
What do they fear the most out of all things?

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being named by powerful people




Jesus. Manual labor. White nationalism. And people aware of their usury.

People coming to the mass conclusion that the holocaust wasn’t real but should totally happen

economic boycott and 0% interest


Yeah they are going to be afraid of the Lord at death, Jesus

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losing a penny

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The Samurai

The holocaust

being named

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Woke white men.

>goyim with complexer/ not simpler minds, with strong frame, seriousness in life, rejection of stupidity and disgusting things, with a strong and REAL purpose as individuals family and tribe, masculinity in men and femininity in women, purity, and they also fear that the goyim know their nature. Many even more things.

The magic of friendship

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Losing reparation/welfare payments.
They're willing to call all labor camps Polish Death Camps, that's how far they'll go because how scared they are

Their power rests on money so losing that is the ther worst nightmare.

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White gentiles that work towards their own interests

The Goyim

The truth

Shook as fuck

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