4 men die by suicide for every 1 woman, but women are 3x more likely than men to attempt suicide

>4 men die by suicide for every 1 woman, but women are 3x more likely than men to attempt suicide.

Can you explain this?

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women use less brutal methods

women pussy out of suicide

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women are so incompetent they fail at sudoku

Like with all things in life, women do it for attention, and men get shit done.

Women attempt suicide for attention.

Women just want attention

Men are for real

It's about attention getting and manipulation with women.
Example: Ex wife said she was going to kill herself for the 10th time or so. I met her at the mental hospital and said something crude like "I don't care anymore."
She got home before I did, because that shit wasn't working anymore.

Women do it for attention
Men do it because they want to actually kill themselves

yes, this.

guys are better at getting shit done.

women cant do shit rigth

It's the same reason the YouTube hq shooting didn't work, men are just better than women at everything

Have u ever dated a woman? The entire relationship is you responding to one ceaseless cry for help

Women suck at everything, even killing themselves.

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men are better than women at everything

When women attempt suicide it means they took 1 too many women’s daily vitamins & then call the police on themselves to send over an ambulance

When guys attempt suicide they grab their gun & go

Exactly this:

just something else that men do better then women

Its hard to tie a rope to glass ceiling i guess

idk, they probably claim they tried to suicide but not really, they just "attempted" by just hanging a rope and leave it without ever putting it on, then they went to fuck chad.

>Can you explain this?
Women are three times as incompetent as men

we finish the fucking job, something no woman is capeable of.

>Teeheehee I'm gonna take one and a HALF sleeping pills and call an ambulance and say I attempted suicide to get attention on Facebook teeheehee

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>Can you explain this?
Women just do what women always do, when they do anything they do :
Whoring for attention.

Because everything is the opposite of what youve been told (usually).

Like how when everyone thinks of minorities its always niggers and shitskins. But in reality its whites who only make up 7% of world population.

woman are so fucking stupid that they cannot even kill themselves properl
also attention whoring

women fail at most activities

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The real reason is that women choose to use less violent means of suicide (overdose), means that have less certain probabilities of death (unlike firearms)

Whether that is due to cultural norms about violence, fear of not leaving a pretty corpse, or desire for attention is not something that's easy to study

When men go for their attempt we usually choose cool, guaranteed methods like blowing our brains with a shotgun, jumping from the top of a 20 store building, laying our necks down on train's tracks, literally blowing ourselves up with explosives, etc. But when a woman "attempt" suicide what it usually means is that she took just a little bit more of the recommended dosage of a sleeping pill and that's it.

Women are incompetent.

Thats the politically correct narrative but i am skeptical about that. If you really want to die you use the most succesful means you can find, not the means that will leave a pretty corpse.

doing stuff is hard. they need instructions. you ever see a woman try to make a ikea table? you get post modern art with "spare parts" but no table

Women try to kill themselves for attention, notice how I say try, cause they fail so they can still be around to get the pity

All of these. When women try to commit suicide, they usually do so by overdosing or cutting their wrist, both methods that are likely to fail, take a long time, and can be easily reverted by making a call to a friend or by being found. Men are more likely to point a shotgun up the roof of their mouth and pull of. The methods between genders vary, the reason for this is something I don't know, it might be because of vanity, they don't want anyone to find their body with the head blown to pieces, and prefer looking "peaceful". Or because they know it might fail and are looking for attention.


Dont send a woman to do a mans job

criminally underrated post

like everything in life:
Woman attempt.
Men do!

Because women """attempt""" suicide without having any intention of ever going through with it.

Its very easy to commit suicide. When someone 'attempts' suicide and lives, they didnt actually have death in their hearts. They just had despair.
I can only assume that women, being more emotionally driven beings, would make faux attempts at suicide as a grand gesture.


Wow, 'women being unable to make up their minds' strikes again!

women cant do anything right

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Everything upthread about methods and about attention stands true.

But on top of that, it's the mindset of self harm. Men don't self harm until they decide it's time to get it all done at once. Women self harm in a way that, to borrow a term, lies on a spectrum. Women will cut off all their hair in a fit of rage, pay someone to make it a cute bob or pixie, then feed off attention for the new hair. They will cut themselves nonfatally up and down their arms and legs; men almost never do this. Women will get weird tattoos and piercings not out of aesthetic concerns, but simply to assert control over their own bodies in opposition to perceived societal expectations.

So while we say "attempt suicide" in a way that implies either/or, for women it's just another step on that self harm scale. They do something that has a higher likelihood of death than cutting, but not certain. Maybe later some will try a shotgun or a long jump, but most get help before then.

Suicidial men rarely have a history of self harm, other than with certain mental illnesses that are much more common in women. It's like flipping a switch. Whereas more women are on that spectrum of inflicting self harm, which we confuse by only having one word for suicide even though varying degrees of lethal intent exist.

I think its simply testosterone makes men more violently impulsive

Women are attention whores.

Men are memed into suicide by gun, women are memed into suicide by pill.

Men use guns or vastly over estimate their bodies ability to take pills and eat waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to many which leads to vomitting up the pills.
Females use pills most of the time. Most chicken out.

Women fail at failing.

Think about it this way. Today I made a garden. My girlfriend will see it tomorrow or the next day. I didn't tell her or send a picture. She made a salad and sent me a picture. One of these things is legitimate and the other is for attention.

We are the best at suicide. Don't know if that's good or bad

Because when a man attempts suicide, he actually wants to kill himself.

When a woman attempts suicide, she wants attention from Chad.

At least that one thot is conscious enough to realize her bullshit attempt to use the bracing as support to climb up is pathetic and embarrassing.

>3/5 of a man is still more physically adept then a woman

At least you know that guy got his dick wet that night if he didn't lose it in the accident.

>ability to take pills and eat waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to many which leads to vomitting up the pills.
Yea, I'll admit I did this. I had dry heaves for a day straight and ate a last feast between vomiting episodes which I realized later probably helped detox my stomach like char.

women have better social supports and for men hegemonic masculinity plays a MASSIVE part. lets say a women try's to commit suicide, and fails, she will reach out for assistance, friends family, or health professional - thus her failed suicide gets reported as such.

For men, if they fail, they will fail again, and agian, until they finally commit suicide, there is for many men the no other option. reaching out for assistance is not an option as it is seen as a cuck, beta move... which is hegemonic masculinity that is imaginary, men can seek help, men should seek help more often, women should encourage men seeking help. but as many women don't disrupt this type of behaviour as it may lead to conflict as it is seen as undermining the patriarchy. which is the wider scope of the statistical argument, men are the traditional bread winners, and stoic in nature. when prompted to seek assistance it is an affront to their masculinity. now lets say this man lives rural and there is a drought, crops all die no money, in no way is this his fault, yet, he is no longer the patriarch that is providing for his family, and there is no dignified way of exiting his occupation, as the pressure surmounts, suicide is the best option, as a way to escape shame, for internalised failures.

Women are inept. Next question.

If you want something done right, get a man to do it.

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also the rural metaphor is also , a urban young father who just lost his job, a lot of suicide behaviour also intersects with class, ethnicity, gender identifications (much higher suicide rates for gay and trans),

women "attempt" it as a desperate shot at some attention.

If it doesnt leave permanant serious damage or impairment it wasnt a suicide attempt.

This is the same as the 156% of women are sexually assaulted in college tier bullshit.

Method, men use guns, women use pills.