Dublin's Asian Population

You lied to me Jow Forums. You told me Dublin was overrun by niggers and mudslimes but their not the real change. There are plenty of blacks but almost no Arabs. In fact the biggest non Irish residents are gooks. They're at least a fifth of the people I see on the street. I'm really confused. Do they get to stay? Do we make concessions for chinks and halfbreeds?
T. Part Black Irishman

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>T. Part Black Irishman
That you Kevin?

Attached: Kevin_Sharkey_2014.jpg (1200x1398, 154K)

We need to save the 8th lads.

Copy and paste this info for threads.

Irish Referendum on Abortion /IRA/ -

Ireland will have a referendum on the 25th of May to decide whether or not we Repeal our 8th Amendment (equal right to life for mother and unborn child).
If we vote Yes, abortion for any reason up to 12 weeks will be legalized and unborn children will have no rights.
If we vote No, abortion will remain illegal and the globalist politicians will be humiliated.
If Ireland legalizes abortion our birthrates will drop and (((they))) will push mass immigration. It will also push more degeneracy and destroy our country.
Save the 8th and save the Irish Future.

/IRA/ - Current Operations:
>Operation Truth Serum-
Expose Repeal campaign lies and show the reality of abortion. Hijack Repeal tags on social media.
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>Operation Zyklon-
Spread awareness of globalist connections to Repeal groups. Make people aware George Soros was caught funding them.
Related Articles:




#RepealThe8th #Together4Yes

Pro Abortion campaigns:
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Irish half-breeds are weird. Knew one girl that had all the distinguishing features of both gooks and micks. Very dark reddish hair, chink slit eyes, dark skin, and shitloads of freckles.

Noticed this myself, very recently. A very fast change, odd.

Is Éire Jow Forums not up tonight?

Theyre tourists you eijit. We get a mad of people coming in and out from tourism.

The majority are tourists, however a good number are resident. Mainly Chinese and South East Asia from what I've seen. Don't seem to cause trouble though, so I have no strong opinion on them desu.

Thin Lizzy warned us with their song Chinatown.
We are fucked lads.

Also, this.
Haha, what a time to be alive.

>South East Asia
We let in a rake of those karen, years ago.

Number of Irish lads marrying Filipinos is on the up.


They Asians aren't a problem, they work hard, don't demand special treatment, an keep to themselves

The muslims are the problem, we don't want to end up like the UK

Is it dublin?

I see this around where I live (very affluent part of Dublin). Middle aged men walking around holding hands with an ant. I am disgust.

I mean that's what you say

but the majority of you fatties, uglies and downright losers have no hope of marrying with a white woman and you default by marrying an ugly asian woman who wants to marry up.

Enjoy your school shooting halfbreed sons

>Part Black

based civic nationalism
based asian dude in a leprechaun hat

Beta as fuck. Sad!

You live in Ireland you shithead. It's where Irish people come from. You don't live in the US or some other nation built on multiculturalism. When Ireland seizes to be Irish, then there will be nothing Irish left. Don't be a fool.

How was the pussy tho

You're right, I thought I was the only one who noticed the yellow peril in our capital.

All major cities should be globalist centers where anyone from anywhere can go, but everywhere else is closed down to the native population.

>you lied
The blacking of Dublin has just begun, did you think it would be instantainious?
We should have gassed you long ago but despite your eternal negro wailing we are just not like that. You're new friends in the EU are though.
You being about to go extinct is the only good thing to come of globalisation.
Seriously DO NOT look to us for help, not one fucking potato.

When it all turns to shit, the boats will be coming in this direction, not yours Muhammed. Look forward to turning you all away, o eternal Anglos.