Lesbians in Brisbane Australia Awaken to Hateful Note, Tires Slashed

Kate and Jenny (not their real names) found the typed-out note outside their home to the north of Brisbane this past Wednesday morning.

"If it was when we were in bed, then it was right outside our window and our window was open, and that sort of freaks us out that someone was there with a knife.

"Forensic police came around to take photos and prints, and they said they hadn't seen a note like that."

The couple, who have been together for three years, have only been at the address, on the Redcliffe peninsula, for the past 10 months.

They said they have no idea who could have done it.

Jenny said as a result of the incident they have already installed security lights and security cameras, and will be getting quotes for fencing.

"We just don't have the money for it, but we've got to do them," Jenny said.

"We haven't opened the bedroom window at night since it happened, because we're worried to do that.


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In 99% of these cases brought to the media it's always discovered the 'victim' was the perp.

Lets wait and see how long before it's discovered they did it all themselves.

Fuck off bigots

this. my money is on the dykes.

>Note typed up in the format of an indiscriminate letter-drop flyer.
>Only one such note located.
>Just happens to be at a lesbian's house

My money is also on one of the deranged lesbians.

Start the timer.

It was them, case closed

I love how degenerates and niggers make their butthurt threads on this hole site thinking people like me will have any sympathy for them.


Nice try shill. Your post doesn't even make sense. Keep trying

Lately it seems like these “hate crimes” with notes and messages that hit the media tend to be the people doing it to themselves for attention and propaganda. Anymore my default stance is it’s staged until proven otherwise.

it's amazing how often a liberal is assaulted in such a way that leaves no evidence whatsoever as to the identity of the assailant

Hey rug muncher, whatchya doin?

I dunno, usually when the victim is also the perpetrator they can't resist glamorising their lifestyle, but in this case everything they said was spot on

forged and homosexual

this, i'll say this, as a flaming faggot of the LGBTQA community, this seems like it was staged.
who knows maybe it wasnt

discord gg/Rma4vd

add a .

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Gee, i wonder who could be behind this?

when will people stop being so fucking tsuntsun
yuri is the purest form of love

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The important question is if these lesbo chicks are hot and are lipstick lesbians or if they hairy armpit, fat man hating lesbos. If they are lipstick lesbo this should be investigated, if not the police should rum them out of town and make them live in the outback.

I miss common filth

>We just don't have the money for it, but we've got to do them
how long before they start a gofundme? this is a fake flag to get shekels

I would love to throw you off a building

fag enablers get the nose too

I instantly went to this, but then I read the note. It seems far too real to be done by the "victims". Normally these types can't resist putting in some spelling mistakes or grammatical errors to perpetuate that "le dumb bigot lmao" meme (i.e. those swastika and "guy calls a sikh a muslim lmao" false flags).

most likely faggot false flag but if not it's nice to see the natural immune system of communities kicking in

Fake note, fake news


i'm banned from that discord

Almost always.


don't remember, it was a long time ago. joined and started fucking with people.

Here's the cold hard truth.
Nobody actually gives enough of a fuck about you to write you a hate letter and slash your tires. And we ALL know it. You could both die tomorrow and no one would give a shit? Why? Because you're worthless. You're part of a surplus of bodies that are used to make powerful people more powerful and that is it. Barely livestock.

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