Why arent you a monarchist?


>>one man rule

>>simple government

>>resonates well with nations

>>government ran like a family rather than a corporation that cares for the other families they govern

>>no molestation with banks or lobbyists

>>the king or emperor represents the nations national character

>>ruled under the grace of God (lest ye be Protestant)

Democracies and republics

>>sjw ism


>>mob rule

>>complicated government full of corruption


Attached: having-a-monarchy-is-the-best-form-of-government-all-repuboics-and-democracies-fall-to-corruption.jp (300x300, 99K)

>not corrupt

yeah, because monarchy is a perfect system, just look at how good the UK is.

Lmao what? The U.K’s monarchy has no government authority whatsoever.

Fuck your statist malarkey
Bin that goddamn monarchy

At least a corruot monarchy is better than a corruot democracy or republic where most of the nation are nothing but a bunch of degenerate violent retarded faggots.

> (OP) (You)
>Fuck your statist malarkey
>Bin that goddamn monarchy

Here is what you get with your republicism and democracy

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I am.

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It takes an autocrat to protect the proles from the predatory plutocrats.

>Not being Theocratic in 2018

People honestly need to end their lives.

Not really, in a corrupt Republic when the people find out someone is corrupt they either go through legal proceedings or corner them in the streets and beat them to death. In a Republic (or constitutional monarchy), those with power are accountable.

In an absolute monarchy, they're only accountable to the monarch who assigned them. Pay them off or let them fuck your daughter and you can get away with anything.

A monarchy is a bit of a dangerous game. It would take extremely good parenting generation after generation and the bad eggs in the royal family would need to be continually removed (killed). Absolute power absolutely corrupts, although monarchy would be better at this point because lawyers, journalists, and politician scum have too much power and have betrayed us and sold our homes and culture for nothing.

Because the divine right to rule is bullshit. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Democrat that “deserved” to be president or a king. It’s still tyrany. This was the idea that made America special at one point. Then we let in a bunch of Jews.

Tyranny is good.

Have an AI Emperor. Problem solved.

> (You)
>Not really, in a corrupt Republic when the people find out someone is corrupt they either go through legal proceedings or corner them in the streets and beat them to death. In a Republic (or constitutional monarchy), those with power are accountable.

Yea, but in that system of government it becomes very complicated tgat it becomes easily corrupt atbthe subtle level where it starts. Also in a democracy and republic, the government is only as good as the people who elect it, if you have a retarded government you have a retarded nation.

>In an absolute monarchy, they're only accountable to the monarch who assigned them. Pay them off or let them fuck your daughter and you can get away with anything.

Better than going to jail for a speeding infraction and not being able to avoid prison at all

Monarchy is medium-tier, democracy is gay and hated by philosophers.

Piss off, monarcuck.

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Because the last monarchy sucked ass and a prince is now fucking a nigger.

Democracy would only make even a lick of sense if the population was as homogenous as literal ants while also being composed only of geniuses that are experts in every field.

This is why Theocratic rule under a ruler appointed to the land by the Catholic church is the supreme form of a proper nation's existence.

The ruler knows that he is only there because God intended him to be there, and that his actions must reflect the actions which align with the Church's ideology. And this can be passed down to the common family within the nation.

The father is the king of his home, the king of the nation rules over the land, but even he (just as every father of the nation) must bow before God.

>one man rule
yeah that'll go over well if the guy's a shithead
>simple government
fair point
>resonates well with nations
>represents the nations national character
this can happen under other forms of governance
>government ran like a family rather than a corporation
the mafia is run like a family as well
>no molestation with banks or lobbyists
go ahead and give a modern monarchy a shot, we'll see how that works out
>ruled under the grace of God
yeah, that's why they're still around

That would be a wonderful idea if God existed. Turns out he doesn’t.

I want to learn the key differences between fascism and monarchy. Since I don't know much myself I've always seen fascism to be a more modern implementation of monarchy or similar. How wrong am I?

>lasting more than 1 monarch in a row

Democratic autocracy is the way, elected dictators

Yeah there’s never been a clean transference of power in the history of over six thousand years of monarchy. Oh wait.

>Implying God doesn't exist.

How are you posting on this Taiwanese animated moving pictures website then?

>if the guy's a shithead
Didn't happen in the last 100+ years of Russian rule. Stuff about Nicholas II is 90% propaganda of overthrowers.

Elites pick fit ones and in the worse case scenario invent an "incident".

We have historical examples of that and we refer to them as the dark ages.

Using an internet connection created by humans and a computational device created by humans.

>yeah that'll go over well if the guy's a shithead
do you know anything about other forms of governments besides democracy?

Government is contengient upon the material mode of production. Even if you instate a king the capitalists will still be the only ones calling the shots. To have monarchy youj have to get rid of industry.
Or you could progress to socialism and have the head of the state be a traditional dynastic family like the Kims of DPRK or the saudi royal family

Communist Monarchy is the best form of government.

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>Tyranny is good
>Has anarchist flag for their post.

Explain yourself. LARPer.

Attached: Gibs me muney.jpg (403x392, 47K)

Aristoteles already knew that Democracy is the ruling form for idiots.

The real thing is Aristocracy

Because Democratic Republics is better.

The anarchist flag seems to piss people off so I use it,

Not him but when have you ever heard of a drug dealer that wants drugs legalized

Any system can work if all the rulers/politicians truly have their peoples interests at heart.

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In monarchy you need to have one man have good intentions but in democracy you need to have eveyone have good intentions.

Seem to work, although I was more post that you were a LARPer that keeps leaving those "Ask an Anti-Fascist" Threads.

>Drug dealer wants drugs legalized

Do hippies count?

>The UK lost their great empire the more democratic they become


>Do hippies count?
I don't usually take into account Mkultra'd boomers, no

This is why Jow Forums voted Trump. Moral absolution of the population (for the country's actions) is achieved through a monarchy as there is only one individual or family dictating policy, enforced internally with physical violence against dissenters. Trumpcucks can't into personal responsibility so either blame their shcomings on an outsider (blacks, Jews) or seek a method through which to absolve him/herself of moral responsibility (achieved through Monarchy or other centralized authoritarian rule). Trump is as close to a king as America has ever had using metrics of wealth, power and autonomy.

Every thing makes sense.

because if the monarch is a psycho then what do you do about it


I’d use the fascist flag but people say “meme flag” for some reason.

Why does it always take months/ years for you people to appropriate what people have said about you and your party to then project it on your opposition? It's so weird and consistent

Why would you give me a (you) but no

all "types" of governments are just feudalism with a different coat of paint.

> (OP) (You)
>because if the monarch is a psycho then what do you do about it

If that psycho monarch isnt genociding its own nation or dissafluenting it, its all good.

All governments fall either to corruption or domination. No exceptions.

The monarch still needs quite a few subordinates.


>no molestation with banks or lobbyists
Read some history.

A monarchy is the best form of government only if I get to be the monarch...otherwise the would be king can fuck off.

The best form of government is no government.

Who will stop a government from forming?

it inevitably fails
for every Octavian there's a Nero that comes along

I already am though.
>tfw our countrymen are brainwashed from birth against it
>not just as corrupt
At least with monarchies everyone knows where the power is concentrated and who to blame. With republics the masses are easily fooled by the fingerprinting until whatever scandal it was is no longer interesting.

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