Why is this guy such a fucking snowflake? I find him entertaining to watch but he can't handle ridicule or criticism whatsoever. Pure autism.
Jean-Francois Gariepy
Keeo punching to the right
Comrade Dankula rekt him.
He's a leaf
he's a sociopathic narcissist with delusions of his own importance and intellect. I would not be surprised if he tried to start a potato sex cult similar to pic related in a couple of years in an attempt to sire a tribe of uberautists
I enjoy listening to his stuff, I like him on Warski - but he has a lot of drama/is at the centre of a lot of drama. He can't handle anyone criticising his intelligence or attacking people in his personal life.
He says he is libertarian, but also bans people and restricts free speech.
I'm not for punching right at all, soros gets a boner every time the right implodes, but he needs to chill and get a thicker skin. Give shit back instead of banning people etc.
their stream was hilarious
French canadian. Hypersensitive. Thinks his squishy science degree makes him more intelligent than he is. Fucks autistic chicks - can't bag a normie. Autistic cringelord.
What do you mean he bans or restricts free speech? Blocking someone on twitter =/= restricting someones free speech.
Recently kicked a guy (Ralph Retort) off the steam for saying “this isn’t really your show”, implying it was Andy’s show and JF was the lesser celebrtity. JF said “I’ll show you how much it’s my show” and kicked him while Andy was off getting a drink.
JF is made for solo more intellectual streams.
Brainlet bloodsports is dragging him down.
I didn't say I had a problem with him banning people on twitter - that's not deplatforming. But JF wanted Dankula to go to prison just because he had insulted him in the past. JF kicks people from streams, and exudes behaviour that, if he had more control, would transfer over to him being very authoritarian and he'd have no problem with it. He can't say he isn't for big gov when he clearly wants to be big gov.
Sorry, by 'banning from twitter' i mean blocking.
As a rule, I don't watch material produced by leafs, so I couldn't tell you.
Implying anybody watches warski streams for Andy's poignant and intricate views on any given subject
i watch it for bantz and lels.
>everyone should expect the host to be high IQ instead of bring on great guests and be a likeable/funny guy.
>its just bants mate
>do nothing when you're attacked
>its the based kekistani way
Does anyone actually find Andy likeable or funny? This is a serious question.
(((bantz unt lelz))) Try harder faggot
Never met a true french cunt have you,
Ego, Muh Dick, Muh Tricalore, Muh Liberte
In that order.
he's french dude, you should know this stuff.
this unironically...
>constructive criticism is out of bounds
>everyone should be as vapid and asynchronous as I am other wise I'll feel like less than the intellectual I need to feel I am
Pretty pathetic F A M
>He says he is libertarian, but also bans people and restricts free speech.
You don't know much about libertarianism.
Not talking about JF in that post
that's quite reddit of you
JF is god tier white nationalist figure head.
Any faggots that try to attack his character are full of shit.
Please tell me how I'm wrong
it's not just a phd tho m8, he was literally the top of his generation, number 2 on the grant funding list in canada.
>buzzwords instead of an argument
Lmao take his dick out your mouth
His current gf is a normie
You think camaraderie is sexual. That is your failing, don't project it onto me, degenerate.
Jow Forums likes him because they also want to rape retarded girls.
He is not even that. he is simply a a science oriented truth teller. Or, Le Based science man for the Ruh-tardos that are bound to flood this thread.
What you said is why what i said is true.
He's a failed academic. It doesn't matter.
thats why the left hates him.
The left project their insecurity onto chads who do what they don't have the balls to.
It was great watching Dankula laugh off JF's spergy demand for an apology
If you're talking colloquially where libertarianism is muh weed and muh prostitutes then yeah, that's a contradiction. Right-libertarian philosophy which is based on the NAP and property rights doesn't have much to do with free speech. Free speech as it is known commonly relies on a public square owned by the state.
See Hoppe's Democracy: The God That Failed (2001):
>In a covenant...among proprietor and community tenants for the purpose of protecting their private property, no such thing as a right to free (unlimited) speech exists, not even to unlimited speech on one’s own tenant-property. One may say innumerable things and promote almost any idea under the sun, but naturally no one is permitted to advocate ideas contrary to the very covenant of preserving and protecting private property, such as democracy and communism. There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and removed from society.
Not saying he isn't intelligent. I'm an aerospace engineer with a master's from one of the top 15 schools on the planet. I am not saying that to make me sound smarter. I am saying that because I have an ample data set of people I've know who have let this kind of shit go to their heads. Humility is better than hubris. JF constantly lashes out and acts emotionally. Unless he's doing a biology video, he's not that great at being level headed.
you're implying that he's done in academia and research. this is speculation, and i disagree.
You don’t even know him
I will say this, he plays his role very well
But he can't accept losing, Jay Dyer got him good
Can I get a quick rundown on the Jay Dyer episode? Didn't really watch it because I found Dyer boring before, is it worth?
Then stop talking about his dick.
Bottom Line: JF is the best thing about "muh le bloodsports"
Andy is a brainlet
Tonka is a pathetic nigger
Failure is a sorry fat fauck
Jim is a pathetic coward
So who the fuck keeps the show goin?
Yer Boy: JF
I dont mind him but I think he needs to get tougher skin, that shit with ralph was embarrassing
>Humility is better than hubris. JF constantly lashes out and acts emotionally. Unless he's doing a biology video, he's not that great at being level headed.
lately, i would agree with this. i sort of get it since people are attacking that girl in an attempt to throw him off an even-keel but i mean he even sperged against jay dyer who would never bring up any of that mess.
Basically, JF got into a very technical argument with Dyer about universal ethics
He walked right into a trap, and then couldn't recant without looking like a dumbass. From that point on Jay just slapped him around. He started getting really frustrated, because he knew he was right, but he couldn't win the argument
Then he crawled back to his channel for a 2 hour autism stream about the debate (jay dyer did the same thing lol)
When is he opening up his 'ethno-house' where he can make podcasts with fellow e celebs?
Thankyou, very informative. I'll recant that part of my argument against him for now.
BTW Don't kid yourself; the "bloodsport" degenerates are fucking terrifies of JF because Jf is the only person they've ever met that can actually back up what he says with actual science.
This is also the stream where he told Andy to shut the fuck up, starting that whole debacle.
he sexy
Honestly, brainlets need to learn their fucking place F A M
Yeah desu it's not really your fault, I think JF is actually being misleading calling himself a libertarian. Full blown absolute monarchy, the modern US, fascism, and ancient Israel can all be called "libertarian" in some contexts. The word is meaningless.
It's sad to see a smart guy publicly make himself look like a spergburger and then constantly doubling down. Also agree that people shitting on him over the chick is shitty. Even though I did shitpost about it - c'est la Jow Forums.
He fucks retards
Andy needed to STFU for the ake of his own credibility. JF did him a favor T B H.
The reason JFs sperg out was so bad was it was true. Andy is not that smart, doesn't know what's going on in the conversation, and doesn't really have any place in this discussion on his own show. It was just mean.
checked and good point.
Andy has a right to put a damn word in. JF was getting buttfucked and it wouldn't have hurt if JF had a minute to think.
Telling andy to STFU was the best thing JF ever did. It established that JF does NOT need Andy. Infact, the inverse is true.
I do agree. The rest get caught up in the eceleb drama too much. Jim isn't a coward though - more like someone who just wants to stir shit and have no responsibilities from the consequences...oh wait, that actually sounds like a coward nvm.
Infact who the fuck here would honestly watch warski streams without JF?? C'mon, be honest
>He started getting really frustrated, because he knew he was right, but he couldn't win the argument
Then mayyybe he wasn't right?
jf is the only attraction for the Jow Forums crowd... but presumably warski has an additional audience of drooling retards that are unrelated to Jow Forums
It would be a leftist steamroll without JF that is true, Andy needs JF to back him up as well as lead intellectual discourse. My main gripe is when JF spergs out over people criticising him instead of fighting back properly.
JF lacks a lot of English vocab. He doesn't quite phrase things correctly sometimes as well. Perhaps frustration with himself in that debate clouded his ability to voice his reasoning. Instead, him and Dyer just got bunkered down on a technicality.
While there is no denying this based on YT analytics, there is plenty of reason to believe that JF can thrive on his own if he so chose.
Honestly lads, what is Andy without JF?
He invented the term "speech rape" to support limiting some speech.
Hoppe is ONE right-libertarian writer. Name another who supports your claim.
Your so blatant, you cant even hide your feminized leftist outlook, I smell your shitdick through the screen.
>he can't handle ridicule or criticism whatsoever
He's French(canadian). DUH.
funny considering he's admitted to actual rape :^)
That's why he's in prison right now, hey? Fuck off dumbshit.
>Christcuck who hates nietzsche
does pic related count? In all seriousness though, think any ancap type would qualify.
He's not above being criticised. I agree with most of his views but he's got his head way too far up his own arse.
Yeah I can get the feel.
When you start losing your patience and you fuck up with pronunciations and you realize it and you lose it even more
This. There is a reason why we're still here.
Does anyone take this guy seriously?
>I'm an aerospace engineer with a master's from one of the top 15 schools on the planet
try reading. i wasn't saying it to say I am smarter. I was saying it to set up my argument that I know tons of people that are educated, not very bright, but think they're a hawking.
My main point is just that free speech is a concept that only makes sense in the context of a state. Freedom of expression on your private property can be limited based on your own discretion.
LOL, I'm saving the video.
He's got autism.
You are not much into tumor, are you? youtube.com
OF COURSE it had to be a fucking Anglo!
Ah, I understand and I actually agree. However, not all right-libertarians are anarchists.
dude you're so autistic, JF was being hyperbolic for your entertainment
not overly keen on tumors, no
Not after this mornings Kumite
>when the American debt is raised by another trillion youtube.com