
Three issues I want to address:

We must drop Terrorism and crime from our arguments. Crime is caused by poverty not by race.
The important arguments is not wanting Europe's demographic to permanently change forever. Everything else is peripheral.
People react worse to "Niggers cause crime" than "I want Europe to stay European because I love Europe".
>But muh ISIS refugees.
Yes. Must remain a separate argument for that particular issue. Don't forget Europeans commit terror, and crime too. We aren't a perfect race of people, and we need to stop pretending we are. This isn't about being perfect, its about fighting for our existence.

The "Mediterraneans/french/whatever aren't white" should end. Europe is not naturally 100% Blonde and blue eyed. We have always been diverse in our European characteristics.

We need to stop glorifying and sympathising with nazis. We need to be a forward looking movement, not a backwards one. Movements that live in the past have never won ever. Let whats in the past, stay in the past. Learn from history, but don't wish to re-live it. Improve.

Attached: spitfire.jpg (1800x1200, 737K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Crime is caused by poverty not by race.
Crime is caused by shitskins.

And a way to encourage white birth rates is to create an environment where sustainable relationships can arise amongst young people. One of the best ways to do that is to help young men achieve independence, and make housing more available.
I have no idea why so many young Conservatives effectively cuck for boomers and support all this crazy neo-liberal economics which have lead to severe difficulty for our own generation.

Side point: "We need to pay off our national debt!" No, we don't. You need to learn about the economic system we live in. It is based off ever growing debt. To win in this economic system is to be able to borrow as much money as you can. The more you can sustainably borrow the better off you are.

Dont like the system? Me neither! But thats the system we have in place. Dont try to lose the system by suggesting paying it back... instead campaign to change the system!

>Crime is caused by poverty not by race.

Poor shitskins. Why do you actively want to lose arguments and look stupid?
Focus more on the positives of a European Europe rather than the negatives of an (((Enriched))) Europe

>Crime is caused by poverty not by race.
Wrong. Nigs gonna Nig, look at Kat Williams

No, I'm not wrong. You are delusional.

>Crime is caused by poverty not by race.
Well being a nigger sure doesn't help, does it

Attached: Harare-history-5.jpg (800x1000, 121K)

>Focus more on the positives of a European Europe rather than the negatives of an (((Enriched))) Europe
They go hand in hand.

>. Crime is caused by poverty not by race.

Crime is caused by low IQ.
Powerty is caused by low IQ.
Race is extremely correlated to IQ.

Yes they do. But I said focus on the Positives rather than the negatives, because no one likes negative people. They are completely unelectable.

Nice argument, retard.
Didnt u just preach about arguments n shiiit ?!
Ure obviously so hypocritically dumb, u basically proof yourself being a libshit.

No. Low IQ is caused by poverty.
Race is extremely correlated to social class
Correlation is NOT causation.

Continue misrepresenting statistics to fit your narrative, and no one will ever listen to you.
Use a different argument instead.

Rich blacks commit more crimes than poor whites

>n shiiit ?!
>proof yourself

get off my website

Attached: 1510354833668s.jpg (227x222, 5K)

Interesting. Anyone got any evidence for this?

The good things are :
The states will collapse
Economy will collapse, migrants besically being the suckerpunch into the already weakly and elderly system
Civilwar will break out like fury, whereby the muddies will kill all leftists and the tising hard right militia will kill all leftists too.
The muddies,will kill the kikes.
The muddies will kill the leftards

All politicoans will be killed.

Mudslimes will be fought or will starve to death, cuz mo more gibs
Same is true for leftists.
Leftist women or all women woll become trading material and basically sex- and breeding slaves.

And so on and so forth.
Bright future ahead. Like it. Thumbs up. Not even kidding.


I meant focus on the positives of a European future, and the positives of preserving Europe, rather than the negatives brought, you know what dont worry about it

>Low IQ is caused by poverty.
Thats the most rezarded shot ever heard.
Milions of times disproven by science by now. Encvironment has only a minute influence.
Your ignorance, level of education, hypocrisy and general stupidity have now definitively proven you to be a libshit, maybe even female.

Get lost, retard.

Link shows that even if blacks were majority population. They would still have massive crime rates

Attached: 7FF0DB67-6D1C-4E65-A2C9-701FFC6D6B50.jpg (1024x789, 190K)

>my website
Libtards like u are on enemy teritory here. Kys or get back to tumblr

Also pic related comparing rich black neighborhood to poor white

Attached: D0437075-D465-4D7C-919B-3263ADC399EF.png (1800x1012, 809K)

How did you brit faggots go from running the world to being the biggest pussies on the planet in such a short time? WTF is wrong with you?

your OP might have been pretty good without the crime part. you shouldn't sugar coat anything. blacks on average have lower self control and lower intelligence, this is painfully apparent to anyone whose head isn't several feet up their own ass. we don't have to hate anyone, but let's at least be honest with ourselves.

And cherry on top

Attached: 15BCC11E-0F2C-4CEA-8048-5DB8EB22F0D1.png (1693x1108, 203K)

if you ignore this, both blacks and whites will have unrealistic expectations and a warped view of "social justice".

Come to Detroit where even rich niggers commit crimes like dumb niggers

>I meant focus on the positives of a European future
I did u libturd. Go back to uknowwhere if u want to insert yourself bluepill dreams of a cosy multicultural EUtopia u literal reddit faggit soi peasant. Holy fugg, what are u, 3 ? Or a female ?! Ure so blue u havent even begun to understand ...anything

and this is all i've ever really said here. it's a big issue and pretending that everyone's the same is not going to work any longer.

there is no moral argument for continually lying to people and giving them false hope or false expectations

>there is no moral argument for continually lying to people and giving them false hope or false expectations
Thats the best and most crushing argument against affirmative lies ive possibly ever read. Ty.

there are plenty of intelligent blacks out there, and many of them more intelligent than the average white. i'm obviously not trying to say that everyone who's black is dumb, but if you compare blacks and whites and expect equal performance, you will be sorely disappointed every time. it's not pretty but it's true.

Thus only a meritocratic system will be fair for everybody

i'm not even opposed to affirmative action anymore. what i'm opposed to is the mythos of white guilt that jews and SJWs (jews) have engendered over the years. it's not fair to anyone.

not everyone plays by those rules. i don't care if blacks need a little help here and there, but whites can't afford to play the role of "unbiased savior" to everyone else any longer. it's asinine and it's eventually going to destroy us.

U just says pushing unrealistic expectations are unfair. U realize a.a. does exactly that and is exactly that ?

I agree with the libercuck on this one. Affirmative action only solidifies them as second class citizens or an inferior race

there are bigger problems than A.A.

I agree with everything else u said, tho.

Btw: OP hast left to some leddit save space imho.

It's just another symptom of the same problem : leftardism / female “thinking“

female thinking is more the problem than leftism

U realize that thats basically classic, original attitude that founded America originally ? Freedom, strenght, independence and selfresponsibility ?

Both the same imho.
U realize that the left is overwhelmingly female plus some soitards who only parrot females cuz they think that gets them poon ?

>argue the positives of European Europe instead of negative (((Enriched))) Europe
This is where (((they))) turn it into a race issue.

"But user, opening borders will grow GDP and give children of color a brighter future. You don't want to punish children of color for something they didn't have any say in, do you? Why do you hate children of color, user? HEY EVERYONE, user HATES COLORED KIDS!"

And your ostracized. The end. Thanks for playing. Those positives really worked out in our favor, huh?

Good night. Gotta go. It's n8 in EUcuckistan here. Was good, ty. Keep on the good fight, sir.

>crime is caused by poverty not race
Stopped reading here. The most heinous criminals are the richest people on this planet

There are some things I agree with. Like the things you just listed. But my views align with nationalism and social Darwinism, not self sufficiency

>Both the same imho.

no they aren't. you can oppose oligarchy, corruption, economic injustice, and foreign influence all at the same time, and without being a screeching SJW.

>Crime is caused by poverty, not race
>Says the meme flag who’s country is literally being overrun by the newly formed Ottoman Empire
Who could be behind a post like this, I might assume...

Attached: EB03B048-E4B8-459A-B1EE-FFA75C4E86C3.png (800x764, 225K)

>social Darwinism
Thats meritocracy, isnt it ? And thats the ancap system. Difference to nationalism is that ancap clusters on efficiency, not on central planning and (en)force. In other words it's also meritocratic in that sense (of organizing society ( decentralized, organic, 'selforganising' ))

>you can oppose oligarchy, corruption, economic injustice, and foreign influence all at the same time, and without being a screeching SJW.
It seems to me, females cant ( even if they say so and honestly believe it ). Females are pure and unhinges opportunism. As long as they (belive to) profit, they're of with literally everything, no matter how evil or unfair. And thats is precisely the nature of the left. No coincidence.

>they're of with
*they're OK with

>Crime is caused by poverty not by race.

Nope. Meritocracy is having more skilled people in higher positions of power. Social Darwinist society works together to top the previous generations and work towards a futurist society. Also, like you said. You’re system is nothing but self organizing, I want my entire society to work towards something great like say space colonization rather than rely on private organizations like space x

>I want my entire society to work towards something great like say space colonization rather than rely on private organizations like space x
That would organize via a fund, trust, foundation or company.
Sure, not everyone would partizipate, but why would u wanna have forced, frustrated, unmotivated ppl that sabotage you out of frustration and protest ... etc etc ... in your system ? You cannot reach that by force imho, simply wont work...the problems that result of forcing people will suck up all the energy and crash your system. The system would spiritually be low.
Instead have only ppl who want work together and you will have pure, high spirit and energy.
Again, that is ancap.

"Meritocracy" exists in all political structures you nigger faggot.

Did I ever say i didn’t believe in it?

>force people to work Together
Never said anything about that.
>people would want to sabotage you’re system
Why would people who want space travel be frustrated by it? If you don’t want it work somewhere else.
>unmotivated people
How can a nationalist society be unmotivated? You’re acting as if people wouldn’t want to jump at the first opportunity to greatly help their nation.
>system would be spiritually low
And ancap isn’t? A system that requires you to only do three things
>uphold constitution
>contribute to economy
>don’t be a violent criminal
Why would anyone be motivated to participate aside from money?
Nationalist society would want to achieve space colonization for the betterment of society. Ancap would be so that it stake the most resources and the most profit turning it into a cutthroat business hindering structure and progress

No. You just glowed in your failed descripton of

Also even if the entire society worked towards space colonization. How would this create demotivated and uninterested people? No one is saying you have to be a scientist or a quantum physicist. No one is saying you have to be Elon musk. Millions of jobs would be created doing simple shit like welding, crane operator, plumber electrician. And people would instantly jump to it because
>A. They are greatly helping their nation and contributing to a memorable chapter in human history
>B. These jobs will most likely pay more than their original jobs

Don’t tell me what to do fag

I do believe in it and it isn’t the same thing as social Darwinism

Its not what you know
>its who you know