Why are you so skeptical about right wing Jews?

Could it possibly be that maybe some Jews don't actually hate white people?

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Right wing or left wing is a false dichotomy. If they are a Zionist then I consider them a traitor to this country.

Shapiro is controlled opposition

Stop listening to Jews.



Shapiro is a jew but he's is an OK jew

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That Jew wants young white men to die in Syria.

Conservatives must be Christians or formally Christians of wholly European descent.

Unassimilated middle eastern types like Ben Shapiro are destroying the country.

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they are just two different flavors of poison

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Only good jew is a dead jew. They want to take the leadership of the opposition so that they can control it.

How difficult is it to understand, but considering your flag I'm not surprised.

Ben shapiro is Based!

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>of wholly European descent.
80% America missed the boat.




100% of Jews are degenerate scum. It's in their nature as members of the Semitic antirace which originates from race mixing in the ancient Middle East. They are a literal manifestation of evil.

>kike filename

hourly reminder that all memeflags are kike shills

Gas the kikes.

He would know firsthand how a mafia organization works.

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Possibly but I don't believe I've seen one of those in a very high position of power.
They are usually right wing because it benefits Israel. For example supporting the military because they know it'll allow them to get more goys to fight for them.

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Why not? It's wrong for SJWs to tar all white men with the same brush because of the Soave trade but perfectly fine for us to do the same to Jews because of a handful of subversive liberal idiots in the media?

So does Trump.

Benny’s sis does soft porn.

Real degenerates these people

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0.0000000001% of Jewry results to getting gassed, no exception. All Jews are evil. (AJAE)

Whites need to stop being so damn nice and being pushovers all the time. If someone makes a pro-diversity or other liberal comment, look at the picture. If the skin looks a little bit tinted and he has facial hair, you know you are dealing with a damn Jew. Name him, for crying out loud! No one thinks you are smart for making stupid Boomer cuck "muh braindead liberals" type comments! NAME THE JEW. And then remember, with Jews, you lose.

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>Conservatives must be Christians
Christcucks cannot be conservatives as they have accepted the false teachings of a foreign cult begun by Semites. Christcucks are race traitors in spirit who perform a ritual to commune with a Semitic tribal deity through the consumption of the flesh and blood of a fictional Semitic idol. They are the original cuckservatives whose actions have only ever benefited the Semitic tribes through inviting Jews into their nations and granting them power.

>Why are you so skeptical about right wing Jews?
Well, because people like Ben there are more than willing to push for WAR!... but, interestingly, only when it's someone else who has to fight and die. (Incidentally, that's why Vox Day calls him "The Littlest Chickenhawk".)

This opens the door to questioning what the real motives are... and often it shows a disconnect between what's good for the US and what's good for Israel. (They've dumped a *LOT* of PR and propaganda into trying to equate the two there.)

And that, Jow Forums, is a good example of why there are no American right wing Jews.

theres a black jewish dude i go to school with, his parents, or at least his mom hated whites, dunno bout the black jewish dude, but he talks to me often, hes nice, just anger issues

You need to get outside more

Hey Ben how's ur sister doing ?

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>Pro Israel
>"Doesn't give a good God damn about the 'so called browning of America'"

Shapiro is a shill and anti white. Fuck you.

>Why not?
Because ALL the jews are liars and deceivers. All and every single one of them, even if they 'support' me and mine for whatever reason.
You cannot trust a liar even if his lies are seemingly in your favor.

I look almost exactly like Shapiro only I have brown hair and I'm not Jewish, wat do... also my debate strategy isn't to talk really fast.

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..I think it might have something to do with them being Jews.

If Trump wanted to he'd black hawk down the place instead of sending the annual fireworks.

Evola would disagree. I tried making it as broad as possible — formally-Christian

Parenthesis scare me s-senpai.

>also my debate strategy isn't to talk really fast.
Talking fast is salesman tactics. Learn how to be

I'm a Jew who IS WHITE
Daniel 12:10

>80% America missed the boat.
It isn’t that bad yet.

Read de Benoist or G Faye —- septentrion

>Could it possibly be that maybe some Jews don't actually hate white people?

He supports non-white immigration, that tells you all you need to know.

I met Ben Shapiro a few years ago. I can confirm that he is a very nice guy, with, at the very least, mostly agreeable views on matters. I like his socially conservative positions, particularly.

How do I become as articulate as Ben? I'm really bad at getting out simple thoughts let alone defending a position against others in a disagreement or debate.

It takes practice, but it is possible. Read very much on what you intend your strong suit to be, and become as much of an expert on the topic as possible. Then, you are able to more clearly emphasize your positions, even to outsiders of your alignment.

Doesn't matter.

He's a zionist.

He's Israel first to the detriment of any other country.

To even call Ben 'American' is a joke - his love of Israel is far stronger.

Jordan Peterson nails that in the first minute: youtube.com/watch?v=Ew9Kdhqm2k0

There are more good Jews than bad Jews.
Pic related.

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>right wing jews

if they're really right wing, they have no quarrel with beinf excluded.

You mean traitor to humanity*

What's sneaky about a Jew who lies about their beliefs in order to gain the trust and support of people who they then push a pro-Israel agenda on? Is that what you're asking? It's because they only have one loyalty, to Israel.

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I cringed when he grabbed the knife. I've been here too long.

The only thing worse than a slimy, subversive kike Israel firster

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Is an Eternal Anglo

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if you take the word Jew out of the equation and think for a minute you'd understand. let's say you a wealthy element of society who controls the media and politicians. this element isn't loyal to your country but in fact are dual citizens of another country. their interests are for them alone.
wouldn't that upset you if they were evil Russians or Muslims or Chinese? the public would be furious if the Chinese own every major media outlet, the public would be furious if the Chinese owned every single politician. since the Chinese control the media even mentioning this fact makes you a racist. how dare you ask why the Chinese are in these positions. how dare you question when your nations treasure and blood goes to fight wars that ONLY benefit the Chinese.

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>I look almost exactly like Shapiro only I have brown hair and I'm not Jewish
> I'm not Jewish

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Dunno what to tell you m8, I know what I am. FWIW Shapiro and I hardly look like le Happy Merchant.

Ben Shapiro is a fake conservative.