The American Stain

>The Americans' 'open-mindedness', which is sometimes cited in their favor, is the other side of their interior formlessness. The same goes for their 'individualism'. Individualism and personality are not the same: the one belongs to the formless world of quantity, the other to the world of quality and hierarchy. The Americans are the living refutation of the Cartesian axiom, "I think, therefore I am": Americans do not think, yet they are. The American 'mind', puerile and primitive, lacks characteristic form and is therefore open to every kind of standardization.

-Julius Evola

I can honestly say, with good heart, intention and conviction, that of all the myriad of beings and creatures god in his infinite wisdom placed upon this earth, there is none more toxic, venomous, conniving or disgusting than the American. His breath reeks of his nation's horrible 'culinary culture'. His woman sleeps with whichever nigger roams onto his street next. His mangled and subhuman hands have brought about the end of many a great peoples and the only thing his wretched, dirty eyes see is envy and lust.

The American is a natural liar and conman, those allied with him should be aware. His armies crumple with the slightest blow of the wind however he will still beat his chest and claim victory and his integral role in any operation. He has allied himself with some of the most dastardly and evil forces in the world and in his arrogance has been enslaved and corrupted by them. The only respite I can find in these horrific injustices committed by the United States is their eventual and soon coming extinction, for the American, through all his hate and bitterness, hates nothing more than himself.

They knowingly and willingly set up the world to be destroyed on the altar of progressive ideologies and persist to this day in sacrificing everything in the name of universal liberalism. Read Heidegger, read Evola, and you will understand.

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At least im not a nigger

>memelius evola
kys r*ddit

opinion discarded

What's it like to be this fucking stupid?

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Why are Americans constantly trying to turn Europe and the world into the 30-52% face? Every NGO funds migrants, every American foreign policy in Europe and all American interests are to create multiracial market 'democracies'. That is all they've done in Europe for the past 70 years, promote multiculturalism, markets, consumerism, and 'democracy'.

Let me enlighten you.

This video is from 1943. Listen to the narrator. There was no great, secret conspiracy. Everything was done in the open. They were going to smash the Old World and supplant it with a unipolar world order with America as the master and everyone its slaves. This is what Americans dreamed, and planned and made happen.

Of course, Americans didn’t expect to be supplanted by Jews and other subhuman minorities, but ultimately they didn’t care because Americans believe anyone can be an American so it’s meaningless who comprises America as long as America swallows up the whole world

America was very eager to destabilise and bomb North African and ME countries and then shill for the refugees and economic migrants they themselves had created.

America and it’s people deserve nothing but contempt, and don’t let them off the hook by saying they good bois who dindu nuffin. They knowingly and willingly set up the world to be destroyed on the altar of progressive ideologies and persist to this day in sacrificing everything in the name of universal liberalism

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dios mios.......fiftysixcreatura comes for you

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Why do Americans regularly walk into threads they don't like and then loudly announce that they are saging it?
Sage is not a downvote, as you seem to think it is.
It also against the rules to do so. Lurk more you disgusting The_Donald refugee.

DIOS NO.... la lastima eterna creatura del diablo

He is coming for your white, pure nations.
The American will not rest until every country yet untouched by multiculturalism is enveloped in its sickly grasp.
He will strip away your culture and traditions and leave nothing but consumerism and 'democracy' in his wake.

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It is tradition, newfag. Sage goes in all fields.

Furthermore, individualism and collectivism are both wrong. It is the family that is the correct social unit.

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Same old tricks... You never learn and you never change. Go back you your icy hole of death.

>Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.

>Can't even read the rules of the website
>calls me a newfag.

>be american
>be nazi too

pick one

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That’s a fake quote, you retarded cunt. Hitler said he respected Americans because of their racism and segregation. He said it was an example for Germany at one point.

"I don't see much future for the Americans ... it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities ... my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance ... everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?"

Here is the full quote you retarded Americunt.

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That’s the full fake quote, you spaz. The Nazis liked Americans in the early 30’s. And a lot of Americans supported the Nazis. Especially most of the KKK. Do you really think your autistic trolling is going to make me unlearn basic history?

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>The Nazis liked Americans in the early 30’s. And a lot of Americans supported the Nazis. Especially most of the KKK.

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Nice forced image. You probably use that picture whenever you can. Americans might be euromutts, but a majority of them aren’t nonwhites

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>posts pictures of Americans larping as nazis

Hitler and Germany hated you for what you were and what you represented.

>Spergs out over the Amerimutt meme

Absolutely golden.

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>They knowingly and willingly set up the world to be destroyed on the altar of progressive ideologies
And you're going to watch as we reverse it. You will witness the greatness of American liberty, and the rise of individualism.

reading is for faggots dumbass

Actually now I can call you a rulefag
Or possibly a moralfag. You're definitely a fag because you're OP and all.

Either way you're the guy from elementary school that ran to the teacher any time he could get his friends in trouble. You're also still a newfag because you think anybody reads the rules anymore (or ever did).

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Individualism is what has put you in this dire strait to being with. Where do you think the term "special snowflake" has its roots in?

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>Writes a 100 paragraph rant riddled with nonsense and autism hating on Americans

>Responding is sperging out

Okay, little guy. Then why did in Mein Kampf, Hitler callAmerica the “one state” making progress toward the creation of the kind of order he wanted for Germany.

“In 1935, the National Socialist Handbook on Law and Legislation, a basic guide for Nazis as they built their new society, would declare that the United States had achieved the “fundamental recognition” of the need for a race state.”

Hitler said many times he respected America. Fuck off, you’re being pathetic in this whole thread

Because it stops douchebags like you filling every thread with the phrase "sage" when you don't like something.
Sage is meant to be a polite term that whilst you want make a comment in the thread, you do not wish to bump it as you think other threads are more important.
l2imageboard culture for fucks sake.

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>Americans might be euromutts, but a majority of them aren’t nonwhites
American mutt-anything is an abomination. Keep supporting a group that wanted you exterminated faggot.

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But it is not only the Old World that he holds in his snare; alike fate

threatens the New World. Jews control the financial forces of America on the

Stock Exchange.
-mein kampf

I don’t support Nazis or Germany, you retard. I’m just correcting the facts, but apparently in this thread everyone is too autistic to get it

The facts are you were the clear enemy of Adolf Hitler. Stop trying to lie or say otherwise