Why does Jow Forums love this whore?
She's literally a single mom, a divorced whore yet Jow Forums can't stop using her image as a symbol of "traditionalism"
Is this what traditionalism is for you faggots?
Just being a pretty blonde? That's all it takes?
Why does Jow Forums love this whore?
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Leave mummy alone, you twat.
Jow Forums is just using her as a reference. The goal is to mould a default woman for whatever 3D machine they think is going to exist in the near future. Sad, really.
She's a fucking Russian and crippled. I hate the cunt.
Russians,Ukrainians, slavs have the highest divorce rate
Literally not her fault she's surrounded by vodkaniggers.
When we have the technology the dream shall be fulfilled.
I love mummy, But i'll post this one here for you, user.
I can be the man in her life desu
lel in America nobody even gets married, they just fuck everything and have single moms everywhere
All people are affected by all this Jew degeneracy you retard, we have to live in this World.
But what matters is that she is doing her part to make sure that the next generations are less Jewed and more based, this is what matters.
>Jow Forums manages to do impressive mental gymnastic to justify their favourite whore.
not surprised.
She sends out love
>sends out love by showing how she tries to be a stronk womyn
10 bucks her daughter ends up fucking a nigger or a chechen
She is so aesthetically pleasing
at this point in history any woman of fame will be at most a tradthot
>I base my ideology on a pretty face
LOL why are you so salty beanerbro?
Did you get tossed over the border again?
>please dont insult my tradthot or i'll call you a beaner
If i were in your side of the border there would be 1 more functional family, not that you understand that.
But are Russian men driven to drink by fierce screaming Russian bitches?
their women aren't exactly good
I don't know about you gents but I sure would like to put my penis in and around hey body if you catch my drift
>only dates alpha's
there you go pussy you found the one who doesn't have any problems
How scared are you these days to push this shit?
I'd like to rape her in front of putin and her daughter and stream it to Jow Forums, if you know what i'm saying
it became a meme after one obsessed britbong kept posting pics of her
>Why does Jow Forums love this whore?
She is a cute meme
>Is this what traditionalism is for you faggots?
>Just being a pretty blonde? That's all it takes?
yes, you have deciphered the code of life
No better than Lauren.
>maybe if i pose with traditional symbols they'll forget that i'm just a single mother with only 1 child that won't be able to have another ever again
scared of what?
I called first go taco paco, you ain't jumping this queue
there's nothing traditional about her. she seems publicly religious and doesn't dress like a whore, i guess, so that's good. you can see why Jow Forumsacks would like her. anyway, sage.
that's awesome, I don't recall it reaching these levels of win.
She's ugly. Never see anyone state this, always waiting.
I don't even fell particularly attracted to her (not my type) but she is a good example for the Russian girls so they don't become like our internationalist, leftwing/do-goodist, shallow, infertile whores.
checked. also she reminds me of that guy from the office, same shit-eating grin.
>she is a good example
>by only having 1 daughter that will 100% become a coal burner, divorcing, not being able to have more kids, being nothing but putin's go to whore
well, now that i think she really acts russian
Her face is partially paralyzed because the Ukrainian mafia beat the crap out of her as retaliation for her anti-mafia activities.
It is because beta faggots think that she had it rough in life and that she is single mother because of some evil guy, but it is just because of her wrong life choices
Those beta faggots want to take care of her and imagine being her guy, but in fact her life is just like that, because she didn't choose to start traditional and stable family
Therefore she is hypocritical cunt, but no one will admit this here, just because it is attack on the 'saint mommy"
Yet on other side attacking everyone, who are traditional, because they aren't good enough is just backwards, because it leaves no hope and shows that even role models are with lots of faults, so why enyone should try to hold traditional views if everyone is failing?
Fuck this shit it is depressing
Have a thicc hue for a good insight.
bianca anchieta btw
She didn't have it easy...she conducted dangerous anti-mafia activities and one day she was found nearly dead in the entrance of her house.
As for everything else you wrote i agree, we are ALL jewed to some extent and we should try to make the next generation less jewed.
Aren't there photos of her doing lines of coke?
>Just being a pretty blonde? That's all it takes?
plus propaganda around 2014 was very strong, all those fb and twitter bots were promoting her
all Russians hate her
every single one
maria and nick look like maria and nick but that painting is pretty much nigger tier
You're a fuckfilled faggot degenerate.
beggars can't be choosers
>Have a thicc hue for a good insight.
I'll take a thicc hue over a slavette desu, paco.
putin bots spam her pictures
everyone else doesn't care
>he's a spic
You lost right from the beginning faggot
>in ukraine/russia
Why hello thar
>Jow Forums can't stop using her image as a symbol of "traditionalism"
When has Jow Forums ever done that?
it's few people obsessing over her, it's not Jow Forums moron
Shut up leaf