Why? Is it because of Sovietism?
are those old pre-war houses?
Do you think Hitler is just joked about our genepool? :---ddd
Thats Stalin era barrarks
are we there yet and
inb4 nkvd skull fuck you
oh yeah that was never our clay
What are you guys up to this time??
what a fucking shithole
You gotta fix your country Igor
Its the largest country on the planet for fucks sake. Your permafrost has been thawing more and more every year. More and more usable land
Execute that dog Putin and his lackeys and fucking get to work
Ah, I see what you are doing there. Comparing the basic infrastructures between the places.
Now, here's the tragedy.
When the bolsheviks came to power, they executed Russian poets, painters, writers, philosophers, teachers etc etc. Why?
These people are the ones, who directs the nation at large. If you get rid of these people, the rest are aimless, without direction, without a compass. That "move" what the bolsheviks did (and kept doing for few generations) made such a tremendous impact to Russian people, that it takes still at least three generations to recover even partly.
Such a fucking crime that mind boggles in it's magnitude.
Basically, that is what you are observing when looking the ruins. They killed your spirit.
Yeah, we get it. Communism ruins countries. Slavs ruins countries. When you put Slavs and communism together in the same country, you're pretty much fucked for life.
Do it, google maps is open, i'm too lazy now.
>You gotta fix your country Igor
genetic engineering has not progressed so far
I was wondering what the point of this bread was as well.
>Yeah, we get it.
>Being so defensive
>nu flag
We have those soviet blocks that were build 70s too, but man does no one in Russia care about basic upkeep? Our buildings are still in rather nice shape since they are repaired and repainted regularly.
We are very backward people in general, i don't know how commies force best of us to make/copy tanks, rockets and etc.
10-20% still do not even have a warm toilet today, I do not even consider this a problem of Bolshevism, more like a historical periphery problem.
In Finland the grass has this beautiful iridescent green color while in Russia it doesn't.
There are clouds in both pictures but in Finland there is still some beautiful blue color in the sky!
In Russia all the colors have washed out!