Original Thread: Kanye did it. We are nearing a tipping point. Public discussion of the JQ is no more than one decade away.
so if they're helping us pull our asses out of the fire what do we do after? Lincoln's plan?
>super obvious kike shill with the memeflag that didn't even know how to greentext from the other thread in
It's confirmed, Kanye will be at Unite The Right 2.
Dance Dance Revolution?
Give em Louisiana and a couple of surrounding states and give big lump sums to the new nation's government. Or send them to Africa, but make sure American blacks are a majority in that new state unlike Liberia.
>Public discussion of the JQ is no more than one decade away.
What? We're already there dumby. I mean aside from the EU but they're dead already anyway.
Whenever people:
A) Support ethnonationalism in other groups.
B) Without civic nationalism
C) Present nuance in undestanding simple statistical concepts in HBD:
(The means are different, but that does not negate that individuals exist on a curve)
those things are considered dangerous wrongthink and are targeted accordingly.
also, note Ben Shapiro is already on damage-control
Use Anti-White as the rhetoric instead of Dems are the real racists.
I haven't seen liberals this angry in a LONG time. Probably not since Trump won.
Kanye is one of the most respected figures in Jewish media. Low-IQ niggers and basic bitches love his shitty music and stupid attitude.
Libshits are losing it right now. What a fucking crushing blow, could you imagine? Holy shit. Hollywood and tech is all they have left, and now KANYE WEST is turning on them. This is incredible
The kikes never fail to subvert and divide. It's amazing to me at this point how cunning they are.
Fucking memeflag
Why do Americans/ Jow Forums care so much about the lgbt issue? It isn't even an afterthought in the rest of the world.
>shitty music and stupid attitude
Kanye's better than a lot of white artists, and I'm being completely honest. It's even better for the right that someone that's actually talented and significant has turned to the good side.
Thank you for counter-false-flagging.
Holy shit Shapiro is so butthurt
he's mad that Trump is winning the culture war for the right-wing for the first time in like 60 years.
Fucking kike needs to have a date with an oven
Tucker really pushed the envelope on this when that zog minion said we need to strike Syria for Israel and Tucker asked "How does that help US?"
The narrative is whatever helps Israel helps US. Tucker broke right through that. Only a matter of time now before we start questioning entire underpinnings of our foreign policy, which is going to come with a lot of establishment kvetching since congress is half Israeli/US dual citizens (which is an absurd concept in the first place, most countries don't allow dual citizenships, you can only pledge your allegiance to one country after all).
Kanye is essentially one of the original NEETs and has been his whole life. Let me explain:
- In interviews he’s talked about experimenting with game development in the 80s. He made a game with an 8-bit penis.
- He had access to computers early on his life because his momma worked at a university.
- Before becoming a rapper he was a prolific music producer, using early music production software to create loops and beats with chopped up soul samples from his record collection. Music producers are infamous for sitting on a computer all day, on par with movie editors and second only to game devs.
- he was absolutely devastated when his momma died
- he has probably listened to death grips before
- he has various autismal meltdowns in his life
- various pundits have suggested that he could have Aspergers.
- he was the first American mainstream pop or hip-hop artist to introduce Japanese pop-art and anime into his aesthetics as far back as 2007. It was still considered niche then.
God bless Tucker. Bless his soul.
>Which one of you fucking NEETS is this? Who's undercover shlomoing Japan for diversity? Speak up.
Still looking for an answer. Could it be that this really is /blackpol/???
Was that Ben Shapiro shilling in the last thread with that nazi meme flag? Holy shit.
He is also considerably red-pilled:
- Working within the music industry and being exposed to the upper-echelons of American society, Kanye would have had to deal with Jews many of times and would at least be wary of them by now.
- in an interview he said that “racist” is just a term to discredit and defame people
- there has been a couple of times in his life where he has dropped the JQ. Once most recently in his song Saint Pablo where he says “the Jews share there truth on how to make a dime.” Another time in an interview where he suggested Jews have great connections. And a famous crypto reference he made in his song Flasing Lights where he complained “Then I got flashed by the paparazzi, damn... these niggas got me, I hate THESE niggas more than than the nazis”. There is a disproportionate amount of Jews in the paparazzi, and the ADL are well aware of this and spazzed out about it.
- he bemoaned the death of Michael Jackson when no one else would. He saw through the Jewish lies about him and knew it was the Jews that had him killed because of what he was saying about them.
The Jews hate him:
- He is a god-fearing Christian man that talks about Jesus and God a lot on his music. For example is breakthrough hit Jesus Walks.
One of his most common themes is being in conflict with God: knowingly betraying the word of God, thinking he’s better than God or he is a God, but it is usually him playing a character to demonstrate what he considers wrong or because he considers himself an imperfect and flawed man
- He has become such a powerful force within the zeitgeist and is so well known and successful that he know longer needs the Jews to maintain his life. He is unshackled.
>Public discussion of the JQ is no more than one decade away.
3 years.
Screencap this post everyone.
hahahaha. Jokes aside, Shapiro is way too smart to act like that. Note how he positions himself to discredit Kanye on whatever dangerous wrongthink he might present in the upcoming weeks
>Kanye's better than a lot of white artists, and I'm being completely honest. It's even better for the right that someone that's actually talented and significant has turned to the good side.
Nah kanye's music is horseshit
Everything about him is stupid, retarded, and kikey. But if he pushes the overton window even a little bit to the right, it's a victory
You can gauge how much damage this is doing by how upset the left is.
>anno domini 2018
>Jow Forums still believes anyone in hollywood isn't 100% fake
he's releasing a new album you fucking retards
So close.
>>Kanye's better than a lot of white artists, and I'm being completely honest. It's even better for the right that someone that's actually talented and significant has turned to the good side.
>Nah kanye's music is horseshit
The fact that
>his music is horseshit
does not negate
>Kanye's better than a lot of white artists
just an FYI. Most modern music is horseshit. some if it is fun.
so did Eminem. How did work out for him?
>>Kanye's better than a lot of white artists
I don't know what your taste in music is, but this is definitely not true.
I even know a few other blacks who make better music than Kanye imo
For me it's not about faggots or trannies in and of themselves. Its push mental illness as normalcy to breakdown society. Aside from that I dont care what fags do.
This album better be the shit.
>tfw you finally see the scheme
Kanye is riding the Trump wave to sell his album to people by pretending to be the based black guy.
Calling it now.
I was wondering why every rabbi and his uncle was pushing this nonsense.
>Fox News: Kanye West professes 'love' for Donald Trump, criticizes Obama
Ohhhhhhhhh boy get that popcorn ready, people, we gonna see a bunch of red pilled black folk soon and a bunch of white rich liberals calling them dirt and nazis
>I don't know what your taste in music is, but this is definitely not true.
>I even know a few other blacks who make better music than Kanye imo
bro I am sorry your deductive logic is pretty shit. Just re-read what I wrote. Kanye is better than SOME white artists. There are a lot of really really REALLY shitty white artists. Kanye's music is better than them. It doesn't mean it's good.
What is the average ethnonationalist's thought on this?
>whites and based black people unite aroud 2 things: hatred of jews and white women (outside of sex)
god has a sense of humor
He'll name the Jew at least once on it.
They gonna kill Kanye like they did Tupac and Biggie.
What did 2pac and Biggie know?
(((they))) put him in the mental hospital the last time he spoke out
im really suprised tucker is able to deviate from the narrative that much. (((they))) must be trying to figure out how to get him off tv now since hes a bad goy
They knew the DNC was wanting a cradle to grave welfare bloc.
Bet you are bitch, and a total faggot IRL.
She still has good cheek bones and cute hair
behead those who blaspheme goddess venti
>you don't like the king of all BASED BLACKS?
>i spread my asshole for based KANYE any day
>Saves pictures of weirdos
Yup, called it; A Faggot
damn she looks cute there too
Convert to ventism now or do it by the sword later
LOL I love Kanye dipshit, I think you are a bitch and faggot though.
No thank you I'm not a 12 and worship attention whores
>Ben Shapiro
This neocon piece of shit carrying water for the Hoover Institution...
No one wants 1980s policy for the 21st century.
Based black man
>Kanye wants to deprogram people
>"I Love Donald Trump" - Kanye West
Some radio guy interviewed Kanye about this
people are freaking out kek
>he isn't a believer in ventism
slaughter the heretics
She's a talentless pair of tits.
>LOL I love Kanye dipshit,
>No thank you I'm not a 12 and worship attention whores
t. butthurt roastie
Kanye is a good egg. Anyone who says otherwise is part of ZOG
After I watched this butthurt cryptokike I knew we were winning
This entire panel is on suicide watch
Go away, Brittany.
Fucking snapchat filters and make up should be banned
yeah, she looks like the kind of whores you abuse from PoF or Tinder.
I don't see anything special about someone like her.... but whatever makes you cum, faggot
her show is pretty funny sometimes desu
also nice to have on in the background her voice and mannerisms are comfy
>yeah, she looks like the kind of whores you abuse from PoF or Tinder.
I fucking wish, you don't even see goddesses like this IRL too often
nah I like em
the eternal butthurt roastie
Bring em' over to our side
time to build an army of BASED blacks
She would be better off if she was dumb
>get back here we got foodstamps
>I fucking wish, you don't even see goddesses like this IRL too often
JQ? What’s that?
Ye wrote this? It’s based as fuck. I don’t ever want my kid getting taught this, I don’t care if they make their own choices in their teens.
Black people waking up to the JQ would be the end of Zionism in America
Jow Forums we need to use all of our autism and meme magic to meme this into reality
Start making redpills, collecting them from other anons, we need to redpill the blacks on the Jews.
We also need to think of an "It's Okay to be White"-tier good idea for this. This could be one of the most impactful things Jow Forums has ever done.
I'll start by uploading all I have regarding Jewish influence on Blacks, everyone else should do the same. We need to get these on twitter and black forums.
We can do this
it's a great time to be alive
>Filters = maxed
yall need to stop sucking Kanye's dick
not even /mu/tants go this far
Jewish Question
Can you imagine being a male Democrat in the first place? What a thing to be.
I unironically agree with all of this.
Jow Forums chugging a black mans limp dick because hurrr trump
wow you just when i think you guys cant get more pathetic you outdo yourselves. kudos i guess
The correct English translation would be the Jewish issue
See basically there was a stigma for talking against jews back then
So the nazis used to say "the jewish question is the one that is never asked"
^ Goebbels' essay "The Jew" from Der Angriff
"Everything is discussed openly in Germany and every German claims the right to have an opinion on any and all questions. One is Catholic, the other Protestant, one an employee, the other an employer, a capitalist, a socialist, a democrat, an aristocrat. There is nothing dishonorable about choosing one side or the other of a question. Discussions happen in public and where matters are unclear or confused one settles it by argument and counter argument. But there is one problem that is not discussed publicly, one that it is delicate even to mention: the Jewish question. It is taboo in our republic."
We discuss the Jew here now and how not to succumb to their evil trickery.
>watch my show and give me money because BOOBS
>no talent
>no marketable skills
>no original ideas
>literally just a pair of tits
And I'M the roastie? If I was a woman, I would take that as a compliment compared to whatever Brittany Venti is.
Oh right, a prostitute. She's a prostitute.