It was occupy Wall Street and "Hacktivist" who pushed the left to get Obama elected twice

It was occupy Wall Street and "Hacktivist" who pushed the left to get Obama elected twice.
Now it was the "Alt-Right" to push the right to get Trump elected.
Is this the new cyberwarfare?
And who the fuck is really behind this?
It is blatantly obvious now.

Attached: 1524279396536.gif (500x251, 1.96M)

Other urls found in this thread:

OP is a giant fag. This is an obvious attempt at demoralization. You've lost. Fuck off.

How? I voted for Trump fagget.
Occupy Wall Street was pro left and supported progressive ideology. So explain the difference fag

>And who the fuck is really behind this?

Attached: BMA apostles.png (499x499, 124K)

>It was occupy Wall Street and "Hacktivist" who pushed the left to get Obama elected twice.
Nah.. recession and anti-Iraq war sentiment meant Republicans had no chance

You definitely didn't create that. Just like all the other memes you stole from a Anonymous source, nigger.

So Iraw war and liberal Marxist commies hating neo cons because their professors said so?
No wonder my Gen sucks. Fuck millinials.

Also, you just explained what Trump ran on. Except he had the "Alt-Right" meme machine. Not the "Anonymous" meme machine. See the similarities..

Generally there's a party switch after 8 year presidencies. The trend isn't new

Everyone I support wins.

But the similarities used to get supporters is startling. The cbridge analytical data was used by Obama and purchased by Trump, but Trump claims they didn't use it.

1921 - 1933 R
1933 - 1953 D
1953 - 1961 R
1961 - 1969 D
1969 - 1977 R
1977 - 1981 D
1981 - 1993 R
1993 - 2001 D
2001 - 2009 R
2009 - 2017 D
2017 R

>two candidates used new technology to win after it was invented
truly shocking discovery! next you're going to tell me Presidential campaigns used telephones after they were invented

>it's different! Cambridge Analytica Data is illegal/hacking/spying
no, it's not. that's just what the retarded boomer media says. Obama used "scraped" info and Trump used data that was collected after boomers hit "yes" to "Allow 'WHICH GAME OF THRONES CHARACTER ARE YOU??!?' to use your personal data"

I'm not claiming anything. It's the similarities. This shit is brainwashing

You can call literally anything brainwashing. Technically you're brainwashing me right now and I'm counter-brainwashing

Your suppose to convince me the Jews are behind it, kike.

Globalist Jews backed Obama and Zionist Jews backed Trump

there you go

it is just fop and whim and trends and fashion and memes and the stream of collective consciousness drowning us.

Attached: 1498561119831.jpg (752x570, 32K)

Def. some serious Psy op shit going on. But I guess that's why I love the internet.

Thank you, Senpai.

>And who the fuck is really behind this?
weev (he was a founder of occupy wallstreet and switched to the right later)

didn't weev turn into a baked alaska lolcow participant

I thought Sabu was and lulzsec.. I thought weev was a fall Jew.

>a Anonymous source
There's that 113 ashy nazi IQ hard at work again, Schlomo.

Attached: concentration vs death.jpg (542x1099, 270K)
