What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

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More communist crap spouted by Bernie that "sounds" good, but is horrifying logistically and economically.

Communism lol

why can't this commie fuck off?

Free handjobs from Uncle Bernie

It means he's a shill working for the Globlist bankers.
We'd have to go even deeper in debt, which makes them even richer.
But he'll slap worthless "Glass Steagall" on the banks and he'll pretend that hurts them.
As he dives to his beach house in a car that is worth more than what most minimum wage workers can even dream of having.

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>the hostile takeover
>our revolution
What a joke. Why does anyone take this buffoon seriously? He seems stuck in angsty teenage Rage Against the Machine years

People has jobs or some sort of distraction controlled by tptb is really important to tptb. It keeps the cattle busy so they don't look behind the curtain to see that pizzagate is real, the towers may have been hit by "white" lightning, JFK may not have been hit by a magic bullet, and so on. Cattle keep their heads down and moo when approved by the ranchers.

This is in line w/ national socialist thinking, but the retards from Jow ForumsThe_Donald wouldn't know that because they're nufags

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I don't want to work for the same people comitting white genocide.

you can't force me to work.

does this include straight white males?

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>Communism lol
Thanks. Now I know what he meant by that.

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but ill work just not for you.
Ok Israel ?

maybe an abortonist but beyond that not much.

e..Even mE?

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Fuck, that meme is too real with dantonio

That exact mentality is the only reason why anybody doesn't have a job. There's already McJobs everywhere! People just prefer welfare checks.

are you either jewish a muslim a woman or Black ?

Not being self employed is the most shameful act you can do.

just spend infinite money making infinite public sector jobs. It's what hitler did, and after all the rich jews moved out he didnt have enough money to pay for the war.

if you take money from the same people attempting to genocide us you will be considered an enemy of the west.

Bread lines and only being allowed one pair of news shoes a year.

you've been warned so don't get suprised when you get shot to death.

That fruitcake socialist does not know what a job is.

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Universal income.

is that Contrapoints?

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>has no plan for how or where to get funding for this idea
Wow who would've thought

im not going to share my riches or wealth with you.
I work for the betterment of my family nothing more nothing less.
You cannot force me into servitude Ill kill you first.

>going to have to work to get your bennies now


Watch he just makes everyone without a job (typically lazy shitskins, whites on the lower end of the bell curve, mentally ill, and drug users) into commissars for his glorious new "tolerant" society.


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don't ruin the suprise for

Is Bernie going to make building the wall a public works project?

I guess someone has to guard the re-education facilities.

typical commieshit ideas, and it would fail.
>guarantee job
>go to """work"""
>fuck around all day
>get paid anyways

>Sanders doesn't know where he's going to get the money for this stuff! LELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELELEL!
Meanwhile at a Sanders speech
>We're going to cut military spending down to _only_ double the country with the next highest military spending. We're going to pull out of unnecessary wars, we're going to stop giving hundreds of billions in welfare to the richest corporations, we're going to stop letting the top 1% get away with tax dodging and many more things

hmmm..... yup, he certainly has no plans at all for this. What a directionless chump!

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So he's going to bully the deep state into completely retreating from the world?

Bernie can't even stop himself from being bullied offstage by BLM fatties, and you expect him to stand up against hundreds of intelligence officials?

>willfully crippling your own defense
>still not defunding Israel

Don't even try to act like Bernie Sanders is really "based national socialist".

I think he needs a little encouraging.
He must be a "discouraged worker"...
Hey Jow Forums, what can we do to help this poor, deranged, homeless old man get off his soapbox?

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Forces labor camps.

>job...for every American worker "who wants or needs one"
>who wants or needs one
>who wants one
no want work, gib gibs

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Good lord. Who gives a fuck? The dude is dead politically.

he'll pass UBI, nobody looking for job

it sounds bad but is actually good. Not gauenteeing a job is fascist crap

not having a job is a handout.

Bernie puts me to sleep.

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Yes. You literally can't fund your program off of taxing the highest earners and cutting military spending.
If the U.S. cut its entitlements, military spending, and passed a VAT it might just be able to avoid financial ruin.
The easiest way to meet this actual quota would be inflation. In real terms it would be worse, but you could meet that $15 wage.

Well at least all those employees at defense contractors who lose their job would have a guaranteed Sander's job digging and filling ditches for $15/hr waiting for them.

MIC in the US is a enormous, bloated behemoth, but it's not like the 3/4 of a trillion that gets spent every year goes into a black hole. Defense industry employs a SHITLOAD of people, and any significant cutbacks on defense spending would put quite a few people out of work. I'm still not necessarily opposed to it, but there would be negative effects as well that many people probably don't realize.


That would be socialism, not the stateless fag pit that you want gomrade.

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Where you find the funds is irrelevant. He supports programs that helps the shitstains of humanity breed en masse to displace real human beings worth a damn. And that money comes OFF THE BACKS OF THE SMART HARDORKING CLASSES IN ONE FORM OR ANOTHER. I don't give a fuck where the jew wants to get money to help the R-selected horde breed. It is amoral and will spell the doom of civilization.


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>Not gauenteeing (sic) a job is fascist crap
You clearly have no understanding whatsoever of what fascism is.

>A lot of people would lose their jobs if you cut defense spending
It's that way by design. Defense contractors spread their production to make jobs in literally every state, so that nobody can vote to reduce spending without hurting their own constituents. Ultimately though, the money we saved by cutting all of this ridiculous pork barrel spending could be better spent by directly re-investing it into the American people. Some people would be worst off in the short-term, but in the long term our government would have less incentive to anally rape Americans for Israel.

Seemed to work out alright for us before. Right after WW2 we had a pretty high tax rate on the rich, and our military spending, while high, certainly wasn't anywhere near this ridiculous. And we had the strongest middle class in our nations history.

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>Socialist guarantees everyone a job.

Generally that means forced labor camps.

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It means we pretend to work they pretend to pay us

I like the cut of your jib. Would you like to be my Minister of Economics?

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>if you have money, it's because you earned money
>If you don't have money, it's because you don't deserve money
>money = virtue
>that's why the Clintons, the Kardashians, the Hiltons, George Soros, and the Koch brothers are all universally wonderful human beings, beloved by everyone.

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I can't wait to pay 30 dollars for a 6 piece chicken mcnuggets like some filthy European.

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Who cares what the nominal wage is? REAL WAGE is what's important, and this plan is going to fuck real wages in the ass so hard it won't wake up.

Rand and Ron are the only ones who actually care about real wages, and yet these leftists think they're misers.

What the actual fuck are you talking about. You can pass stupid taxes, and like before they will be evaded, but it won't generate enough revenue to fund your program. You literally can't even fund the government spending that you do right now. You owe great sums to the retirement funds of every part of the federal and state governments, as well as significant amounts to private retirement funds. Your only proposed cut to this is to reduce your current make work program that is classified as military spending. You will then replace it with another make work program that is even broader to do fuck all. And your only proposal for how to fund that increased spending is to raise rates on a trivial number of taxpayers.

Military is only 18 percent of our budget. Need more cuts

>Trump cabinet drives up the deficit like crazy

If you look at his track record, Obama was one of the best republican presidents we've had in years.

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I hate him more than McCain.

He was a neoliberal. Neocons and neoliberals are pretty much the same.


numbers matter.


You do know those estimates are BS right? Once college is free everyone will go thus increasing the total cost.

>What did he mean by this?

You can have a job if you want and welfare if you dont

>tfw Bernie bros are still just as retarded

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Checked. It means his old ass is going to canabalise Oprah's vote

Obama ascribed to many Republican ideas from around 30-50 years ago. That's why I called him a republican president. The Republican party these days are such insane extremists they're practically off the spectrum.

The debt grew under Obama significantly, due to a combination of depressed revenues and increased spending on unemployment benefits, healthcare subsidies, military spending, and tax cuts to stimulate the economy.
But none of that helps you fund your program. The only way to fund it is to transfer wealth from the middle class to the poor, but you already have a lot of IOUs that you should be prioritizing.

Yup, I love how they want open borders but don’t realize that the minority’s will get the free college.

The dreams alone cost billions of dollars for public education from K-12th grade.

Every man a king?

He's going to kill all the unemployed

I am not a republican and I hate obama. He was a bad president with his dumb foreign policy.

Everyone knows she was Republican till she lost half of her brain.

Does it even really matter? It'll be enough to start off with, and it's been proven that investing in the future of your countries education improves your country on the whole. (I.E. you make more than you spend when investing in education.)

Of course, this pre-supposes that your education system isn't dog-shit, so I suppose that's one point on which you've got us. American parties have both anally raped our education system to near uselessness, which does present a problem to making citizens smarter.

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He literally has no idea what the fuck he's doing

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lmao, what a very gommunist thing to do
>we have no unemployment here
>because we purged all of the unemployed
What a fucking Fankfurt Faggot.

He means that he is a lying jew scam artist.

Education is a joke because of open borders and corruption.

We should build more public schools and have smaller classes.

I am fine with scholarships only for what the market demands, so communication degrees and shit degrees would not be free.

I am a teacher so I know what I am talking about. Free college will never work unless it is regulated with closed borders.

Is he planning to run in 2020?

He's trying to shill for (((socialism))) again.

An-Cap is truly the only way to prosperity.

>Free markets
>No (((government)))
>Natural law
>Cryptos and Blockchain based economy
>No restrictions on property rights
>Voting with your dollar instead of voting for a government to fuck you over

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He means universal basic income, aka communism, and then guarenteed emoyment, aka slavery to pay for the gibs.

Honestly, if they said "okay, you want welfare? Then you do work. Well FIND work for you." It might not be so bad. Tie the gibs to work. Probably something grueling that nobody wants to do.

All you need to do is just keep hitting him on the Venezuela issue.

The idiot actually said you have a better chance obtaining the American dream in Venezuela then in America.

>Deficit is how much the debt goes up every year
>Bush handed Obama $1.3 trillion deficit
>Obama left Trump $666 billion
>Trump is adding $1.5 trillion to it.

Hmmm.... I see what you mean comrade.

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Both were shit. Obama and bush only cared about the big unions and bankers.

There are already not enough people to fill the jobs we have. The problem is this country is full of lazy cunts who want a handout. Abolish ALL welfare and let the weak die off.

What is the Phillips curve

Yup, this is why we need closed borders and robots to work these shit jobs.

I was a big supporter of him because he is consistent in his stuff, he wants to make health care accesible for everyone, and he has always fought for veterans which is noble to me.

But he burned up his clout, he wont get half the support he has because of his bending of the knee. This story and any future story of him is just click bait.

Too many people sacrificed for him and he left them all out to dry, I have no doubt that Clinton didnt pull some threats on him if not more... but he had the entire DNC to speak too and the whole world watching, he could have helped level that party and help reinvent from ground up into what it used to be... a party for worker rights, american workers.

Now he is just a cautionary tale and if we are honest, he probaly did a lot of damage to future candidates who will remember the time they got burned by him and they will likely hesitate donating to a future candidate.

I am glad Trump won anyways, just hope he flys straight and narrow. so far, mostly good. Only thing keeping me from dying desu

Trump has spended to much and the attacks against assad was stupid,

Then again fracking, North Korea and other small things have been a great victory.

Overall he has been good.

>"Latinx" shitskins come to the US illegally
>undercut the market by accepting slave wages
>are literally here because they accept way less than $15/hour
>shitlibs think it's racist that they make less than $15 and change the minimum wage
>more shitskins come to undercut the new $15 minimum wage
>rinse, repeat, white genocide

Under Obama the debt grew over $8T.
Don't vote.

Oh Ancaps, you people are always good for a laugh.

>Start of Industrial revolution
>working conditions are awful, and wages are barely enough to survive on
>children are forced to work
>women are forced to work
>productivity is ensured by beatings
>complaints are met with being fired, which likely means starvation

>Government steps in after much public outcry and puts a stop to child labor
>forces employers to play workers enough to survive on
>Forces employers to make sure their machines have a harder time of ripping off workers limbs

Ancaps come along:

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Yup, the shit libs don’t even realize how bad it would have been if Hillary would have won pertaining to education.

The big reason why I voted for trump was because I didn’t want to deal with s bunch of Somali kids in my class room.