Armenian here, AMA

inb4 you're not white
we're not.

What do I think of Alek Minassian?
He's r9k tier

This comes at a terrible time because today we celebrated the resignation of ex-prime minister Serj Sargsyan. Tomorrow we will pay respects to our slain ancestors. (Hamidian Massacres, 1915 Genocide).

Now we have this fucktard staining our I-A-N's

Newfags are welcome to take my flag, no need to comment about it.

Attached: armeniaflag.jpg (2560x1600, 925K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What's your opinion on each of your neighboring countries?

hows the pawn shop going?

I don't know much about you guys but thanks for System of the Down

fuck off armo

Your flag looks like the package of a gum pack
A cheap one

Georgia is cool. Good people, beautiful country, delicious cuisine. Their country has several ethnic minorities you should consider before judging the whole country.

Azerbaijan - Honestly, noone talks about azerbaidjan except when making jokes about a flock of sheep crossing the road. It's taboo because our soldiers face them every day. When you talk about azerbaidjan, it's automatically turned into a conversation about military.

Turkey - Closed border, again it's quiet and noone talks about them except when talking about travelling to old Armenian cities.

Iran - They have lots of tourists visiting Armenia. Kind people, they don't bother anyone and keep to themselves. We don't really understand eachother because of the language barrier.

The red represents the blood spilled by our forefathers to preserve our nation through the eons.
The blue is the sea and skies,
The apricot is the abundance of agriculture, apricot trees

>a fucking leaf

SOAD is worshipped here

That Conan episode was fun to watch

Wow, ever seen blood kid^

also Armenian. agree. Fucking R9K faggot just had to do this rn

Vay es inch geghetsik yev hazvaguyt drosh e, download kanem

your flag is disgusting

What's your opinion on the genocide of the European peoples?

Attached: KalergiPlan.jpg (600x311, 69K)

hard enough being an armenian in LA as it this. feels bad man.

t. burbank

Chill out, m8. I don't think many people hold Armenians, living in Armenian, responsible for the actions of one of your diaspora in Canada.

what's the appeal of glendale, ca?

disgusting gas killing animal flag

get out of France, aper. You're not safe there.

>coming from a fucking leaf

>a fucking vulture

Europeans and negroids must not mix. The boundaries were set during the crusades. My ancestors are Cilician and most likely took part in them because of my last name. It's terrible to see those boundaries between the negroid world and the european world being discarded by communists like Merkel.

We take our reputation seriously, wherever it may be in the world. Afterall, we all share the same suffix in our family names.

The environment is similar to those you'd find aorund the villages here

This. SOAD is treasure. I met a guy named Sammy who used to drum for SOAD who went off to another Armenian band called Apex Theory. I really thought those guys were going to take off, but a couple of them just couldn’t balance partying with career. Sammy was always pretty clean, though. Hmm. I wonder what happened with him. Was a nice guy.

I'm in Switzerland aper, living on the border with France, guess that's why the French flag. I'm on studies here, it's quite ok. A couple weeks ago there was an Armenian genocide memorial opening at a park in Geneva, Charles Aznavour was there and all my friends took photos with him (but not me of course, I was working).

i disown the leaf flag

Attached: 359F070B-E423-415D-8386-8A4DA1DD55DA.png (1280x960, 1.39M)

That doesn't count

Attached: 800px-FlagKilikia.png (800x533, 172K)

What are thoughts on genocide?


Armenian/French/British/Irish Chad here, inch pes es my brother? I'm looking forward to punching out some Muslims tomorrow at the Turkish consulate. Also, who gives a shit what this guy in Canada did? He should have waited until Friday to mow down some muzzies

marry, fuck, kill for turks, chechens and kurds?

Marry Chechen, fuck a kurd and kill a turk

it's some erdogan funded terrorism to tarnish the reputation of Canadian-Armenians

Hey Haykbro! Love ur flag btw, it's like mine but reverse!

Jokes aside, where should I go when visiting Armenia? I love the church architecture, and that lake of yours seems comfy. Any cities/towns in particular?

kill yourself :D I'm too tired now

I just found out the van driver was Armenian. Great now more people will think all young white males are crazy. I dont know anything about the politics of Armenia but was the ex-prime minister Sargsyan really a bad guy or is Armenia getting more liberal commies?

what beer do azeris drink? What beer do armenians drink

kill a kurd, fuck a chechen, marry a 100% pure ethnic Armenian forcefully converted "turk" and bring her back to her roots

Ever been to Glendale California aper?

An Armenian fingernail is worth thousands of Turkish lives. Your women look like dogs you waste of seed.

Do you ever think Armenia will
Ever get back all it’s land?

Attached: A11484C1-9651-48D5-BA16-498694138E19.png (2000x1174, 2.48M)

there’s no such thing as “armenian-canadians”

>Your women look like dogs you waste of seed.
Only the kurdish-arabic mongrels m8. Don't forget the turks themselves are a mix of everyone who lived in the area. The central asian dna is such a minor part of modern turks, that there are still lots of people with no turkic admixture in their blood at all. An average turk is a Greek-Armenian-Assyrian-Persian-Kurdish-Arabic-CentralAsian mix. That shitposter might himself carry 100% of Armenian DNA for all he knows. But it is most definitely that he carries at least some of it. That's why the idea of turkish ethnic nationalism is retarded as fuck: they have no specific ethnicity.

haha Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso....

I have nothing against hispanic people. let's be friends.

zero armenian dna. my ancestors are from bulgaria and greece from ottoman era.

What’s the red pill on the protests and revolution? Was there any (((outside influence)))?

Take out TYT next time, then we can talk.

Probably not lake Urmia (which is quickly drying up anyway) and other Iranian territories. But Nakhijevan and at least a portion of Western Armenia - yes, I believe we'll see it in our lifetime. Erdogan is digging his own grave, it's only a matter of time until Turkey is the new Iraq/Libya.

The best churches are the ones that are hard to get to. You'll need to hike to them. If you want the touristy ones, go to Noravank and Tatev.

For the lakes, I'd go to the mid-west side of Lake Sevan. There are public beaches and the sun shines best on that side. The other sides will freeze your ass even during summer. There is also Lake Gosh and Lake Parz but those are smaller, better for strolling around than swimming.

Cities: Other than Yerevan there is Dilijian, Gyumri which are nice, the rest look way too soviet industrial.

How safe is it in south-east Turkey for an Armenain tourist? I want to visit Cilicia

Seems liberals are going to get their turn here.

Azeris drink goat piss. Armenians drink wine and moonshine.

No not yet but I can if I want to

Unlikely in the modern era, we're blessed with a mighty diaspora

Some Armenians emigrated to Canada as refugees during the Genocide.

right, they're just armenians because canada is officially devoid of any culture

Too bad said blood has been tarnished from all the incest Islam has brought you.

The original mutt

I know a lot of Armenians, they're chill. Respects to you bros

what do you think about this cunt? or Armenian woman in general?

Attached: anita-sarkeesian-ordinary-women.jpg (1141x700, 133K)

Would you be willing, if the opportunity arrose, to get genocide Turks?

Will you ever get back Julfa? What about Nagorno-Karabakh?

Might still be Armenian somewhat, lots of Armenians were living in Constantinople ever since its conception. I don't know if it's possible to accurately find it with 23andme and similar tests, but the probability theory is not on your side.

How does it feel getting thrown under the bus by "fellow" Christians?

You faggots not only look like Muslims you now act like Muslims. Wtf? We'll be hearing about muh Christian terrorism for months and months now

does it bother you that the Armenian genocide often gets overlooked because of the Holocaust? I mean everyone knows about the Holocaust here, but among the plebs the Armenian genocide is virtually unheard of

A raprebaby goatfucker regardless of how small your dick is

canadians are white

Then why don't you weak faggots shut them up and stand for what you believe in for once.

cousin marriage is highly taboo in western turkey. we don't even marry our neighbours or inside same village. all your rhetoric only applies to rural anatolia and mostly your friends kurds.

sorry. I thought you're hispanic my mistake, my friend jammal the kangz

This is bad shit at a bad timing i was sure the guy would be a mud. Libshits are salivating over this

She would be a national embarrassment if the Armenians ever heard about her.

found your ancient greek ancestor, goatfucker

Attached: satyr.png (230x255, 54K)

constantinople armenians were living isolated in their ghettos. they had almost no connection to balkan nations.

you guys know literally just rhetorics about turkish history and people and you still think you can trigger us. we just laugh at you.

in countries like America or Canada, immigrants who have retained their ethnic heritage tend to identify with that over their country of birth. Do Turks in Germany consider themselves German?

Better than being a kebab

Westernized trash

No, we don't play dirty like them.

Nagorno-Karabagh is now called Artsakh and it's been ours since 1994 and thousands of years before that.

It's more about disassociation from wrong-doers. The same way white people are doing with this guy, Armenians do the same with their own bad grapes.

Jews own the media so all other genocides are and will always be overlooked because of muh 6 gorillion

See the protests in Armenia from this week and the last and come say we act like muslims.

The protests weren't really covered by the media here but the van of peace will be

your ancient ancestor was literally bitch of turkic peoples in euroasian steppes. central asia was part of proto-aryan culture before turkic expansion (2th century AD). after siberian proto-turkics started to move south, proto-aryan regions your pussy ancestors migrated into europe.

>What about Nagorno-Karabakh?
We already did?

>Would you be willing, if the opportunity arrose, to get genocide Turks?
No, genocide is not a part of our values.

>does it bother you that the Armenian genocide often gets overlooked because of the Holocaust?

>you guys know literally just rhetorics about turkish history and people and you still think you can trigger us. we just laugh at you.
Do you realize that Constantinople was a part of the Roman history for much longer than it was a part of the Turkish one? Or do they not teach you this at schools?

it seems like nothing is being done to promote awareness for the Armenian Genocide in America. There's no museum, and the government won't even refer to it as a genocide so as not to offend Turkey, and the Armenian attempt at Schindler's List that came out last year flopped

the history of indo europeans since 10000BC is moving somewhere nice, building a comfy civilization, then a bunch of smelly turks turn up.

But what about that Nakhchivan region?

seems like my people already evolved past being covered in thick black goat hair from head to toe, unlike you

That is only because you're race let libshits exist.

>Or do they not teach you this at schools?

pffff get lost. my intellectual capacity is 100x bigger than yours.

a tip: I bet you don't even know centuries before main turkic migration into anatolia from iran(10th century), many turkic tribes already settled in roman empire (for examplepechenegs). they fought for byzantine against later turks. this is just one example. and pechenegs were 20% of entire byzantine empire (merceneries). I bet they don't teach you at school. europe is finished. you're history. we're young, dynamic, ready to fight, determined to win and 100x smarter than you.

It's not that nothing is being done, it's that some people are actively opposing any of these attempts. Regarding the movies: every time someone wants to shoot a movie about the genocide, the turks start threatening the directors and producers.

There will be a museum built in Glendale soon. It was just approved last week

Don't go there. It's full of paranoid azeris who will escrot you from one side of the country to the other just to make sure you gtfo.

haha only memes and rhetoric. you feel safe on /pol because here is your comnfort zone. I can destroy you everywhere in fight or in club or in academics. you're ignorant pussy losers.

you won't even beat some dumb kurds mehmet.

>100x smarter than you.
Ooooook mehmet oglu

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what do you think of Nasim
I know she was not armenian, but close.

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How does it feel knowing that Pakistan doesn’t recognise you as a country?

>Think of the poor Armenians in their community tonight, who might be marginalized if they face a backlash to this multiple pedestrian collision incident.
>We should have a motion in parliament to investigate Armeniphobia.
it worked for the muslims

Attached: 12312354.png (571x540, 379K)

search for turkey regional iq scores done by same western research group. your friend kurds are at 84-87. western turkey is at 97-98. just search it on google.

Doesn't surprise me, I was really upset about all the Khachkars being destroyed.

Hey bro I’m not Christian, but I’m sorry this had to happen. Now we’re gonna hear about how Armenians are bad and blah blah...

I think the ADL opposed Armenian genocide recognition. What happened to "never again?"

can I come visit? Are the Armenians there nice or will they spit on me for not being one of them?

What's Pakistan?



>my two digit IQ is higher than your two digit IQ!

you're grasping at straws I'm afraid

You can even buy khachkars in Armenia and watch as they are being made..

Attached: Khachkar.jpg (2736x3648, 1013K)

All turned out well though cause Apex Theory is dope as fuck too. Pretty happy they split and we got Apex Theory actually

Nuclear armed nation that will nuke the kikes and the poos very soon.

I dont know what to make of Armenians. High IQ christian nation surrounded by muslims. Not white, not arab, not really anything.

What are you?

best flag

>your friend kurds are at 84-87
Since when are your stray dogs our friends?

>western turkey is at 97-98
Western Turkey is mainly Constantinople, huge cities always have a higher average IQ, the sample is biased.
Don't forget Armenia suffered a significant emigration, of mainly educated and smart population, and we still score higher than the neighbours kek

Does the new scars on Broadway song bump in your whip

Yours is almost the same upside down

yeah dude, destroy me in club, be better at me at getting drunk and behaving fucking obnoxiously