He was a white Christian Armenian

What now Jow Forums?

Attached: 0A643F68-0930-4141-9A85-B345A7CC2050.jpg (780x439, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:


mental illness

Armenians aren't white


>Why isn't he a muslimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Poltards now

whiter than most of pol

Attached: 1524520018489.jpg (668x1038, 72K)


at this point

>Armenians are now huwhite
Ana Kasparian BTFO

We're not white

Stop saying we're white.

We're Armenians. It's like saying Jews, Greeks or Persians are white.

We're too old of a race to be white

holy shit I can't wait to see that on CNN tonight

I liked his post

Who the fuck asked your opinion?

Who asked for your input?

Greeks where white at some point

Attached: IMG_5836.jpg (745x1243, 211K)

its not us
its any mixed a little whiter than their collective avarage

beeing mestizo i am happy i am brown, if not i would have identity crisis like the cucks in the north of my country
or the "white" indians, or recently even the "white" americans

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Who asked your interjection?

What now? keep importing muslims to Sweden like the smart atheists you are thats obviously what you should do now

That doesn't look nothing like him.
CIA nigga.

He killed who? Liberals, cuckservatives, white females and dark-skinned people.

is this real?

dunno but its in the catalog

Based nigger!


Attached: 1460075820596.jpg (247x248, 19K)

Nigga pick one

What was the race of the victims?

I remember when Germans were white.


Based Maple Breivik

Fucking BASED Armenian. Pic related.

Attached: 658D95E3-ABBC-4085-8B06-E77925EB81D0.png (1536x2048, 1.65M)

It's a false flag attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jews are white.

>implying the muzzie isn't using taqqiya to make christians look bad instead

as white as my butthole

He has Central Asian unibrow.

He isn't all white.

Attached: asians.jpg (1212x642, 278K)

what point nigger? be careful what bullshit you gonna jerk out.

armenians are white adjacent, hes still foreign though.

hmm, so all these star-trekian names are Armenian. Interesting.

deport all the Armenians, IDGAF

The Turks did nothing wrong.

(((They))) never spot

>why isn't he whiteeeeeee

If Ana showed off her legs on the show, I'd tune in for a wank to avoid porn.


lol, even the main stream news cant spin that to not sound like a terrorist to the average viewer


Aren't Armenians known for being lefty terrorists, especially in the 1980s? This might have been a political attack guys.

Exactly, this wouldn't have happened with a strong immigration policy.


some armenians are white, others less so. Muslim conquests/rape/extermination didn't really preserve the armenian "race"

I'd like to see what % actually have the ancient haplogroup

Attached: 20130402-khachatryan-armenia-protesters-election.jpg (675x450, 155K)

RT's Margarita Simonyan is so pretty and angelical that i cannot wank to her because i fell guilty.

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Fuck is this actually him??

Attached: 3D735B3E-07FC-40FC-A07E-7D0CC68417B8.jpg (1240x616, 144K)

sorry buddy, he's white enough, therefore he's full blown white European Christian Nazi

Pick one!

>christian american
what a surprise

Select one of the following three options:

Press 1 for: Radical Islamic Attack (if you're looking to report a brown person)
Press 2 for: Mental Illness (if you're looking to report a white person)
Appuyez sur: 3 pour le français

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the only account i can find is this and he just updated the picture so idk if its fake or what

>mental illness
White mental illness vs Islamic mental illness?

>people are buying this
i want nupol to leave

Attached: alexrage.gif (230x230, 1.13M)

Seems legit. Even CNN mentioned something about Jow Forums in connection to this rampage.

Still no real Muslim attacks since Trudeau arrived. Why?

American? What?

>We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys
>lol you know because Nazis are like all betas right goys xD?
Kikes can meme

And like 4 hours later the internet will discover this guy had either radical islamic beliefs or some other kind of anti-western extremist ideology (like the vegan persian lady who shot up youtube), and then the cable news networks will stop covering the story.

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only 1 guy in your image has a unibrow, stormnigger.

He's not muslim you prick

His village was probably safe because his uncle owned the most goats on the block or something. Goat currency not accepted in Toronto.

>hollywood/government sex cult
Exposed by catching second in command and recruit
>Maggie Nix
>look into NIX
shes a child STARlet......
>Obama the horseback rider

>Broward county deputies being murdered

Numerous cops are dieing and being murdered in FL
>what do they know!?
One was definitely OURGUY , with his Facebook being purged but pixs mocking HOGG in nazi outfits
>what did he know in Clinton controlled JEWWARD county FL



Fuck Soros pedo elite satanist scum

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>everyone who is brown is obviously a rapebaby
Oh boy, here we go again.

This doesn't change anything. This only helps irrational people who create narratives instead of analyzing reality. Muslim commit the vast majority of terror attacks-one christian attack isn't going to do shit to change that.

God damn. I can't tell the difference between this guy and a blonde haired blue eyed european! God damn how will we white people recover?

one thing I know is that CBC news is running hard with this meme

VIDEO here

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>Killed a bunch of people in Toronto
annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddd this is bad why? Leafs deserve it

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if that was really him his account would already be scrubbed and you wouldnt find shit