Japan is red pil-

Japan is red pil-

Attached: monkey.png (960x540, 769K)

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there's one black person in all of japan and the whole country all has to share his melanin

Japanese girls like BBC

Yes but one can see that certain Japanese medias and opinion makers are pushing for mass immigration often using the "we are getting older" argument.

Oh really?


So its happening in japan? (((They))) are acting in japan now? How is it working so far?

that girl doesnt look impressed

His some comedian born half black half japanese and cant speak english

Even the most liberal Japanese are only offering immigration from neighboring countries, not Africa or blacks in general. And they're still a minority in comparison to people like Abe who is supported by a hardcore monarchist faction.

This, the guy speaks pretty good Japanese, probably because it's definitely his first language. Can't really hate the guy.

The white niggers they bring in for opinions and commentary though, fuck those leftist faggots. They are the real threat.

Japs love nig-

Attached: never relax.webm (1024x576, 2.99M)

There are a mix of blacks in Japan: Black student (they vary from mild mannered dweebs to players knocking up Japanese girls), Actors, Singers, Wannabe rappers (they're used for club promotions and are scummy rapists), porn actors (they get paid to rape), Africans doing menial borderline slave work because anywhere is better than Africa.

Japan is not redpilled. This board is just filled with Weeaboos who worship Japan. Notice how they're the only non-white country that never gets made fun of.

Attached: 1519395762550m.jpg (885x1024, 105K)

Jesus Christ.
That's abject terror right there.
How pure.

Attached: map.png (1024x768, 42K)

i like the way he says "black"

>post koreans

Japan is not perfect, only weebs think that, but fuck there literally doesn't exist cultural marxism

This is so depressing, it's like we let them down. They just want to see tall blonde men and women.

>be born japanese
>study till morning
>work until morning
>sleep in ur box apartment
They might be redpilled but they are misrable.