
Well this is the point I've met in my depression lol...

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I don't know anymore
I've lost everything

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I can't stop

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what have you lost?

Everyone I love and care about
My home, family,friends.. literally all I have left is my two cats

Those cats are the only reason I'm alive

well then stay alive for your cats

I cant go on much longer
The cats mean so much to me
They really do but it's not enough anymore... I am so lost

im 21, lost my mum at 4, dad was an abusive cunt, lost nan grandad, moved around alot so i have no freinds, ive had my own brother try kill me, lost my other brother when i was in the navy, my ex lost the plot at sea so i dumped her she then treid to stab me up too, tried killing myself at 8 it was that bad also again at 19, been run over by lorrys i shot myself in the foot, deleted most shit that i didnt need (facebook) and do you know what i want to fucking die every day, but i stay because i get a kick of fucking peeople off and not carring i cycle down the hill topless putting my finger up to everyone and i have no pets ( i do also have a twin whose a bitch) i live by myslef, got discharged from said military because i became an alcoholic, destroyed a house damages worths up to £50,000, and i am not a wet wipe i know there is definatley a lot worse places to be in espacially as a minority, there is kids working in colbalt mines for a couple of slices of bread

also just lost my job so im losing my place at the end of the month

keep strong for the pussy

idk man. in which country do you live?

New zealand

New zealand seems like a place with stable infrastructure. i'm sure if you want you could keep going (find new job, new place to live…) relatively easily

I wish It were that easy
I'd do anything for a job, I've been hunting for a while (I actually have one lined up after I study for it)
The job isn't the problem... I am
Everything I do is a fuck up
No matter how hard I try I seem to fuck up everything I do
I try so hard (I know that seems like BS but I don't want to die I really don't but I just don't know anymore what else I can do)

i feel you. sometimes live goes well sometimes it dont. thats just how it is for everybody. i'm sure if you keep it up you'll get to the better part pretty soon

That's the problem
I don't know how to continue

i'm sure you have a list of thing thats going wrong in your life. write them down and tackle them one by one.

but still, i'm just someone on the internet. probably not the best person to give advice

Your the best help I've had yet... that's why I posted here.. a cry for help... I'm so so lost

i'm glad i could help a little. just do me a favor and stop that cutting. thats not the best way to get help and it's kinda gross. tell your cats i said hi :)

Exercise until you feel dead. Run. Lift. Pushups. The adrenaline will be the same as when you cut.. after awhile you'll want that high instead.. i've only been doing this for 3 months.. I don't wake up hating lyfe anymore. A lot of death in life. I'm 25, first memory of ideation was in 4th grade, I even had a kitchen knife i believe. The shits in your head. Not around you. Things will constantly change, wrap your heart in leather and start doing the shit you've always wanted to do, posting a pic of my arm for ya.. been years. Time heals friend

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