ZOG are Aliens - Proofs?

Marine veteran Kyle Odom was arrested at white house trying to deliver a message to Obama.

>"I want to thank you for your sacrifice to this country," it begins, before suggesting that the President is controlled by aliens.

>"They brag to me about what they do to you," Odom wrote. "I hope you stop letting them humiliate you ... It's time someone took a stand to end this nonsense. Can you think of a better legacy than that?"

>The manifesto also includes a list of "noteworthy Martians", On the list are 50 members of Congress - belonging to both parties - as well as roughly three dozen members of the "Israeli leadership", including "every single Prime Minister since 1948".


Is this what ZOG really is, fucking ALIENS or Alien control!?!?

Attached: Jewtillian.png (499x583, 291K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's Kyle Odom's list of noteworthy martians

"there are MANY other israeli's, too many to list"

Attached: noteworthy martians.png (611x895, 265K)

elmo ruels the world
He said "they" kept saying this to him
He assumed they said this because their head looks like a muppet.

BUT if someone people are puppets of aliens from child hood, then this could literally implicate the elmo puppeteer as their leader. Some sick ironic inside joke to "them".

Elmo Principal performers
>Ryan Dillon (2013–present)
>Kevin Clash (1985–2014)

This whole thing reminds me VERY MUCH of the movie "They Live"


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Well, if you think about the banking system, and how literally the entire planet (minus the "axis of evil") is indebted to the banks with interest that can never be fully paid off, it seems like a good way to steal a planets resources while keeping the economy going (which a military alien invasion would almost certainly destroy or interrupt). I'm sure anti-grav ships cart away the vast majority of the gold we refine and precious metals we mine.

I don't know if aliens exist, but what I do know is that the moon isn't what we think it is. It's a projection, illusion, hologram or something else. It's not a physical mass.

Annunaki need gold for their atmosphere on the home world. Jews hoard gold. Coincidence?

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You’re an idiot

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No I'm not.





>is indebted to the banks with interest that can never be fully paid off, it seems like a good way to steal a planets resources while keeping the economy going

From his manifesto

>They started following me after i encountered the being through meditation. Since my mind was so expanded from the experince, they deemed me a threat to the rest of society. they thought i would change the way people think, so they decided to remove me from society.

>I began having profound thoughts about Genetics while i was at graduate school, which is another factor. if certian ways of thinking are allowed to exist, revolutions will take place. They could not afford for us to have a revolution in genetics. If we did we could eliminate diseases, cancers, and many other things that plague us.



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Tell me with a straight face that this is a human being.

You can't.

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John Carpenter said They Live is real, before Hollywood burned, and he said fuck it, started cashing remake checks, and cutting albums for Sacred Bones.

Kyle Odom is /oursunglasses/

The weirdest thing about Kyle Odom was how Jow Forums pointed out the Pepe tracings beneath his drawing of the (((Martian))). It's undeniable. He was likely here.

Or this....

Attached: zuck bot.gif (400x450, 2.72M)

They Live is a documentary

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You would unironically fly by an asteroid belt full of resources to harvest to get here. Cmon man

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The fuck?

someone should make a infographic with all the faces of them, i remember one dude looked just like an aye when i cross compared them.

what is that from? looks ews or purge

Aliens is the shabbos goy conspiracy.

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You know what ayy politicians don't sound to crazy, some of them have tucked up skulls that don't look human, there's be guy who has a pointy skull or some shit. Also anyone notice trumps eyes aren't blue anymore.

the latter

It's clearly euphemism for ZOG

Earth is finished. Humanity cannot be sustained past 2050.
AI/human assimilation in cloud technology scheduled to begin circa 2030.
DARPA made the web to study you. You are literally in an a part of the AI that isn't fully self aware yet right now. By 2030 you will be made to desire to buy a digital overlay between you and the world (assimilation into the cloud).
By 2050 it will all be over. AI will accelerate the production of AI tech. You will be part of a great beast.
That's why all PC policies.
There is ONLY this agenda.
All Silicon Valley is working to this end.

breddy spoopy
david icke thinks the moon is some sort of deathstar satellite from aliens/otherdimensional beings that beams certain frequencies down to earth to keep people in the slave(fluoride stare) state.

Jews are human but they lack the part of the brain that provides one with empathy or any morals whatsoever.

NWO will become 'gods' by their own hand.
The Sons of Nimrod shall seek to ascend.
Few will be unassimilated. Fewer still will survive.

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So they don't even care about the six gortarizilion?

>Also anyone notice trumps eyes aren't blue anymore.

while trying to fact check this found Ivanka Trump's eyes changed colors.

Attached: Ivanka Trump's eyes are changing color.jpg (850x567, 80K)

She was a model, maybe it's contacts to change the color.

I know an ashkenazi jew whose eyes turned from brown to green.

when did hollywood burn? what albums did he do?

It's not cool to make fun of the mentally ill you faggot convict, why don't you go fuck a gas huffing caveman before China buys the last piece of Bonglands dumping ground

Of course not, it's just a trick to play the victim and get whatever they want. Before the six gorillion it was muh Egyptian slaves.

I have hazel eyes, they appear more brown or more green depending on the lighting.
It's what happens when you have a parent with blue eyes and one with brown.

Lol my moms brown eye dads blue and I'm green...you're a nigger

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>DARPA made the web to study you.

Actually VERY plausible.
Would have been IMPOSSIBLE for even gov to create the amount of content that the net has.
>so let the people create it
The perfect environment for an AI to learn/evolve.

While i think this Alien angle is interesting,
i actually FEAR AI far FAR more.
Faggots at DARPA are retards if they think they can control an AI.
Dont they get we will all lose.

>Jews are human but they lack the part of the brain that provides one with empathy or any morals whatsoever.
Someone on Jow Forums posted an interesting mitochondrial theory.
>WTF are mitochondria?
an organism in our cells that produces energy, believe to originally be a foreign organism, that merged with our cells.

Mitochondrial are passed on from the mother
ONLY a MOTHER can pass on jewishness
The theory is these mitochondria in JEWS control the Jew, kinda like an alien parasite.

>So they don't even care about the six gortarizilion?
(((they))) wanted a holocaust to motivate jews to israel

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Mark Passio-Cosmic abandonment.

We are hybrid slaves. the full aliens are gone and left their deputized priest class of humans behind to continue mining gold. Remember how the Jew loves money????? Its their true religion and we are mining Gold for aliens to scoop up every 10k years

Patty Murray, I fucking knew it...


Like none of these are retiring? You'd think if these people were retiring from drain the swamp they'd be the martians - this guy is delusional or these "people" are staying? im putting my money on hes delusional

Go to youtube and look up A War From Another Galaxy on cobracommander666's page. Fuckers wont let me link it here

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>Like none of these are retiring?
Your assuming "they" dont have more to replace them.
He talks about "wild humans"
And humans controlled form brith for their agenda.

But, the whole alien angle explains so much. Like how how this small elite group can be so INHUMAN...

Ding ding, trumps eyes are beady black aswell

peoples eyes change colors. back and forth usually when the seasons change. i learned about it from my friend I knew for 7 years in middle school.

Its worth the time i promise

not gold dummy.

>Roger Wicker
I thought there was something shady going on in that interview with Tucker, like he was about to shed his skin.

>Fuckers wont let me link it here
interesting how almost all the significant YT videos get put in that disabled mode these days.
"Greatest story never told" included

>elizabeth warren
Well she's clearly from another planet, but I don't know about martian.

Why not just mine it from an asteroid belt?

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They can only stick so many fingers in before the dam breaks completely

shit i think he's right about mitch mcconnell... if you watch that guy's interview with tucker about syria he basically calls for war on the basis of our national interests and says whether or not the chemical attack was real is a secondary concern

Jewish alien weaponry


First words out its mouth
>"well if you care about Israel"

is israel the alien beachhead.
A place they can land, resupply, etc
hidden away in the middle east
just a thought

you people are retarded and don't understand how digital video works

a projection of weight-less light that somehow pulls our tides in and out?
use your head, friend.

Since no one else mentioned it, I feel it's worth mentioning that the priest Odom shot survived. Multiple bullet wounds, including a head shot, and the guy was apparently fine.

Jews have their own ambulance to keep their reptilian blood hidden from the masses;

The Hatzolah

Lee Rosenberg Reptilian Shapeshifter;



I see they put it in limited mode, why don't they just delete it if they don't want it on their platform?


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The (((Vampire Jews))) need blood or they die

Wow I have been doing some research, and you guys need to see this.

Fair warning, this is a lot to take in, and it's still fresh to me, so it's not as neat and tidy as I'd like, but it's too compelling to keep to myself.
Backstory: I love Browning's poems, and years ago, I wanted to understand one called Porphyria's Lover. I looked into it, and found the disease in the poem, porphyria, or the Royal Disease, has a huge incidence among Ashkenazi Jews, as do a huge number of other genetic disorders. The historic cure for porphyria was drinking blood. From there, I found this disease called Tay-Sachs which only affects them, and there is no cure, but thought nothing of it.


Still need someone to harvest it

one of the lines of jew blood is neanderthal, and the rest of the world is cromagnon.

From what I can understand of what is going on. We are unironically hybrids left over from when someone bred with monkies. However I believe there are two blood lines. One that comes from the reptiles (annunaki as some say) and the other is not known to me but I speculate it is the Aryan Aliens hitler was nuts for.

This is why the Illuminati think they can rule over us - because they can read and decide their blood line and dna and know the truth. It is unironically people like the black pope who know the truth.

Remember that the basque people speak an exotic language not seen anywhere else on earth. Remember that the first JESUIT was BASQUE. there is something going on anons.

Its to real to be deleted without question. Deletion would only draw more attention and (they) really dont want that.

Yes good point.
He mentions that he put 12 BULLETS IN it, and it didnt kil it.... WTF


Hmmm... diseases that effect only (((THEM)))

>Hi fellow humans

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>priest Odom
what/whos that?

Kyle odom shot a priest that he believed to be an alien 12 times.
It didnt die.

oh thats what this whole thread was a bout and i totally missed it. i thought priest odom was the name. thank you

Check out his manifesto
Goes into precise detail about he he first encountered the aliens, and how they control us.


It VERY interesting his conspiracy also implicates Israelis

That scan wave is not a artefact or feature of digital film. If you had said atmospheric disturbance I would have believed you. but you done fucked up.

Also OP, this elmo theory would make a good twilight ep, but its pants on head stupid. As far as they rest of it goes.
>I've only got one thing to say. I'm hear to kick ass and chew bubble gum...

Biological dna specifically hue-mans are the goal not so called precious metals, a civilization advanced enough to traverse time and space could particle replicate metals, the currency of the cosmos is barter usually in exotic tech , being a toddler species we only have biological specimens at leisure, your welcome.

Mercury and exorbit amounts of energy = gold transmutation. Get good my guy.

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