Guess which one is against the legalization of sex workers?

Guess which one is against the legalization of sex workers?

Attached: sex.png (841x434, 554K)

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almost forgot

i really dunno, they're both fucking hideous goblins

Generally yes.... for the fat lady on the panel NO

fat chick doesnt want men to pay for hot slags and play video games afterwards, bitter towards the world because of her own self loathing. pretty obvious.

I bet the skinny one still gets more sex though

that hambeast tho lmmfao

we should all be against it you degen lib

Only because her hole is still physically accessible.

Goddamnit lolbertardian that actually gave me a decent kek

Bigmacs and other large pricessed food items are hell on sphincters.

Bet fattys ass is a bit gaped from 5 pound turds.


The whale?

fuck off muslim

I agree, its hard to say. If someone put a gun to my head and said fuck one of these women bagless, I'd probably pick the fat one and just pretend I'm humping a stinky beanbag chair.

Damn this is a difficult guess... I don’t know who would be more insecure about their appearance, I’m gonna have to guess the fatty.

>brits not understanding individual freedom

Both ?

Well, I can't see weird Al being against prostitutes, so I assume it's that fat chick on the right.

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Prostitution should be regulated. But brothels should require membership and limit how many visits a patron can have and a database shared amongst other brothels so they don't break a certain limit of visits per month. And if people don't want to go through the legal route they can risk it with some crab infested crack whore on the streets.

i actually really wanted to agree with the fat SJW mostly up until past 4 minutes.

holy shit this human blob is insufferable.
I am glad its 500lbs overweight and stressed out. It will die before 40.

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The one who looks like Dworkin's twin?

Former prostitute, lads.

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How many times a month should a person who wants to benefit from legal prostitution be allowed? 4 visits. And you have the option to make the visit as short as half an hour, or a full 24 hours. Turn abandoned shopping centers into the cheaper brothel. Middle grade ones being like a motel with a courtyard, rooms accessible only from courtyard, high grade ones basically like gated subdivisions with regular homes.

Holy fuck these people need the oven treatment seriously. Nobody is forcing you to be fat ... REEEEEE

you can hear her wheezing throughout the entire interview

Jabba the Hutt or the poorly drawn in eyebrows?

Those two in the picture are fucking nuts.

And what the fuck it with that whale breathing so damn hard. And holy fuck, a guy shouldn't be able to dictate his orgasm whenever!? Lol bitch it's called masturbating if you think you're going to control a dudes orgasm

When you're 600 pounds your organs are basically struggling to stay alive. Consumes insane amounts of oxygen.

Also, this was started by former sex workers:
They believe that men should be giving their money to women just for existing. Any sort of attention is sexual labour.

trick question
they both are

They both look like Men In Black aliens.

Lol a buddy of mine was talking to this chick from Phoenix (he's super shy has a hard time making conversation with people face to face initially) and she was telling him he needs to send her $150 a week...

I told him I dont give a fuck if she was in the other room chained up waiting for you to play out your wildest fantasy, if you send her even $1.50 a week I'm going to beat the fuck out of you.

I've literally never given a woman a dime on my life and I was with one for an amazing 12 years before we decided to split. We both took care of ourselves financially and did gifts randomly as a surprise or to show appreciation. Best sex I ever had. Most sex I ever had. Now that we are split up I've kinda let loose and girls left and right are trying to get at me and still not spending a dime.


Yeah, and even with daughters you should be careful so that they don't learn bad trickster habits.

sure thing, narc

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what if youre married and she's the mother of your children

>americans not understanding too much freedom is chaos

I watched the video and just skipped around. Skipped to a random part and hear Jabba say
>there's a bunch of reasons a women gets into prostitution, like poverty
ok that makes sense so far
>racism, colonialism, and a whole triad of issues
How the fuck does racism make someone a whore? "Hey nigger suck my dick for $10 or I'll hang you from a tree?" Also what the fuck does colonialism even mean. Just another ism they made up. We haven't had colonies in 200 years and even then how the fuck does that matter to what's happening now?

Why would you pay your daughter for sex, you sick fuck?
[spoiler]it should be free[/spoiler]

>we have here two women, both with experience in the industry

please tell me she doesn't mean those two creatures had people pay them for it really that bad up there in Canada?

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abbot and costello

Thats something you're never gonna have to worry about, guy. Stick to sucking off dogs

small fats...lmao, slobs. every single one voted deomcrat.