Is this what happens when you browse Jow Forums for too long?
Is this what happens when you browse Jow Forums for too long?
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This is Alex Jones mode.
You could not achieve it.
Shit, he looks like a more attractive version of me.
No, it's what happens when you're a Degenerate that's not funny
>is this attractive to women or just faggots like me?
No, OP is what happens when become part of some Reddit cult of personality and you shill on its behalf. Go back.
sam dont make sad faces, its beneath your dignity
Sam lost his dignity when he sold out, put all his content behind a paywall and whored himself out on every social media platform he could get one (especially pic related)
How does Sam Hyde manage to be so ugly ? Is there a name for this form of Art ?
Too much super male vitality
avant tard
it's $5 you poor fuck
Even for $5 it isn't worth it
my skin hurts looking at this :(
under rated
man he looks like shit, all those pimples and cuts, is he on steroids?
holy fuck he's been roiding? lol
It's not worth 5 dollars, the podcasts should be free desu senpai
This, is the peak of human evolution
It's only a matter of time till Sam jumps onboard the plastic surgery train. First thing he'll probably get done is hair plugs tho
he needs to shave and get a better haircut, loose those cock bottle glasses too.
about 50% of the shoulders in my gym look like that
same as every spring, as regular gym rats, who probably do not compete in any sport, will do a cycle to get beach-ready
it's actually fucking really disgusting. guys just oozing all over equipment. but yes that watery/bloated appearance with heavy shoulder acne is probably not puberty at age 38 or whatever hyde is
> Taking a screenshot while being logged in to reddit
Jesus dude, find a cliff
alright so I'll be honest, I've considered eventually doing some sort of steroid cycle at some point (just a basic test cycle nothing crazy)
How do I not end up looking like Sam?
easy, dont take steroids like a pussy
Tim, what's going on big guy?
Don't intentionally fuck up your pics with filters and shit
depends on your dosage, what you're using, and your genetic resistance or lack thereof to side effects
nothing you can do. getting real gear though is a good start. meaning you should try to avoid chinese bathtub drugs
Anyways, the golden boy, Nick, is back in the latest Hydewars.
>implicitly trying to defend a giant reddit-fag like Sam while at the same time attacking reddit
It is true, the Jew does cry out in pain as it attacks you.
sams only shtick left is looking as constipated as possible
I don't think there's really anything pussy about trying to fix a problem with your body that you were born with, when there's literally no other way to fix it. Guys with high natty test don't know what it's like.
Go ask /fraud/ for real advice
Come on man, you gotta do something about your life. Do you have a job? Girlfriend? Family? You can't keep living with this obsession, it's not good.
geez dude Sam is becoming genuinely grotesque. I had to stop eating. Looking at his face is like peering down into the tank of well trodden portable toilet on a humid afternoon
>rot gut
>dead eyes
pretty much, yeah
I'm sorry you're so ugly :(
go to Jow Forums, no one on Jow Forums knows about this shit brah
reality doesn't appear to match hyde's fantasy
this is correct but this is a very dangerous mentality to have when approaching bodybuilding drugs. what im saying is that this is the type of thinking that leads to a person being on drugs for life. they are very psychologically-addictive and it doesn't feel good to come off and watch yourself degrade so quickly
>he's too poor to afford $5
hahahah i get that sam's fallen off but jesus my man get a grip on your life.
yeah the worst part when I think about this is the idea that guys with high natty test must feel godlike and like they're ready to conquer the world all the time and they don't even have to pin. They feel so good that someone who doesn't feel that way would get addicted to feeling that way if they can achieve that feeling through a drug.
why's existence gotta be so unfair, makes me wanna kms
Again, another Sam cultist deluded into thinking the shit Sam peddles is actually *worth* $5.
Something tells me there's not a lot going on in your life.
tfw you get a good body but your shoulders make you want to kys
I have 3 theories. It's either the fast ramp up of T aromatizing to an excess amount of estradiol, or the ratio of T/E goes bad, or your conversin t->dht is too extreme and you get oily all over. In either case the shitty bacne from T is because you've upset the imbalance of hormones. Arimidex will help - sometimes - or not. It took me about 6-7 months before my back stopped being horrible. Have to wash with tea tree cleaner 2x a day still though, but it's leveled out to okish.
Blasting will give you bloat and acne if your genetics are that way though, and all you can do is deal as best as possible with it. Cruising or TRT will eventually level out as the new normal though.
In general though sticking to pharma T or TRT, blood tests, obsessive showering, and arimidex/clomid as needed will give you the best your genes can do.