Why are atheists overwhelmingly leftist on most matters? How does the lack of faith affect the politics of a person?

Why are atheists overwhelmingly leftist on most matters? How does the lack of faith affect the politics of a person?

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Atheism is just replacing God with the State

It makes them nihilistic and apathetic. They think they’re so moral and smart, but really they’re just shallow minded cunts fucking shit up


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Without a religious foundation for morality, undeveloped minds (mine included) don't easily understand the practical reasons for morality - and prohibition of anything seems arbitrary and oppressive, especially in America or any country that talks big about how "free" it supposedly is.

Why don't you worship Hadad?

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Im atheist and right wing. Its all about the reasons and the person my dude. I see no reason to be religious / no evidence of God so i dont believe it him/it/whateverthefuck. Doesnt mean I want to have the state be my new God

Because if there is nothing after death, nothing in life has a truly lasting effect, meaning nothing matters.

Nihilism is the endgame for an atheist thinker, so the only thing an atheist wants is to have fun. They don’t care about the future because YOLO.

I’ve grown more spiritual since my teenage years, and in that same time I’ve grown more moral, I didn’t realize it when I was an edgy atheist, but morals come from the belief that your actions matter. When I was younger I thought “I don’t need god to be a good person, Christians are only good people because they are afraid of hell!” But I was wrong. You don’t need god or spiritualism to be a good person, there are plenty of good atheists, but you need that to justify being a good person.

Because Christianity was overly conservative, faghater, abortion hater, slut hater, degenerate hater, racist, anti-semitic, etc.
The KKK was the last nail in the coffin for leftoids to prevent from joining it.

Literally everything the democrat party hates.

lol was this posted by a 11 year old or ur just dumb?

Because degeneracy is permissible if there's no God and nothing matters.

Bc it's us on the left [ ima progressive nationalist in the US,]

who are the ones who hav the courage to rebel,

and that includes vs the Iron Age demonology of Abrahamism's god, devil, angels & demons.

I truly hav to laf @ 1st world ppl in the 3rd millennium purporting to belief in that crude demonology.

I cant believe they believe it ---

theyr just bereft of the minimum courage it takes to be honest ---

starting w/ themselves.

They replace god with something, not all atheists do that.

They have abolished the social foundation and bulwarks of Western society but havent replaced them with anything.

God is just as gay as atheism and Christianity is fake garbage and you are a loser

atheists are reddit niggers

Leftists are byproducts of cultural marxism aka opposing your tradition. It's pretty simple.

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Reveal your meme flag you fucking kike.

atheism is popular among jews
dumb frogposter

No it replaces God with the self. Atheism is what happens when Pride goes unchecked.

Atheists are fake anti-racists; they refuse to admit that racism is a sin, and therefore they condone it.

>Why are atheists overwhelmingly leftist on most matters?
Because the left is anti christian. Most socialist uprisings attack churchs, see the ussr for example.

>How does the lack of faith affect the politics of a person?
Lack of faith isn't really the problem, a lack of morals is.

A lot of atheists still hold Christian principles. That's why they suck. Burn it all down to the ground.

Atheism is a belief that leads to nihilism if they have actually thought it out.