyno on that stuff it is harder to get rid of than normal gyno

you need to have aromasin/arimidex anti estrogens on hand.

>Estrogen goes up, test production goes down

test production stops completely and estrogen goes up relative to your t levels. if you are pudgy and soft naturally, you can expect bitch tits within the first few weeks.

Small balls/hypogonadism

>The best I can possibly be.

Thats not a designation faggot. You dont skip to the end.
Its about the hours you put in. The training you do.

Say goodbye to your fucking balls

Because you're not a top-tier athlete entering a league, competition, or lifestyle that authentically requires steroids.

Like contending in the unregulated WSM competition, or fighting in the Triad's kumite tournament, or maybe being a contemporary super-assassin who actually needs to backflip-hatchet toss a motherfucker.

Are you any of those things? If you are then I don't know why you'd be asking Jow Forumsacks for advise on this. If this isn't a good enough reason for you then you're ignorantly playing with fire.

If this is a good enough reason then why not perhaps start a conditioning regime to elevate you to your natural human limit? Anyone can do it, it simply takes time & a bit of research.

There are safe doses but if you don't know exactly what you're doing & why you're doing it a safe steroid dose is a misnomer.

Ironpill: is retarded not to do so.

Jews and cucks will tell you that is not safe (lmao) while reassigning sex to 10 years old with per life hormone therapy.

It fucks up your natural test production so you should probably try to eat right, sleep, and workout, in order to boost your natural test.

thats not that big of an issue. PCT with Clomid and maybbe gonadotropin if you've been ON for years will solve that. however, nothing will solve your LVH which has killed guys no more tha 2 months in. the heart is the only muscle that's really responsive to AASs.

Good luck finding them. They’re hard as fuck to get. And even when you have them they might not be what you were told they are

Correct. Steroids are the ultimate redpill

There are many factors that influence your test production.
One is lack of vitamine d. Look when it's the best time of the day to go outside in the sun and sunbath a little bit

>you should NEVER use homebrew/chinkshit stuff. always guy for legit shit like serbian Galenika.
They told me about cases of chink/poo stuff that got an counterfeit label on them.
But anyhow, even with legit stuff and supplements and additional meds are not worth it, i am totally on your side with this.

I did my research on how to lose weight and gain muscle and get help with my workout with two friends who BB for years (and have good results). They also help another friend of mine who was a skeleton and from day one put him on the right diet and he got more gains than all the other skinny guys at my gym.

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>They told me about cases of chink/poo stuff that got an counterfeit label on them.

even the staple names of non pharma industry stuff, like say british dragon way back when, were made in a kitchen by a guy. it's a very risky thing to do. and I'm not talking about thinking you are injecting tren while in reality its boldenone....

Your endocrine system is an extremely complex and delicate mechanism that has a role in controlling how just about everything in your body functions. If you just want to be the best version of you, then slam-banging a few hundred milligrams of test into your body is not the way to do it. It is extremely risky.

I was on 1g Tren and 300mg of german original Schering Testo E a week for 4 months. the scherings alone should have been enough to make a significant difference according to memelore. it did not.

well id argue itll shrink your balls but since youre looking for shortcuts i guess you dont have any anyway

go for it OP, post results

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>steroids in safe doses
>no such thing exists.

you know that a healthy male produces testosterone on their own?
let's cut our balls off to stay healthy, right?
natural dose is a safety dose. stop talking bullshit mountainnigger.

replacement therapy for castrated fucks isn't that we are talking about here. this thread is about supraphysiological doses and you know it.



This fucking mutt knows. Govt and Pseudoscientist faggs lied to the enormously ingonart masses about ''how bad'' steroids are. Fucking Mcdonald claim more victims than roids.

>Falling for the hard work meme. fucking british pleb.

The ends justify the means, and in live everyone cheats someway. you naive fucking idiot

taking steroids just means you're paying someone to turn you into an angry lunatic with a tiny dick. working out naturally (which is free btw) will make you happy and keep your dick the way it is. your call buddy.

Just know the common online taught reddit way of taking gear is stupid as hell. You dont need AI, you dont need dopamine agonists, you dont need large doses of testosterone or any at all. Before you call me out go deepen your understanding beyond forum memes.

>Do not make you smarter

t. side effects

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No such thing as safe doses of annabolic steroids, you retard.

because yer a feg

your not a fucking doctor m8 thats fucking why
also kill yourself

100% guarantee you didn’t use an AI with them, you fucking moron

If you take a modest 10 week cycle and take the proper safeguards from gyno ball shrinkage hair loss aromatase, and take proper ptc you will get good results, the problem is there is no way to stop it from damaging your heart valves and arteries its not worth it,

There's a general for this on Jow Forums
Protip: there are no safe doses of any that actually make a difference

>make myself the best I can possibly be.
You dont need to put ANYTHING inside you to accomplish this, workout everyday, dont take selfies of your faggot progress, dont tell people your routine, from now on you shut your mouth and stop looking for approval, keep getting stronger day by day and ALWAYS know that you are doing it for yourself, not for everyone else.

So I ask you, do you really need steroids? No, you need to stop posting and start lifting, I wish you luck.

Because you're asking Jow Forums whether or not you should.

You don't have the knowledge required to determine whether or not you'll be doing so safely, and you don't have the knowledge required to make use of roids anyhow.

Roids aren't a magic pill for muscles, you need to exert yourself for hours upon hours. Roids just allow for muscle tissue to repair itself more better.

You're probably thin as a rail. Look up Tim Ferriss's Occam's Razor workout. That'll do more than roids ever could.

>implying you have to be a doctor to take steroids

You dumb little pussy.

I heard that swallowing cum has the same effect. So don't worry OP, you don't need extra steroids.

Ripped body but manboobs.

>Give me one reason why I shouldn't use steroids in safe doses
Well, it will effect your hormonal balance. Make your balls shrivel and have a profound effect on your personality. That stuff is addictive.

> make myself the best I can possibly be.
The best you possibly can be is not going to be a static thing. You will always reach a level you could push through with more roids.

Just fix your diet first then do what ever you want.

small pee pee

Do it OP
Test is great
75mg e3d

Orthopedic Surgeon here. I administer steroids daily to patients for all types of reasons. They are safe, just do it under the care of a doctor and get bloodwork done every month or so. If you're over 40 you should be doing steroids.


Galeniko is the greatest shitposter in the history of the internet. Where is he posting now?

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And how exactly does it damage your heart fuck face?